Perspective on Russia

It's my feeling that a conflict between Russia and Ukraine is inevitable.  (I could be wrong of course.)  Yet, would this really be something so negative?  Most alternative media outlets provide only speculation.  Cobra certainly isn't giving any recent intel on the subject, but did state this last year:
"Pleiadians have communicated that if a full war escalates in Ukraine, they may trigger a release of full disclosure files through Russian mass media and even risk showing a small part of their fleet publicly."
On another note, I posted my latest article in the comments section on 2012portal blog's latest update, and when the comments were updated, mine did not show.  I'll give this more time and see if it posts in the next updating of comments.  If not, I will exercise presence and not get upset, but will calmly call this out.  That article is very important for people there to see, because it illustrates how mind-identities create conflicts.  It's also important to note that people can still do 'lightwork meditations' without assigning themselves labels and definitions.  
My feeling is that the outward work is done, and now it's time for physical intervention.  The most important work for people now is to not concern themselves with 'the fate of the world,' but to focus on clearing their inner worlds.  Did I mention listening to Eckhart Tolle?  lol!  

If there is no physical intervention, people don't have to 'let it get to them,' but can let go and realize themselves as I Am presence beyond mental constructs.  In my case, experiencing myself beyond mental constructs is the only true peace I've ever known.  People can also still stand up for themselves when experiencing themselves beyond mental constructs, but this happens more powerfully than before when it comes from a place of true aliveness and awareness. 

It is also my feeling that the author of 2012portal no longer gets a 'special place' as 'the #1 accurate source of intel.'  There are countless other sources of intel that make very interesting and convincing cases, such as Corey Goode.  
Ultimately, it's a matter of realizing the fundamentals behind all else, which is what Eckhart Tolle points to.  When there is so much discord and nothing makes sense, what does make sense is knowing oneself as aware consciousness in the present moment.  I know this may sound like 'new age jargon,' but it's true.  It's the only 'thing' anyone can truly know. 


  1. "Pleiadians have communicated that if a full war escalates in Ukraine, they may trigger a release of full disclosure files through Russian mass media and even risk showing a small part of their fleet publicly."

    If that is really true, as at this point I doubt any iota Cobra says it's the truth, the Western media will most likely and easily debunk it as "fake news" or "Russian collusion" and nothing will come of it. The whole armada of the Light Forces can show up and cover the entire sky all over the planet, the stupid monkeys from the MSN will say it's Project Blue Beam holograms and the idiot brainwashed monkeys in the masses will believe it and "it will not serve the highest purpose" as darling Cobra would say.

    Just my 2 cents anyways.


  2. Very good article, Star!

    I don't agree with a few points (e.g. Corey Goode, to me he is as compromised as his buddy David Wilcock), but your overall message resonates with me.

    True, the outward work is done! We've kept our end of the deal, now it's time for the LF to step up their game and keep theirs.
    However, we must let go of intel addictions in 'mental prison' blogs like Cobra's and do our internal work, be the calm in the eye of the storm, ground in nature, treat ourselves good and let the outer world just crumble.
    We don't really need to know every single detail of this war between light and darkness. This is not serving our highest purpose for sure. We are here to hold the light, keep positive and strong and push back the tyrants and disobey their tyrannical mandates as much as possible. No government has any power if no one complies. It's that simple.
    So let's be unruly children and disobey those buffoons!

    You're a big fan of Eckhart Tolle, heh? ;)

    1. I find Corey Goode to be much better because he never said Ets would directly intervene. Goode was always saying that planetary liberation would solely be up to humanity. Who knows if he's compromised. I'll give him a chance.

      Yeah, time to disobey and remove mental prisons!

    2. (Eckhart's material has pulled me through the most horrible situations I've ever faced.)

  3. Corey Goode says someone is creating a cosmic alien religion, and warns us to be wary of Mika's planet like Mika and his clan foolishly believing that well-meaning aliens will come to save the existence that led to Mika's planet There's been a 200-year wait, so I'm skeptical about cobra

  4. Well, that's a good reminder.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜„


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