Prison Break 2.0

One's own I Am presence comes before everything else, including the light forces and the 2012portal blog.  When there is rampant abuse taking place in the world, such as the genocide in Afghanistan that is currently underway, and there is no needed physical intervention from the light forces, my solution is to read Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now and to stop giving attention to the light forces, because there is this endless head-game lose-lose feedback loop that exists regarding the light forces:

Horrible abuse happens in 3D.  The light forces don't stop the horrible abuse.  I can't do anything myself to stop the horrible abuse except to do Cobra meditations.  The meditations don't work though because the abuse in 3D continues.  I then get angry and I stop doing the meditations.  Then I start again because I feel that it's my responsibility and that I can help the situation.  Then I notice that more abuse keeps happening.  Then I get upset again and stop doing the mediations again.  Then I am told "Just hang in there and keep going!"  So then I do the meditations again.  Then I notice that more abuse is happening.  And on and on this goes.  

I'm also told that the light forces can't intervene because of "such and such."  There's always some reason why there cannot be any physical intervention.  First it was stranglet bombs, then toplet bombs, then it was the chimera underground bases, and now it's (correct me if I'm wrong) sub-quantum anomaly and toplet bombs in the surface population.  Days turn into weeks which turn into months which turn into several years of this.  Anger festers against the light forces.  Then guilt arises out of this anger.  "It's not their fault.  They're doing everything they can, and I'm hurting the operation by getting upset with them."  But horrible abuse in the world keeps manifesting.  Then thoughts arise such as, "It's because the light forces are not real.  The 2012portal blog is a psy-op."  Then I feel awakening energies, and I feel that these energies are possibly coming from the light forces.  So then I do the meditations again, fighting my own disbelief in the light forces, and/or anger against the light forces, because again, horrible abuse in the world keeps happening over, and over, and over again, with history repeating itself over, and over, and over again.  The abuse then becomes too obvious and I get upset again and stop.  Then I start again.  And on, and on, and on this goes.

Then the guilt-trip arises when I feel that the light forces are trying to help me.  I shouldn't be so mad at them when they are trying to help me, right?  But then I see all this horrible abuse taking place in the world.  So, then I say to the light forces, "Don't help me!  They have it way worse than I do!  Why won't you help them!?"

I really actually don't know what's real and what's not real regarding the light forces.  There were the earthquakes in the Congo a while back, but that could have been a coincidence.  There have been many earthquakes in the Congo when looking at the decades long time-frame on the world map.  I don't know.  I do know that it is completely schizophrenic to believe in beings that are of so much love and light that allegedly exist close to the planet when there is simultaneous rape, pedophilia, torture, covid tyranny, etc., with absolutely nothing physically being done to stop it.  I do know that this is the most extreme schizophrenic mind-fuck ever.

So it's Edkhart Tolle's findings that work the best for me.  It also must be stated that I don't make a religion out of Eckhart Tolle.  He just provides insight into why the world is so screwed up.  His explanations make sense as to why the world is so insane.  It's fine to do Cobra meditations and so forth, but when the inevitable mental prison feedback-loop results as described above, I have to make I Am presence primary.  There is no geometry, no meditation, or anything that comes before I Am presence.  I Am presence precedes all geometry, all light work, and all intel from the 2012portal blog.  It is only I Am presence, as the eternal Now outside of all thoughts and emotions, that can free me from the mental prison that the light forces themselves have become.  Again, it's a schizophrenic mental prison to believe in beings of love and light when the abuse on Earth continues with no end in sight. 


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