Thought-Forms Heard This Morning in the Visionstate

"We are losing power."  From the negative elites?  Felt like it.   

Also some adamant voices that were in unison: "Let's go home!"  In relation to starseeds wanting to go home?  Felt like it.


  1. I hope you are correct. This mess has become so grueling...

  2. Any doubts about Light Forces preventing use of nuclear weapons should be buried for good in this video.

    The first blast can be seen by the mushroom cloud several miles higher than the cloud tops.

    The second blast (as it happens) shows the criticality flash from uncontrolled chain reaction splitting of atoms. The flash lingers longer than that of conventional explosives.

    The only point of debate is whether this was Syria or Ukraine, as Syria's internet traffic is down at this point, presumably to prevent videos like these from showing up. The only videos of this on the web now are reposts of JS' link below:

    1. Yeah, saw this one this morning at his site. The question would be, "Is this nuke a test or were people killed?" If it wasn't a nuke that caused causalities, perhaps the Light Forces wouldn't stop it? There is some evidence suggesting the Light Forces exist, such as what happened in the lake in Congo.:

      There was some sort of fire in the lake as I recall, along with the earthquakes.

    2. Hal Turner also mentioned this, saying that where it's happening and when it's happening cannot be confirmed:


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