Hal's Commentary on the Situation - Wow!!!

The full article is here:


I highly suggest reading his entire article, but I couldn't resist quoting this part: 


"For weeks, all of us been told by the likes of Joe Biden, his Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and an almost endless cadre of government officials, former military officers and academics through their assorted Twitter feeds, and media reporters, that "RUSSIA is going to attack."

Yet now, what do we see?  It is UKRAINE that is attacking!

Ukraine is attacking Donetsk and Luhansk.

Ukraine is making it necessary for tens-of-thousands of people to immediately evacuate Luhansk and Donetsk.

Gee, government and media people, how did you get this so backwards?   How is it that the only entity attacking anyone is UKRAINE?

And while we're at it, how is Ukraine conducting these attacks?  Where did all the military hardware and troops come from?   

Oh, wait, I know . . . the troops and military hardware was MASSED BY UKRAINE months ago, which, incidentally, is why Russia began massing troops on its side of the border. 

.Yet despite the fact that UKRAINE massed upwards of 100,000 troops, hundreds of tanks and artillery and armored personnel carriers, it was only __ ME __ who reported it.   

For MONTHS, I have been the ONLY major media outlet in the entire United States or Europe that has been consistently reporting the UKRAINE was massing for a fight.

But you folks in government, you former military officers commenting on places like Twitter, you Academics from International Organizations, and you media lapdogs never once reported that.   You never once told the American or European public that it was Ukraine preparing to wage war against Luhansk and Donetsk.  No, you kept that conveniently quiet.

And do you know why you kept it quiet?  Because you U.S. government officials, you former military officers, you Academics from International organizations, and you mass-media lapdogs, are lying, scumbag, pieces of shit.  

Whooooaaaa!   Did I just say that in print for all the world to see?  Why, yes.  I did.

Don't like it?  Fuck you.

You've deliberately concealed the facts.  You deliberately concealed that it's been Ukraine all along that has been setting the stage for battle.   You concealed that it has been Ukraine all along preparing to perpetrate ethnic cleansing of Russian-speaking citizens in the eastern part of that country.  You concealed that the hatred of ethnic Russians has gotten so obsessive, Ukraine even OUTLAWED SPEAKING RUSSIAN in the country.

You concealed it was the United States and the European Union that fomented, financed and incited the forcible overthrow of Democratically-elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich in the year 2014, and financed the installation of a puppet government in Kiev, to do the bidding of the West.  You concealed that you did these things in order to install a government favorable to the US and to the EU, so Ukraine could join NATO, and then NATO could install US missile defenses on Ukrainian territory.   

You concealed the desperate pleas of Russian President Putin, who told the world repeatedly,. literally FOR YEARS, that those American missile defenses could be retrofitted within one hour, changing their conventional warheads into nuclear warheads and the retrofit could be done while the missiles remained in their launchers so no one would know the missiles had been converted from defensive to offensive.

You concealed that those missiles would have a flight time of only five minutes to Moscow, and only about 7 minutes to Russia's strategic nuclear missile silos.

You concealed that Russia was pleading publicly that they could not tolerate the placement of such missile in Ukraine because Russia could not defend against missiles that were only in the air for five minutes.  

You concealed that those missiles would be an existential threat to Russia, one they could not tolerate.

And you concealed all this, literally for YEARS; instead reporting tripe that it was Russia causing a lot of trouble.

Instead, you falsely portrayed Russian President Vladimir Putin as the aggressor.  You falsely portrayed Russia as wanting to recreate the former Soviet Union.   Yet none of that was true.

The worst part was - all of you KNEW it wasn't true, but you said it anyway.   You intentionally deceived countless people in the USA and worldwide.

Tell me, why shouldn't people come to your house, drag you out by your hair, and beat the living shit out of you on your own front porch for being lying, pieces of shit, motherfuckers, who are starting an actual world war by intentional lies?"


My response: 



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