
Showing posts from November, 2021

Planetary Update Deleted Because... (personal post)

I keep thinking that if I don't pierce through to see 'what's really going on,' the world will be doomed or something.  This is probably not the case, and regarding the planetary situation, there are matters that are code black that I won't be able to see no matter how hard I try.  I shouldn't be trying in the first place, but I often can't help myself. More and more though, I'm reaching the point of needing to let go and not care about all the insanity that's going on.  My only true happiness is found when I enjoy being in nature, or looking at a sunset, and not having a care in the world.  Perhaps I'm sticking my head in the sand and being selfish by being happy like this, but more than anything, I just want to forget about everything and allow myself to feel the undefined experiences of being.   Is it ok if I just let go?  I'm so tired of it all.  Is it alright?  Can I be at peace? On another note, I'll be returning to my job soon beca...

How Interesting

Although I don't put too much stock in Fulford's weekly updates for various reasons, I do still read his material.  Last night I made a joke about Babylon babbling on.  Then, lo and behold, Fulford's title for this morning's weekly update was "Babylon will babble on but, to no avail."  There are four possibilities: 1. I'm being constantly monitored and listened to and Fulford got the idea from me. 2. I read Fulford's mind and it was his idea. 3. I made the joke and it somehow projected into Fulford's mind. 4. It's one of those 'synchronicities.'    Actually come to think of it, in the early 2000's, the keylontic science person (she keeps changing her name so I'll just call her that) made the Babylon statement of babbling on.

Accusations and Responses

Here are some responses I came up with for the many accusations ignorantly thrown at those who are against the negative elites and their minions: Accusation: "You're one of those anti-vaxxers." Response: I never said all vaccines are evil.  The "Covid vaccine," however, isn't even technically a vaccine. Accusation: "Your a white nationalist and you need to recognize your white privilege." Response: There are many races who don't like tyranny who are standing up for their rights.  However, if you really want to go after white privilege, why not go after Bill Gates?  Klaus Schwab?  Anthony Fauci?  George Soros?  They are all white males of considerable wealth.  You are more than welcome to go after them.  Be my guest.  I'm not exactly wealthy myself though. Accusation: "You're one of those wack-job QAnon followers." Response: I don't follow Q at all.  However, there is the case of Epstein, so I wouldn't be surprised if m...

What Would Life Be Like in a Civilized Galactic Society?

I asked myself the question, "What would life be like in a Civilized Galactic Society (CGS)?  This one's difficult for me to know because of being on a currently fallen planet, and there are many different Civilized Galactic Societies with varying levels of development to consider.  I could start with what does not exist in any CGS, as the following: Right vs. Left political division/identity politics Political propaganda/media deception of all types   Racial discrimination and its counterpart (false projections of racial discrimination) False projections of any kind Censorship Food shortages/starvation Wars, including timeline wars Genocides Diseases and illnesses of all types, including cancers Crime Religions  Secularism/materialism Mental disorders Communism  Mega corporations/corporate fascism Fallen technologies Need for a money system Uncontrolled aging Negative elites and their minions/negative forces False Vacuum/anomaly ----- There are probably m...

More Than Automatons

A large reason why the negative elites feel it is their right to exploit, enslave, and genocide the surface population is because human beings are subject to the laws of cause and effect.  Just as animals follow the laws of cause and effect with mathematical predictability, such as birds flying south for the winter, human beings also exhibit behavior that can be mathematically predicted.   Because human beings are in large part behaviorally mathematically predictable, the negative elites don't believe human beings are sentient, because beings who simply adhere to mathematical predictability can be likened to non-sentient machines.  Thus, to the negative elites, the surface population is only a resource to be exploited, and nothing more. Through the mainstream media, and large parts of the alternative media, the negative elites exercise considerable control over the surface population.  The negative elites know exactly which buttons to push, and exactly when to push t...

Q, The Great Trojan Horse

A person could be talking to a group of people, trying to convince them that the mainstream media is full of lies and deception, and even make progress by using peer-reviewed studies, but then mention the letter Q, and then it's all over.  The group of people would immediately laugh at, mock, and ostracize the person who originally had a convincing argument.  Here's why: The mainstream media didn't just ruin Q's reputation.  The mainstream media absolutely destroyed Q in the most extreme way I've ever seen.  I've never seen the mainstream media (and 'affiliated associates') do such a profoundly amazing job at ripping Q and its followers into pieces, and then ripping those pieces into pieces, etc, ad nauseam.   There are countless instances of the mainstream media destroying Q.  From the capitol riots, to a "QAnon" man killing his kids because he believed they were reptilians, to people meeting in large groups to welcome Trump being...

