Rare Et Intel, and My Conclusion Regarding Et Intel

There is a much less known perspective regarding Ets.  These two parts are worth reading in their entirety:



(The links take a little while to load.)

The above two links are the furthest I've ever reached online for Et information, and I thought I'd show them before moving on.  I don't mean to confuse people, but confusion is all anyone will ever find when looking at online intel regarding Ets. 

If positive Ets are real, and if they are here, then by all means, they should make themselves known.  I wouldn't be surprised that if they did make themselves known, all online intel regarding/describing them would be proven to be full of inaccuracies and outright lies.

I'm still open-minded to positive Ets being on or near Earth, but all online intel ever accomplishes anymore is to get people to not even want anything to do with them!  The solution is to not want anything to do with the online intel.  Then, when all the junk people think they know about Ets is cleared out of their minds, they can have a fresh, open, and non-distorted perspective of possible Et life.   

Or, people can go about their lives and not care, depending on their priorities.  Either way, cheers. 😎


  1. That was an interesting read.

    "So, how do you know when the valid Commonwealth will arrive and not its “Galactic Federation of Light” impostors? The latter will require your cooperation and will not touch any elites or governments. You will see officials and members of a “former Cabal” repenting and promising a better world. An operation by the G.F.L. will last a while.

    On the other hand, a Commonwealth intervention will be swift as a matter of days. Unless our leaders and YHWH surrender, they will exterminate governments and Elites responsible for the darkness of today without hesitation. "

    Preserving of governments is something I remember Cobra wanted.

    But as you said, information of this kind is like a trash choked gutter (2012Portal for starters).

    This guy for all we know could be trying to become the next Cobra who's using more cleverly worded phrases to try drag in people who by now are jaded into the realm of the thousand yard stare.

    Jim Stone has said regarding the Mayan / Aztec style Stone Head on Mars, we are not important as a species, if worlds like Mars die all the time and the Universe gets over it.

    Most I can do with this information is file it away in my head, go back, drink a beer in the evening while listening to 'This Is The End' by The Doors.

    As we saw the last 2 years, majority of the population can't get themselves out of a wet paper bag.

    1. Yeah, I found the part about there being 960 Commonwealth planets vs. the 118 traitor-occupied planets very interesting. Also interesting is that the "House of Hong" in China is shown to be at the very top of the negative hierarchy occupying Earth.

      But alas, yeah, just another one to place in the file cabinet. A screen can only take people far. Reality must do the rest.


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