I'm Brainwashing Myself

I've been listening to Eckhart Tolle audio books a few hours each day.  Some could say this is brainwashing, and I agree - I'm washing my brain.  I'm dissolving disempowering mental constructs/mental prisons.  I'm learning to recognize all the many ways my mind creates suffering, and through this recognition, suffering is reduced.  

I'm reminded of a dream I had recently, where I was giving someone money, and they wanted $400, but I only gave them $50.  I'm told that money is symbolic of life force energy, so I interpret this dream as me giving out a fraction of the loosh 'they' were shooting for.

I'm also realizing mental constructs that create conflicts within the 'lightworker community.'  People who believe they are indigos, rainbows, starseeds, and so forth, can have a belief that they are better than 'normal people.'  Take this, and add the aspect of being the 'chosen ones to bring forth planetary liberation,' and this feeds what Eckhart calls the "egoic mind."  Those with hyper-inflated egoic minds tend to not get along so well with others who also have hyper-inflated egoic minds.  Each one wants to be more 'special' than the other.  This also goes right along with Cobra's description of the archons creating conflicts between 'lightworkers,' where they believe they are more 'spiritually evolved' than each other.  

The solution is to disidentify with being a lightworker, along with all other labels.  Identities do not make a person who they are.  It is the awareness, or the I Am presence, which is beyond mental constructs, labels, and mental definitions - this is who someone really is.  Labels such as 'lightworker' and so forth only serve to create a false sense of identity and again, this hyper-inflates the egoic mind.

The term "ego" actually means the part of a person that makes rational decisions, but of course the context of Eckhart's usage of "egoic mind" means the part of a person that always wants more and is never satisfied.  In its ultimate form, Eckhart's contextual usage of "egoic mind" is the same as my definition of Evil mentioned in a previous post, which is:

Evil: An all-consuming force incapable of satiety.  

The above definition is the egoic mind in its maximum expression.  A less severe, but of course damaging and enslaving expression of the egoic mind would be the case of 'lightworkers' having a hyper-inflated sense of importance and 'specialness.'  Eckhart would state that everyone and everything is special/sacred in its own unique way, and I concur.  

I conclude this post to state that I myself have had a hyper-inflated sense of self-importance and 'specialness.'  I'll admit this myself so that others don't think I'm diminishing them only to make myself feel better than them.  I also state this for the sake of honesty, because in my case, it really is true. "Oh, look how spiritually evolved I am for admitting that!"  lol!  Such is the nature of the egoic mind.  Awareness is key. 


  1. Haha, excellent ending to your post. I completely agree, and have been 'guilty' of this myself. Good points dear friend, the path of personal development and growth is greatly assisted with these subtleties of behavior.

  2. Yes, Star! I agree with you this lightworker community constructs are really divisive and serve no purpose for the greater good. What difference does it make if one is an indigo, rainbow, unicorn, fairy, elf, hobbit, nazgul, dragon, whatever? Those constructs mean nothing if you don’t go inside and work on yourself and obliterate your ego. It would be much better people saying “I’m gothic and like this kind of music, art…” or I’m a metalhead, hardrocker, sleaze, punk, grunge or whatever… Talking about music, culture and arts instead of going into ego trips of importance and trying to appear better than others by using this colorful and ridiculous New Age titles. I’ve always felt happier around music people, whatever gang/genre they were part of. But that’s just me.


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