The Great Attempt

The following is my attempt to do what is probably one of the most difficult tasks, which is to get a 'mountain-eye view.'  Many times, having a mountain-eye view is a treacherous task.  It's all-too-often very easy to fall off the mountain when attempting to climb to the top.  I have fallen off the mountain many times in the past.  Also, in many cases, I believed that I was close to the top of the mountain, when I was not, or that I was higher on the mountain than I actually was. The following may just be me being manipulated without knowing it, but this is currently the best I can do for that 'more-precious-than-diamonds,' ever-sought-after-yet-rarely-obtained, mountain-eye view: The negative elites are extremely intelligent, and have many traps in place for those who disobey their dystopian narrative.  It's important to not get stuck in the many traps the negative elites have cleverly designed.   If someone asked me if I follow and believe in Q, my respo...

Request of Special Consideration Due to Sabotage

This request is addressed to all races in the Milky Way Galaxy, and all other races in all other galaxies in this universe, who require 144,000 planetary liberation petition signatures as a legal document in order to physically intervene to liberate Earth:   From studying the original petition page, at one point, the number of signatures reached nearly 5,000 per 24 hour period just before the negative elites shut the original petition page down.  After the original petition page was shut down but later reinstated, the rate of signatures drastically slowed down, and there was much confusion regarding the backup signature page, which is also currently being signed at a very slow rate. The negative elites have sabotaged the signing process by removing the original petition page multiple times.  Therefore, if the number of signatures falls short of 144,000 by the 21st of December, 2021, an accurate projection should be made regarding how many people would have signed the peti...

The Galactic Situation

(I've removed the Galactic part of the this post because there are matters that I am not capable of understanding.  Many matters cannot be understood with the rational mind.  I'm willing to let go of matters beyond my current understanding in favor of the larger picture.) I've said this before, and I'll say this again.  It is absolutely essential for the surface population to stand up to the negative elites and their minions on a level beyond anything ever seen before.   The surface population cannot afford to only wait on physical intervention from the Light Forces.  So yes, we need to do everything we can to continue spreading the planetary liberation petition, but not solely rely on physical intervention from the Light Forces to liberate Earth.    Suppose several more months pass and the negative elites and their minions are still not physically removed from power by the Light Forces, and the surface population suffers even worse covid tyranny (in ...

Yeshua's Message (A Fictional Speculation)

The following is a fictional speculation of what Jesus Christ (Yeshua) might say in the current time.  I may not resonate with this perspective in the future, but perhaps there is a 'nugget of truth' for all who read the following words. Yeshua:  I have incarnated in this lifetime not as a savior, but as someone who has chosen a fallen path.  I did this to teach everyone a lesson.  The lesson is that no one should rely on a savior.  People need to recognize the Christ within themselves to realize that they have the same power as Christ.  The only way to do this was for me to intentionally fail my mission.  Because I have intentionally failed my mission, everyone will learn that no one is going to save them.  Everyone shall now learn that they must rely upon themselves, and work with each other in unity, for true salvation.  Ironically, perhaps I ultimately have not failed my mission.  Perhaps the true nature of my mission has been misint...

Self-Healing Meditation

Lightworkers have taken a massive amount of damage due to various kinds of attacks over the years.  I notice that far too often, lightworkers disregard their own well-being.  I also don't recall ever seeing a 2012portal meditation for self-healing.  The 2012portal meditations have always been about healing the planet and so forth, which is fantastic, but lightworkers who are healed and healthy will be far more effective with their lightwork. There's this common saying that people need to do self-work.  The nature of self-work is unique to each individual, but perhaps there can be a meditation that can be used for self-work, or self-healing, that is universal for lightworkers.  I have therefore made the following meditation.   (This meditation is not intended as a replacement for other meditations, nor should it be allowed to be a distraction from other areas of focus with other meditations.  This is simply presented as an option.)   1. Use yo...

Regarding the Anomaly

The Light Forces will not give the surface population all their amazing technologies until after the anomaly is removed from the surface population and planet.  The reason for this is because when there is anomaly, there is Murphy's Law.  Out of nearly 8 billion people on Earth, there will always be plenty of people who will find ways to try to blow up the planet if given a chance.   (Technologies such as tachyon chambers are available though because tachyon chambers clear the anomaly.) The Light Forces giving the surface population advanced technologies such as replicators before the anomaly is cleared is inviting certain disaster.  Even a small portion of the surface population wanting to use these technologies for foul purposes would be enough to cause major cataclysms.  For example, someone would have the idea to program a replicator to make mini-nuclear bombs and so forth.  When the anomaly is cleared though, probably at The Event, then there would be ...

