Freedom's Core Motive

Preserving human rights is more than just about preserving freedom.  On a deeper level, preserving human rights is about survival.  On a deeper level, humanity knows this, because on a deeper level, the collective consciousness of humanity has been historically abused and genocided every time human rights were taken away.  From the Soviet Union to the holocaust to countless other genocides throughout history, the prerequisite was losing  human rights.  Only when a sufficient level of human rights disappears can a genocide take place, so it's very understandable why humanity fights so hard to preserve freedom.

All genocides are in the name of a nonexistent greater good.  In modern times, the nonexistent greater good is getting a covid vaccine for a virus that has a 99%+ survival rate.  Those who refuse to get the vaccine are first discriminated against, not having the same rights as others through the vaccine passport.  Those who refuse to get the vaccine are also regarded as subhuman, 'justifying' their genocide.  Fortunately in the United States, people have the right to bear arms, and as long as this remains the case, the US will probably not have a genocide.  Other countries like Australia, however, are currently at a very high risk of genocide, as the people in Australia don't have the right to bear arms and are being held hostage by the politicians, military, and police.  In Afghanistan, there is a current genocide that is taking place.  The Taliban own all the guns in Afghanistan, and the Taliban are psychopathic murderous religious extremists who regard Afghans as inferior.

Freedom = survival

Losing freedom = death


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