Very Strong Pine Needle Tea

I boiled them and let them steep for a while.  Then I put the pan of hot water and pine needles in the fridge to cool it like someone would cool jello.


After the pan of water and pine needles became cool in the fridge, I then poured it into a couple mason jars using a strainer to separate the solid material.  It's murky-looking because it's so potent from being in hot water for so long.  Therefore, this amount may last me for a few days.  The taste is strong.  It's bitter but has a sweet aftertaste.



A while back, Prepareforchange mentioned this video on the different types that can be made.  The one I used above is White Spruce.



  1. Utilizzo di un traduttore online. Non sono sicuro che sia completamente accurato.

  2. I even thought of putting it in a blender lol! Strong stuff! I may cut back on it for a while. Had some pretty strong anxiety that may be connected. Unsure.


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