Owning Our Own Power And Joining The Galactic Family

Some may think that supporting the meditation and petition is just giving up our own power and relying only on Ets to save us.  This is not the case.  We can stand up for ourselves and stand on our own two feet and work with First Contact at the same time.  These two aspects don't have to be in opposition.  I don't see the surface population as being helpless without Ets, and the surface population should never be in the position of being helpless without Ets.  No one is helpless.  It's entirely possible for the surface population to own their own power and join the Galactic Family at the same time.   I'm noticing two opposite polarities: 1. "We don't need positive Ets for anything." 2. "We are nothing without positive Ets." The middle ground is to know the following: We need positive Ets for assistance with certain matters that are beyond our control, such as stopping high tech weaponry being used against us, but we can still stand in our own p...

Please Sign This Petition!

This is the most awesome petition you will ever sign, I promise! And here's the meditation for the 21st of December: Thank you!  Update: The negative elites and their minions have been taking the above petition down.  At the time of this writing, the petition has been taken down twice so far.  There is a backup petition here though: If the original page for the petition is taken down, sign the backup.  If the original page for the petition is working, sign the original.  If you've signed the original, don't sign the backup.  If you've signed the backup, don't sign the original.  People need to be counted once, and not twice.

Taking the Hits (Personal Post)

I get to the point where I do the Violet Flame, and I feel its power, but then there's this other feeling that comes up, telling me that "None of this is real, and you are a complete fool."   I resist this, and keep pushing forward, but it comes back.  I'm even made to feel embarrassed to focus on the Violet Flame. But I know it's real!  It's not just all in my head!  Yet, the feeling that calls me a fool becomes constant and unrelenting.  Then I shut down.  I lose my sense of who I am.  "What am I doing?  I don't know what I'm doing.  This isn't me." Then I get burning and stinging sensations.  Yet, there is also Light that I can feel, possibly coming from the Light Forces. So, I get back up again.   Perhaps it's ok to stop believing for a while, and then start again later after a rest.  Yet, when I stop believing, attacks can come through, kicking me when I'm down.  I'm not very concerned though.  I guess ...

Going Deeper

Definitely, the Violet Flame clears out negativity.  I stopped using the Violet Flame because I thought that most of the negative entities were cleared by now.  However, perhaps the new chimera from the Kuiper belt are causing trouble.  There are other possibilities as well, such as the remaining negative entities hiding within the physical bodies of the surface population.  Whatever the case may be, when I encounter internal and/or external negativity, I focus on the Violet Flame and this helps quite a bit.  I still maintain that with the alternative media, there is too much positive news that doesn't have enough backing.  The situation with the alternative media is often the case where there is positive news that might be true, that has some evidence to support it, but it's always 'just out of reach.'  Certain individuals are said to be arrested, and yet they are later seen in the media promoting the experimental drugs.  Fauci and other negative...

Focus 1 and 2 for Lightworkers

Currently, the most disempowering mental trap for lightworkers who follow and participate with the 2012portal blog is to get angry with the Light Forces for "not doing enough."  I've been there myself, but this line of thinking is a dead end.  The focus needs to instead be on further awakening the surface population through saturating the surface population with the violet flame through meditations.  Already, the surface population is standing up to tyranny in great numbers, and the more people who do this, the more power the negative elites and their minions lose. The Light Forces should not be focused on in terms of "What are they doing for us lately?"  The Light Forces have averted the La Palma mega-tsunami, along with many other major catastrophes.  It is, however, unacceptable for the surface population to suffer under further Covid-19 tyranny in all its many forms.  Therefore, the surface population needs to take matters into their own hands by disemp...

The Surface Population's Current State?

I've been doing violet flame meditations off and on for the last 36 hours, and was able to clear some 'stuff.'  I'm now able to get a glimpse of the state of the consciousness of the surface population through a 'general vibe' regarding Ets. The surface population is currently much more open-minded to intelligent Et life in the universe compared with the past in my lifetime.  In the past, the line of thinking was that most planets in the universe do not support life.  The only discussion of other life in the universe would be possible microscopic bacteria in rocks on Mars.  Now, however, there are headlines discussing different planets in our galaxy that could support intelligent Et life.  Although the surface population is quite traumatized by the Covid-19 dystopian plans of the negative elites, I'm also sensing great receptivity to intelligent Et life.  There's a mentality that humanity definitely is not alone in the universe, and that other advanced c...

