Trying to Cover All Bases

Although I support the most positive drastic changes for the surface population taking place in August, all possibilities must be covered.

In the possible scenario where the cabal basically throw everything the have left at the surface population without being removed from power in August, there needs to be protocols known in advance for every move the cabal makes.

There are two forms of non-compliance to tyranny:

1. Peaceful non-compliance (Example: Choosing not to get the covid vaccine.

2. Non-peaceful non-compliance (Example: Rioting in the streets against vaccine mandates)

Probably all peaceful non-compliance hinders the cabal.  In the case of non-peaceful non-compliance though, many times (but perhaps not all) non-peaceful non-compliance works in the cabal's favor.  (Protesting is kind of in between peaceful non-compliance and non-peaceful non-compliance.  Aggression is involved in protesting, but there is no physical damage to property, unlike rioting.)

If the public engages in non-peaceful non-compliance through rioting and/or protesting against vaccine passports, vaccine mandates, and mask mandates, does this work in the favor of the cabal because the cabal can use the non-peaceful non-compliance to enforce a national lockdown?  

The argument can be made that there are enough people to not comply with the lockdown to render the lockdown powerless, but the argument could also be made that the cabal could overwhelm all the non-compliant citizens with military and/or mercenary army enforcement.  

This is where I stop because I don't have enough information.  I can't see what the results will be, because I can't see deeply enough into the cabal's plans and amount of resources.  I do know that the lockdowns worked last time because the public was very complacent.  If the public was not very complacent though, would there simply be more severe measures to enforce the lockdowns with the cabal's possible resources?  Or, are the cabal out of resources and they mainly only have the media to exert control over the public?  What are we really dealing with this time around?  

Australia obviously had enough resources to enforce complete and absolute control over its people.  What are the cabal's resources in the United States though?  The cabal don't have many resources in France, because the French are protesting extensively, so maybe the United States is similar to France?  Or, not? 


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