The Master Agenda Behind All Agendas

People are told that they must constantly do things they don't want to do, and their resulting unhappiness is treated as arbitrary.  The secret is that their unhappiness is not secondary, but is primary.  The real focus of the negative forces is to make people as unhappy as possible as often as possible. 

I look at the world, and all its insanity, and all of my own insanity, and it all really just comes down to this:  suffering/misery/unhappiness.  

Why do the negative forces attack the family unit so much?  A non-dysfunctional family unit is happy.   

Why all the covid insanity in all its forms?  What's all of this really for?  Unhappiness.

With various 'stuff' I am exposed to, I now often ask the question, "Is this just trying to make me unhappy, and if so, how?"   

The surface population is finding it painful to wake up to some very ugly truths, but this is uniting humanity to liberate the planet.  Unity within the surface population creates happiness.

Ultimately, the negative forces don't want us all to die because they need our loosh.  Realizing this can allow people to break free from being livestock loosh generators. 

Think about it.  When's the last time you were actually truly happy and carefree?  With all this insanity in the world, when's the last time you actually truly felt happy?  

The master agenda behind all agendas is to create unhappiness.  I analyzed the many ways this is accomplished by the negative forces this morning, and I was amazed by their countless methods.  I could see the entire matrix centered around loosh.  That's what it's all really about.

I could talk about so many different negative agendas going on right now.  I could rant endlessly about all the problems in the world.  Yet, it's all the same in the end, because it all comes down to one thing - unhappiness.  

Don't give the negative forces what they want.  Be a light that shines.  Be happy.




  1. Yes, Yes, and Hell Yes! Beautifully put. It's an act of rebellion... stubbornly refusing to allow anything outside of yourself to pull you down. As aspiration, as least ;)


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