Standing in the Storm


Meditation for the Removal of the Negative Elites and their Minions

(This mediation is by no means set in stone.  If some feel that a certain part of this meditation is too extreme, feel free to make modifications.) To do a meditation for First Contact with positive Ets, it would immensely help if the surface population is in the proper mindset.  In order to be in the proper mindset, Covid-19 tyranny in all its forms needs to be removed from every country on Earth.  In order for this to happen, the negative elites and their minions need to be removed from power.  To assist with this process, I have created the following meditation:   1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness. 2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to remove all negative elites on the planet surface from power. 3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light. 4. Visualize the viol...

The Actual, Hopium-Free Reality

(This is post is not a certainty.  There are relevant parts to consider though.  People do need to push back really hard against the negative elites and their minions.) Here is the 100% hopium-free reality of the situation: If the civilian populations have a large enough uprising against covid NWO tyranny, the surface population might be able to liberate the planet.  At best, this is only a maybe.    The uprisings would need to consist of more than just protests.  An all-out war must be declared against the negative elites and their minions.  The surface population may suffer casualties for these uprisings.   There has been and there is no positive Et intervention to remove the negative elites and their minions from power on the planet surface, and militaries should not be relied upon for this task.  Positive Et life does exist in the universe, but is not here in the capacity to remove the negative elites and their minions from power,...

The Most Amazing Sacred Geometry I've Ever Seen

(This is a nice subject change from previous lines of discussion.  The following geometries are not my own creations.)   The most amazing sacred geometry I've ever seen comes from what's called "Keylontic Science."  These geometries remind me of my ascension experience when in the dreamstate back around 2011.  I was taken up to realms I can't describe with words.      

The Ultimate Betrayal

Getting hopium and being later let down is far worse than gloom and doom fear-mongering.  It is incredibly cruel to lead people on, making them think matters are improving, when in reality the world is going straight to hell.  If young children getting the experimental drug isn't the world going straight to hell, I don't know what is. At least with gloom and doom there's a chance the gloom and doom won't come true, in which case there is a sigh of relief.  But with hopium, people are led to believe that dramatic positive change is just around the corner, only to find a dystopia lying in wait for them at the other end, ready to vanquish the last bit of Light they've been holding onto. Darkness is merely nourished by the loosh from gloom and doom, but has an all-out feast from hopium.  People have been betrayed far worse than they realize, and now it's time for the final planetary purge of Darkness.

Corey Goode Was Probably Right All Along

Corey Goode stated that other civilizations were waiting on Ets to save them from the Negative Elites and their Minions (NEMs) who were enslaving them.  The more they waited, the worse matters became.  These civilizations then learned that they themselves had to overthrow the NEMs, and that talk of positive Et intervention was propaganda designed by the NEMs to cause complacency and inaction.  These civilizations then successfully removed the NEMs from their worlds by their own hand.  Earth's current situation is probably the same as these other civilizations.   Here is Corey Goode's latest video.  I highly suggest watching it and taking it into strong consideration:   Victory of the surface population!   

Too Much Negative Personal Testimony

The following is a reply to negative personal testimony on the 2012portal blog's latest update.  I keep encountering negative personal testimony horror stories regarding the covid NWO.  There is evidently still far too much tyranny taking place in the world, indicating that the conclusion of the Eris square Pluto did not cause the negative elites to lose any power at all, which is in stark contrast to the 2012portal blog's claims: The meditation is called 'divine intervention activation.'  This could be interpreted that if humanity doesn't 'choose' intervention, there will be no intervention.  Whenever there are excuses such as the 'prime directive,' always use the Galactic Codex to debunk them.  The 2012portal blog has debunked the prime directive, yet the possible failure of this meditation could be interpreted as a 'free will choice for a lack of intervention,' which, although such an implication is not the prime directive, it is still a v...

The Original Holy Trinity?

Not to turn this into a religion of course.  Just a thought 😂

Ascension Update

It's actually relatively easy to tap into ascension energies currently.  At least, that's what I feel I'm doing.  Listening to and singing Solfeggio frequencies, and working with the Solar Sun and Galactic Central Sun help bring these frequencies into the physical body, at least from my own experience.  Perhaps positive Ets are also assisting with this. There's this idea that self-work is something no one wants to do and most refuse to do, which is why most people's lives are so miserable.  This is not true.  Self-work doesn't have to be difficult, undesirable, and unachievable.  The frequencies that are coming through help to clear away anomaly that is carried within.  It's not really a grueling task.  It was never intended to be a grueling task. Let the Cosmic Galactic Solar Light come through. Smooth sailing. 

