The Primary Cause of Possession for Cobra Followers, and Moving On

Lightworkers keep having to wait for years and years for planetary liberation while doing various meditations, and the abuse and attacks continue.  This causes lightworkers to be less and less in their bodies caused by the extreme psychological and/or physical suffering.  When a person is less and less in his/her body, this allows negative entities to more easily possess him/her, which is the cause of lightworkers being possessed/infiltrated on various levels by negative entities.  

The solution is to shift focus to the physical body, as is suggested by Eckhart Tolle.  Lightworkers who are in absolute agony (myself included) can listen to Eckhart Tolle's audiobooks and talks (they can be found on youtube for free) to help to drastically negate very serious psychological problems caused by negative entity possession/influence.  The more a person inhabits their own body, the less susceptible this person will be to negative nonphysical interference.  

Again, It is suffering that causes people to be less and less in their bodies, but this can be bypassed through focusing on the physical body, which is one portal of many to be present.  Also, physical pain is actually reduced by focusing on the physical body with nonjudgmental presence. 

Cobra's latest update mentioning timeframes is not a constructive focus, because the wait (the update states continued delays even though the two timeframes were not stated to be certain) can cause more despair among lightworkers, which again, causes lightworkers to be less present in their bodies and more susceptible to negative entity possession/influence.   

Furthermore, there should be practically zero negative entities by this point in time, especially since the invisibles were stated to be cleared "in a month or so" one month ago.  My finding is that Cobra has drastically overstated the progress of the clearing of negative nonphysical entities.  For example, I saw a reptilian entity last night in the visionstate, and stinging/burning sensations continue (not all the time, but intermittently).  (My new strategy: physical stinging sensations don't have to be viewed as an attack, but can be seen through presence, which will negate mental frustration.) 

In accordance with Cobra's previous updates, by now, this sort of 'stuff' should be a nonissue.  Toplet bombs should also now be a nonissue.  With no more archons, any other remaining negative nonphysical entities (which should be very small in number) should be able to be cleared at an exponential rate.  According to my findings, this is not happening.  Perhaps it will happen, but my focus needs to be elsewhere from now on in order to have a minimum level of internal health. 

Regarding First contact, I have repeatedly tried to initiate First Contact with zero results.  I understand that this is not supposed to be spoken about, but I no longer care.  I've tried several times to initiate First Contact since the December 21st meditation last year in remote locations (30 meters or more away from people), only to have nothing happen every time.  Initially I didn't mind if First Contact didn't happen for a few months, but actually going out and trying over and over with no results became disheartening. 

Regarding the 771 protocol, I've been doing this for almost a month and a half virtually every night before bed, with no substantial level of healing, and again, the stinging sensations and attacks continue.

This post is not a complaint, but is a statement of moving on.  I'm letting go of Ets.  Et's will no longer be on my mind.  It's time for me to turn the focus on fixing myself.  If I'm a damaged and broken person, I'm not going to be very effective for planetary liberation.  This has been misunderstood for a long time by lightworkers.  Lightworkers kept trying to fix the world when they ignored the fact that they themselves were (to various degrees) broken.

Perhaps I am a sociopath myself, but the solution to being a sociopath is to be present in the physical body.  This is true at least in my case, and perhaps also in the cases of other lightworkers. 

The only peace I find is in being present without mental prisons.  The Cobra blog has become a mental prison to me.  First Contact has also become a mental prison to me. 

I can let go of needing any kind of massive positive change outside myself to be happy.  I can be happy in knowing that I am bringing myself back into my physical body, and all it took was to focus on my physical body, which I started doing early this morning.  The most powerful healing is a healing the 771 command failed to do, but is something I'm able to do with some very simple exercises of focus mentioned by Eckhart Tolle.  Contrary to many 'spiritual' teachings, happiness resides in the physical body.  A person who is mostly out of their body is very unhappy. 

I don't know about everyone else, but I cannot be happy in the present when I keep trying to make First Contact with Ets that will not show, am perpetually waiting on the future to 'finally set me free,' am getting hit with stuff that was already supposed to have been cleared, while I'm still working at a dead-end job with zero results from 'Dreamland' and so forth ad nauseaum.  I can only bring the light through if I'm happy in the present.  Ironically, to have well-being in toxic surroundings, one needs to be present, because even though the same toxic surroundings exist just as they have always existed without positive change, being present melts away toxicity within the psyche.

