Let's Talk about Greys (Updated)

Throughout my childhood, I had a fear of aliens, and would not sleep very well, afraid of them coming to get me.  At a certain point in my adulthood (around 2007), I would be visited by hostile greys - the ones with the large black eyes seen in movies/shows, in the dreamstate.  This was at least when I started remembering it.  

There was a time in my childhood when I had a memory lapse.  Everyone in the family got up late at night to see a lunar eclipse, and they said I got up as well, but I had absolutely no recollection.

From all the positive news from Cobra about all the clearing, I assumed that all the hostile greys had been removed, but this is not the case at all.  Also, I wonder why Cobra has never mentioned greys.

Early this morning, I was having fun in the dreamstate with some serious telekinetic powers.  There was nothing I couldn't throw around, lol!  Then all of a sudden, I was placed in a room where I saw fingers (the creepy 'salad fingers' kind) coming out behind a curtain.  Then a grey came out and walked towards me.  I immediately became paralyzed and very afraid.  They've always had the fear element in their favor. 

Every time a grey (or greys) 'visited me,' it was extremely traumatic, and I was unable to fight back.  I've never been physically abducted that I'm aware of - it's always been in the dreamstate.  However, I do believe they are very real.  They are definitely a force outside my own mind.  I don't know why I haven't mentioned it until now, but better late than never.  Maybe I didn't want people to think I'm a 'nutjob,' even among others who are open-minded to this sort of thing.  Or, maybe the greys were controlling me to not mention it.  I'm too pissed off to not mention it at this point.

The greys have been harvesting my energies in various ways over the years.  They are likely the source of many of 'my' dark thought-forms.

There appears to be one grey in particular that targets me more than the others.  

It's important for people to become aware of the greys.  I conclude that much or even all the stinging sensations from attacks, and many other attacks, are from the greys. 

I've had far more than enough of this.  

I've been targeted by them most of my life, and they have made my life quite miserable. All my life I've watched other people live their lives while mine stood still, because the greys were so power-hungry to control me.  I swear it's been them this entire time.

Setting aside my personal matters, the greys have been manipulating people's thoughts for far too long, causing people to behave in the most ridiculous ways.  It's very likely that the greys operate much of the mainstream media and get people to buy into their garbage.  The greys are extremely proficient at mind control.  They all need to be removed, and it's so very long overdue...

People can focus on bringing the Light through to remove them.  People could do meditations to send them to the Galactic Central Sun, or whatever approach works best, if chosen.  All negative greys in whatever plane they operate on need to be removed from Earth as quickly as possible. 

(There is a certain group of greys that are friendly that I encountered once.  They are of course not the problem.  People will easily be able to tell the difference by the vibes they give off.) 

(If it's not actual greys and is a psyop of some sort, this needs to be exposed immediately by insider sources.  My intuition tells me that they actually do exist as real aliens.)


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