Stance Regarding Virtually All Media

I am going to stop posting on the media, but would still like to address some matters.  There are still constantly stories that the alternative media comes out with, and then the mainstream media debunks these stories.  The latest example is the alternative media claim that CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla has been arrested by the FBI.  The mainstream media then stepped in to say that there's zero evidence supporting this, and that if it happened it would be impossible to not report through mainstream sources.  My stance is that it's possible tha t Albert Bourla was arrested, but I'm done just dealing with possibility.  Less and less people trust the mainstream media, this is true.  However, if the mainstream media is losing so much power, why is it that when the mainstream media says something, it has a huge impact on the public's behavior?  Obviously there is still an extremely significant portion of the public who trust the mainstream media.  Theref...

I May Be Infiltrated by AI (Personal Post)

I have direct experience indicating that I may have AI operating inside me.  Today I had a vision of computer programs being run, kind of like black DOS windows.  I've had this experience in the past as well.  Several years ago I had a dream of various windows and sigils operating on a computer screen programming me.  Also, there are AI programs (possibly) operating in me that I would rather not be specific about because they are extremely abusive. The other possibility is that this is technology beaming various signals to me.  I don't know.  This all sounds insane but I'm simply stating what I've experienced.   Everyone has a certain amount of 'nanites' in them, but some have more than others.  If I am part AI, hopefully this will not hinder my progress with accessing the Light.  I suspect that it indeed is a hindrance though, unfortunately. The inorganic feelings I get in my stomach from time to time may also be AI related.  ...

The Final Say

The feelings I get from the Sun are the most profound on the emotional/feeling level.  It's probable that the original 'son of God' was the Sun.  God is the Cosmic Central Sun, which birthed the Galactic Central Sun, which birthed the Solar Sun.  This would be true for all Central Suns and Suns in existence, so the Solar Sun is not 'God's one and only son.'   It's possible that the Solar Sun channels energies through the GCS, which channels energies through the CCS.  The energies from the Solar Sun may be the most easily accessible to human consciousness.   When I focus on the GCS, my intuition tells me that the GCS is of enormous power and futuristic development.  I stated in a previous post that the highest level of technology originates from the GCS.  The truly highest level technology of course originates from the CCS.   Regarding the Solar Sun, it may sound corny, but Superman healed and gained great power from the Sun....

Important Note

Yesterday morning I woke up with ringing in my ears and a strong stinging in my left arm.  Whenever this happens, this is probably the negative elites using exotic weapons to try to shut me down.  It's important to be vigilant and immediately clear this.  In my case, I use Solfeggio frequencies a few times throughout the day, regardless of whether or not I'm being attacked.  Others may have other methods to recover from attacks and increase their frequency level, depending on what works for them.  

Academic UFOlogical Community's Response to the Pentagon's UFO Report

This is a 3 hour video but is well worth watching.  I watch many videos on double speed.  I can still easily comprehend what is being said on double speed. The mentioning of time travel and the different directions of time is of particular interest.  Ruggero Maria Santilli is featured, who is the pioneer of Hadronic Mechanics.  

My Final Decision

An unknown commenter on the 2012portal blog stated the following: "Highest Probable Ascension Outcomes We’ve received the same question many times, from people asking how many are expected to ascend. There are some who say 100% of Earth’s population will ascend, others say 90%, or 75% of Earth’s current population, and so on. This just isn’t so. We will even say such is only wishful thinking. We speak of beings ascending to 5D Earth. For all, 100% will eventually be departing from the current 3D, but not all will ascend to 5D Earth. As we have said a couple of times, ascending while carrying tons of fear would be very difficult. And unfortunately more than half of Earth’s population is still in the lower frequencies. Many have so much lower energy to transmute, they’re not even aware of this. You also have those who say the Event, Solar Flash, or Galactic Pulse will help everyone ascend. This is also false. The Solar Flash isn’t only helping some ascend, it is also hel...

A Superhuman Ability Protocol?

Amino acids are the building blocks of the 'book of life.'  The codes within amino acids can be seen as the letters of a super-vast alphabet, and the DNA the 'written word.'  This can be seen as a biblical reference, but I more see this as a 'divine blueprint' that goes beyond any written scripture.  Isolating amino acids and peptides can unlock special scripts within the DNA, altering consciousnesses and abilities.  The negative elites and some of their minions have been isolating specific amino acids and peptides for psychic purposes for quite some time.  Isolating specific peptides (peptides are what amino acids are broken down into) allows negative factions to unlock specific doorways for specific manipulations of consciousness.  It's possible that positive factions utilize specific amino acids and peptides as well.  Several years ago, the one known as Bear Heart very briefly mentioned the negative elites utilizing isolated peptides. I had a person...

Letting The Light Through
