Power to the Surface Population!!!

There are many examples of cabal engineered protests that turn into chaos causing harm to the public.  Protesting forced/coerced vaccination in mass, such as in France and other countries, however, is something the cabal DOES NOT WANT.  It's the people who have the power, because it's the people who operate society.  If enough people say NO, the cabal fail.  There are historical examples when mass protests against other planned forced vaccines stopped the vaccine laws from going into effect.  If you live in a country that is planning on vaccine passports and/or forced vaccination, STAND UP AND SAY NO!  March on the streets in mass and say NO!  Shout NO!!  Scream NO!!!  The Ets may agree with me here, and they may want you to say NO, instead of whining and moaning about "Oh what will I do?  Why won't the Ets save us?  I might... lose my job!"  Seriously, stop that!
Power to the surface population!!! 


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