Attacks have Subsided

Stinging sensations have subsided.  They are not completely gone, but mostly gone.  

When I said I was ready to "move on," what I really meant was that I needed to heal.  I'm realizing that now.  Eckhart's material is essential for this.  There is also personal evidence suggesting that the Light Forces have been assisting with energetic healing, or that, at the very least, there are healing energies coming through from 'somewhere.'

I'll let the previous posts stay, as they make some relevant points.  I'm human and I get upset.  I'm not perfect.  I'm deeply flawed.  Admitting this is positive.  It was not my intent to speak negatively of the 2012portal blog, but I still suggest ignoring timeframes and focusing on being present. 

There are two types of circumstances:

Internal circumstances:  What goes on in the mind, and one's internal aspects and workings of the psyche.

External circumstances: The physical environment and state of one's physical body.  

These two kinds of circumstances interact with each other on countless levels, and several lengthy books could be, and have been, written about such interactions.

"The Light forces will then begin to massively clear the energy imprint of the suppressed trauma complex of the surface humanity, and many situations that could not be healed before, will suddenly heal easily." 

This coincides with my very recent focus on healing.

Now I'm feeling that more has been cleared.  Perhaps I didn't quite give this enough time, as the approximate time was one month for the invisibles to be cleared, give or take a few days.  

It will be interesting to see what happens next. 


  1. Thank you. I feel that your posts have great importance, and reflect how many folks feel. You were kind with your words and expressed your thoughts eloquently. I have been very frustrated with the waiting, and the constant 'always something new that has to be cleared...' updates.
    It is hard sometimes to remember that what we are clearing has been many thousands of years in the making, and takes time to resolve. What it is in my opinion is the "next week" hopes... If it's going to take 10years then let me know, but this is war, and much false information is part of the strategy and tactics of battle.
    Hold Fast. Thank you for your updates ❤

    1. Thank you for the kind words! I have the feeling now that a great deal has been cleared in the last few days.

      Liberation from waiting-mode is key. With practice, the mind can be freed from waiting-mode. Thank you for your reading and feedback!

    2. I feel great relief after reading your Sage Advice. I had been "hurry up and wait" hoping every second of the day for liberation. I have eased up, relaxed and simply trying to do my best to anchor my light and stay loving and kind. I feel a clearing has occurred as well and still of course, long for the Event. I shall be more relaxed and hence more effective doing my part to help Create WorldPeace1 ❤
      Thx again, your work Really helped me.

    3. I do admit that it has given me great sadness thinking about an open ended timeline for the Event. That this level of evil is tolerated anywhere in the Multiverse is total bs. Why is the entire Multiverse not coming to answer the call to stand of for goodness and 'common decency'?
      I feel heartbroken for all those really suffering. I have it very okay compared to many in bondage.
      Blessings Dear Friend, again, your perspective has really helped me ❤

    4. It's all centered around time - abuse frozen in time. Evil has a beginning and an end though. Abuse needs to be unfrozen from time and dissolved. Maybe this is the next step that is being taken. πŸ’«πŸŒŒ

  2. In the past few weeks, I spent some time focusing on my life. In order to make time feel faster, of course, this is another choice. It is not perfect. "Not aware of pain" is a powerful shield. Compared with past attacks, it is really much better now. Of course, every day, I still need to endure and restrain my inner impulses. My broken heart has long been indifferent to a few more wounds.πŸ˜‚
    Good, you're back again.πŸ€—πŸŒŸ

    1. Yeah, feeling much better now. Great to know you are as well! Those wounds will heal! πŸ€—

    2. I hear you Rin, feels like 'death by a thousand cuts', but We Came Here for a Reason!!! Hold Fast!!! Sending you healed energies and perseverance. Keep your chin up. We would Not have incarnate here, now if we didn't know we could Elevate this Realm/reality. Thank you as well Starlight.
      Courage is Contagious, We Shall Be Liberators!!!
      Thought Creates so let's up mind our thoughts ❤

    3. Its part of the process. 'Avoiding negativity' is like the child that avoids life to avoid getting hurt. Someone who lived his life wrapped in cotton wool eventually gets bodyslammed by life hard.

  3. Been sleeping a lot lately. Maybe its catching up on less sleep from playing video games the last couple of weeks, but I have been able to sleep all day and still sleep at night.

    Also not sleeping before 10pm is now guaranteed to have a bad night's sleep. No idea why but this is how they come through these hints. As well as tons of numerology numbers like 1110, 222, 444, 999, 555 etc.

    1. Sleep patterns for me have been unstable lately. I was thinking about taking melatonin but it can make me wake up drenched in sweat for some reason. I like to take naps when I can. I also see numbers quite a bit like this.

    2. Avoid any manufactured drugs that aren't supplements and recommended by trusted alt-media. They always got something riding on that they don't tell you about so you keep coming back to buying 20 bottles to cure the side effect of the previous problem.

    3. SpecOpps... I have been sleeping like a Boss ad well!!! At least we know this is the final battle, and can not be walked back from. I get a lot of peace knowing that one way or another it's going to get settled.

  4. Philosophy - Angry At Life with Ivan Throne-Thursday Night Reality Check:

    Ivan Throne is the author of The Nine Laws.

    1. Interesting, I did not know of this one. It's true what he says about the Right. They complain but never organize on the level antifa did to actually do anything. Fortunately, many on the Left are finally jumping ship - hopefully it will be enough.


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