A Very Intense Tug-of-War is Taking Place

Around 8:00 a.m. UTC time on 07/25/2021, I experienced a very powerful connection to my higher self.  I was meditating on freeing the surface population at the time, and I had tears of joy in my eyes.  After a while of meditating (maybe 30 minutes or so), my ears rang a bit and I began to have doubtful thoughts.  I tried to fight off these doubtful thoughts unsuccessfully, and I could no longer access feelings of love and joy.

I have a theory that whenever awareness and access to the higher self grows to a certain point, the cabal use 5G to shut down the awareness and access to the higher self.  Ringing in the ears has a strong correlation to this, so it's probably a symptom when being hit by 5G.  Ringing in the ears is probably not limited to only being hit by 5G though.

The 'tug of war' between the light forces and dark forces may be intensifying, because I'm finding more and more that I am becoming bipolar.  I will be of a very low nature for a time, but then at a later point in time I will almost be like some sort of saint.  I find that I'm doing '180's' quite often.  Perhaps this is currently the experience of other lightworkers as well.

Ultimately, the cabal probably want me to be like them.  That's why the cabal hit me with 5G and associated technologies to shut me down and then prey on my vulnerabilities.  I have a specific vulnerability that I will not disclose, but the damage that's done is extreme.  This vulnerability has become a full-blown mutation.  Hopefully the light forces (positive Ets, positive military, and underground resistance) will shut down the cabal's 5G control grid in the very near future.  The importance of this task being completed cannot be stressed enough.  

The biggest obstacle for myself regarding the Cobra meditations is feeling like a hypocrite because of the severe mutation within my consciousness.  I will, however, continue with the meditations.  It's important to keep in mind though that just because someone has a nice, fancy lightworker profile pic, fancy (ish) profile name (Starlight), and provides (possibly) enlightening insight and so forth, this does not mean the actual person is a hero or anything of the sort.  Here's a documentary to consider watching regarding how a spiritual person can be overrun with inner mutations:


I'll end this post on a very positive note: 

When I access the Galactic Central Sun, I realize that there will always be a part of me that is beyond all mutations.  The world is this way too.  The Galactic Central Sun can remove all evil in myself and the world, regardless of the severity.  Victory of the Light!


  1. Speaking of being of a "higher" consciousness than most but still having some bad habits reminds me of the beings calling themself "Karistus"


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