What Causes Sheeple to be Sheeple

(This article is in regards to the human implants mentioned on the 2012portal blog, and can be regarded as theoretical.)

Since it was the chimera who designed the implants, their evil is within the surface population.  When people reach a certain level of awareness, the implants activate people's 'dark side' to make them to go back to sleep.  People who have a very active 'dark side' (implants activating the 'beast code') become afraid of themselves, so they go to authority figures for guidance.  The main two establishments people give their authority over to are religion and 'the state.'  

'The state' is the secular authority, which is basically the corporate media/deep state.  Religion is the nonsecular authority, which takes many different forms, not limited to Christianity.  Religion, however, although originally designed to make the surface population go back to sleep, has in many cases been a source of inspiration to resist tyranny in modern times.  

Religion contained only partial aspects of the Higher Self, and was used in a way to manipulate and distort the connection to the Higher Self for negative purposes.  In many ways in modern times though, religion is in opposition to 'the state,' and it is now 'the state' that contains the greatest amount of anomaly.  'The state' is currently the authority people flock to that causes the greatest harm.

The implants can backfire.  In certain people, when the implants activate the 'beast code,' instead of going to 'the state' to 'keep them in line,' or religion, they continue with the awakening process despite the evil the implants generate inside them.  These people use the evil from their implants to understand how the cabal operates in order to implement countermeasures.  These people overcome the 'beast code' by exerting self-control, along with using tools such as meditation, and they learn the secrets of evil in order to dismantle evil.  

Even if the implants were dissolved, which is inevitable, there still needs to be some form of guidance.  This guidance would be effortless and automatic if the implants were dissolved, because then there would be no obstacles/distortions from the 3D mind and the Higher Self.  This 'guidance' would be oneself becoming one with oneself (GodSelf), and there would be no further inner conflict and duality, but instead only inner well-being and infinite, undefined, non-mutated expressions and experiences.  


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