I wanted to wait for Cobra to make an update before posting this.  I've been very careful to be quiet and not create any disturbances lately because I didn't want to be manipulated be the invisibles, but according to Cobra, the invisibles are now no more.  I've given quite a bit of thought to this.  I'm ready to move on.  I can let go of waiting on some positive event to happen in the distant future to be happy.  I can be happy here and now, without thinking about Ets or The Event, or any other distraction.  I can be happy living out my entire life into old age, never to see The Event or positive Ets, because I will know that the same peace that waits for me after death is the same peace I can access in the Now - it's this peace that I truly need that has been right in front of me all along.  It's really quite simple. 

If Ets wish to make First Contact, and do so at some point in the future, that's great!  However, it's unhealthy to be preoccupied with First Contact unless First Contact actually happens.  If and until then, I will not have First Contact on my mind, because having First Contact on my mind reduces my ability to be present, causing too many issues.  I'm not discouraging anyone else from doing the First Contact meditations, nor any of the Cobra meditations.  The grid meditation is fantastic.  This is simply me stating needs that have not been addressed, which I will now address myself.  Others may feel differently on various matters, and that's fine.

Perhaps the only purpose in my life is to master the art of letting go.  Being unable to let go, constantly holding onto an external future occurrence or set of occurrences for future happiness with the goal post continually being moved to another future date or set of possible future dates  - this causes great suffering.  Any teaching which teaches that happiness is in a future timeframe is a false teaching.  Cobra never stated that happiness is only in the future, but this has been implied, or at least this is obviously the received impression among lightworkers who follow Cobra.

What about right now?

Victory of being Present.


  1. I am guessing you wrote this after seeing the latest blogpost.

    Rather than waste time walking on eggshells like I have to do elsewhere where censorship is biased against hard truths, I will say it like it is here:

    This latest update gives the blog fredom to declare the Event delayed until the end of time as and when its convenient.

    This is what the latest blogpost means.

    The original Ascension Deadline of July 2025 ensured the Light Forces would have to step up their game. It also made sense as cosmic alignments that we assumed ( with the pathetically scarce information given to us) to be associated with closing said 'Ascension Window', had a have a specific timetable that had to be strictly followed.

    Any operation to be successful must have a purpose, and a timeline to completion.

    As usual with most scammers like other past 'prophecies' they wrap it up in positive sounding news, so the cultists are those dancing for joy in the comments without realizing they just got punked.

    Those of us like yourself who saw this for what it was, our reactions are very different.

    To those, I say, congratulations, you saw through the illusion.

    The final litmus test to destroy the blog's credibility will be for President of the Russian Federation to make good on his open threats of nuclear annihilation ( he used Einstein's World War IV quote) and see if those Pleiadians stop it.

    He's pissed now because of the US Virginia class submarine incident in Russian Far East territorial waters.

    [See latest JS update and scroll down to the part with the image of President Putin, and also further down to the US submarine incident.]

    1. Yes, I'm definitely seeing a pattern of finding ways to explain perpetually delayed physical intervention on the Cobra blog. The permanent window could certainly be used for perpetual delays.

      Yeah, what Putin said about WWIV is of particular interest. We will probably find out what is truly real because the continued NATO/US aggression. Something's gotta give.

  2. Great article!✨💖✨ Can fully understand you and feel the same, even more after reading the newest update.. Meditation after meditation.. Year after year.. This result after that.. And when do we actually LIVE THE LIFE?! Letting go is always a good advise..✨

    1. For sure. It's liberating to have a mind that's clear. Being present for a while without any thoughts is a way to hit the internal 'reset button.' The mind can be sharpened and more effective this way.

    2. Thank you Starlight, for your gentle and poignant responses. One may disagree and still be kind with their perspective. I do not appreciate when Lightworkers trash talk one another, and you did not do that. Thank you. I desire WorldPeace1 with a fierce passion as we all do. Thank you for your reports, I check here daily to see if you have posted ❤

    3. Infinity+1, trash-talking definitely is destructive. I really like discourse like this because it allows for more in-depth thinking. Thank you for the feedback!

