Update - No More Holding Back

By being more and more present recently, my abilities have been increasing.  I'm not sure what I should and should not reveal anymore.  I may just start making posts without holding anything back.

I dreamed of calling an ET craft early yesterday morning, and the craft came down.  The craft started out as a triangle, but then had golden lights that were rotating and became circular in shape.  This unfortunately mixed with 'other stuff.'  The craft cloaked itself as I tried to find it, and then I was at my workplace, hearing conflicting thought-forms from people.  Then I had a vision of a man being cut open from the center of his body, starting from the center of his neck downward while he was awake.  This dream had a very positive aspect, only to be ruined by the foul actions of others.

My feeling lately has been that other people are interfering with First Contact.  I feel as though I have no privacy from people (the public).  It's very difficult to get away from people.  Even when going out in the middle of nowhere, there are planes that fly by.  I sometimes wonder if certain people (who I don't personally know) are knowingly interfering with a possible First Contact.  Cobra mentioned that the "Dark forces on the physical plane need to lose more power" for First Contact to happen.

Back to my abilities.  My primary abilities are telepathy and precognition.  I will go into the telepathy aspect for now. 

I was cashiering a customer the other day and started to think about being at the dentist out of nowhere.  Then this customer started talking about just being at the dentist and having a sore mouth.  I can't just ask a person to pick a number between 1 and 1000 and then know the number.  There has to be an emotional impact behind the thought for me to be able to pick it up.  Having a sore mouth from the dentist is a kind of emotion, as pain can be considered to be an emotion.

I can't pick up on everyone.  This comes and goes.  Sometimes I can focus the ability, and other times it's random.  

I can sometimes hear too many thought-forms when waking up from sleep.  My situation can be like this, where too much comes through:  (For some reason the timestamp is not working.  Go to about 1 minute and 35 seconds.) 


I'm not disabled like this though, as the thought-forms bombarding me cease when I am fully awake.
I can also see thought-forms without knowing what they are, as 'light-dots' that show up in my vision.  I suspect that when I see these dots that they are from other people having thoughts about me.  Red dots are angry.  Grey dots are neutral.  There are many other colors of dots, but I'm uncertain about their natures.  One particularly troublesome one is the U-turn shape I wrote about in a previous post.  I still don't know what this means or who it's coming from.  It fortunately shows up less often than before.  
There are privacy concerns for people when I pick up on them.  I need to learn to have an on/off switch.  I should not be trying to read everyone I come into contact with.  Plus, silence is very important.  There's too much noise inside people's heads, and I often don't want to know what they are thinking.  Telepathy with positive Ets would be something to strive for, if they are willing.  Come to think of it, I've had some interesting visions in the past that may have been from Et sources.

I will continue to become more present and activate my abilities more and more.  A part of me is frightened because this actually can be really freaky, especially since I can pick up some very horrible... stuff.  It's also very exciting to know that metaphysical abilities really do exist.  I will continue to see what other abilities I can activate as well.

To finish this update, on the subject of waiting for the world to improve, I will no longer play this game.  Some are now saying big changes will happen in March/April of this year.  Maybe they will, but the pattern is to keep saying something will happen months from now, and then months turn into years.  Remember when Drake said there would be mass arrests in April of 2020?  Remember when Wilcock made a similar claim for 2020?  Remember when people were saying the Biden administration would be removed in just a couple months after Biden was sworn in? 

Waiting mode is over.  


  1. Thank you Starlight. Hold Fast, We Are Reaching the Crescendo. This realm is going to go one way or another, so at least our wait shall be over soon. LoveYa

  2. The experience you described is very interesting.☺


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