  3. Thank you for sharing I feel the same way, Thanks for the info on Eckhart Tolle, I've listened to some of his stuff years ago I think I'll do that again Peace and Love Chris

  4. Az emberek rájönnek,hogy egy átverés része voltak.Egy dezinformálós rendszer szépen megkomponált áldozatai lettek.Cobra ebben vesz részt.A kérdés: mi lesz? Mit tesznek az emberek? Felelősségre vonják érte? Vagy,hagyják továbbra is kárt okozni?Az embereknek szüksége van a józan paraszti észre ismét,hogy ne mások határozzák meg őket és életüket,hanem saját maguk urai legyenek.A felelősöket és résztvevőket akik megtévesztették a tömeget,felelősségre kell vonni.
    A kérdés: mit tesznek ezzel az információval az emberek?

  5. Thank you for your article. I absolutely agree. Our body is important. I feel more structured and strong when I dance or figure scate.
    I also have believed in Cobras Blogs and advices for a couple of years. But a year ago, something did not feel good anymore. The Event, Ascension Bla Bla, I am not a big fan anymore. I also did let go and: life is better since then.
    Wishes from Germany.

  6. I agree with your synapsis... Sadly. I thought the petition was suspect, but I signed it. I got some zim years ago thinking we could change the world, and it was constantly one delay after another, hope, let down, hope, let down. The endless ascention window seems suspect as well. Cobras a smart guy, I imagine he is over this waiting as well. I do believe in the meditations, but just don't care to do them anymore. Promises, promises.
    Wes Penre gives a pretty clear definition on how to not get caught in the soul trap after we pass that I recommend. 'avoiding the soul trap' article. The entire "exit the grid" section with videos and articles is pretty good. Cobras last post was a bit depressing for me, it's starting to feel like redeeming my zim... I appreciate you all here, where at least we do not have our heads in the sand ❤
    I hope I'm wrong, but it's hard to believe any information about this realm when there are so many lies.
    Blessings Dear friends

  7. Another thing to consider as well is that the dark hats also read Cobra, and he could be being strategically deceptive and intentionally misleading. I do believe Cobra is a good guy, and we have not had global war, and things could be much worse if the baddies had full control, which by default shows the hidden LF's are countering the attempts to destroy the earth. Please don't give up, we are All needed to Anchor the Light.
    Sending y'all love and blessings ❤

    1. I will use First Contact as an example. Continually desiring First Contact while continually not having First Contact happen - the continually unfulfilled desire causes suffering and harm (anger, depression, and so forth).

      In order to no longer be harmed, continually unfulfilled desires need to be released. This is 'giving up.' This is letting go of desires that are continually not being fulfilled. Then, maybe First Contact happens, but it will be experienced from a more stable standpoint if the desire is first released.

      Someone once stated the primary cause of suicide is having too large a distance between what a person wants and where a person actually is. I concur.

      It's said that desire is the root of all suffering. I'm beginning to see this.

  8. At this stage 'real' alt-media all have to use independent tech platforms like, Brighteon, Gab etc.

    2012Portal is on blogspot, which as a 20 year old technology that's like a sputtering black smoking Soviet-era built car with crash box when it comes to web features and GUI with how modern Internet comment boxes work.

    Blogspot is under Google which in turn is the smiling face of DARPA that has been behind those fast moving robot cheetahs that can hunt you down.

    So if that blog had any sort of connection to the real enemies of the Cabal that would have been flatlined years ago.

    Yet it has far less web attacks, DDoS and DNS takedown attempts than most alt-media sites I know about, while Youtube is aggressively taking down any mention of the scamdemic, 'needlecraft' and the deaths from injections.

    1. I was thinking maybe the Light Forces somehow protect 2012portal, but then I asked myself the question, "Why wouldn't the Light Forces also protect the speech of others who are exposing the deep state?" Perhaps it's a matter of priority? Or, 2012portal is not protected from the Light Forces, which would be suspicious if there are few attacks. I don't have the technical understanding to know if the Light Forces protect 2012portal.

    2. Because you don't even know if the Light Forces are actually out there, which negates any other guesswork like their l33t haxx0r methods.

  9. The Covid Pandemic As A Watershed for Humanity

    The Spiritual Scamdemic - Demonic Forces Behind ‘Trust the Science’ are Real


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