The End of All Mental Prisons (A Rant to End All Rants)

Covid cases in the US keep going up and up on the graphs, up from a low of just under 10,000 on June 27th to just over 27,000 on the 9th of July.  The mainstream media will probably make news articles stating "Covid cases are up nearly 300%," just like clockwork.  The unvaccinated will of course be blamed for everything.  This is the perfect scenario for the cabal to take more freedoms away.

Guess what though?  I've made a discovery.  Everything I think about regarding current events, from Covid to droughts to vaccines to cyber attacks to (fill in the blank here)... has become a mental prison.  When I think about the light forces and how they are not able to clear things out, this is a mental prison.  When I get stinging sensations and then I wonder why the light forces still haven't cleared this out despite eons of time passing, this is a mental prison.  When I have horrible, pointless, schizophrenic dreams in my sleep, this is a mental prison.  When I go to multiple alternative media sites to read more about the BS the deep state keeps pushing, this is a mental prison.  When I look at the mainstream news to see what tactics they are using lately (tactics which are often very predictable), this is a mental prison.  Just about everything I think about has become a mental prison.

If all civilization is just a bunch of stupid fucking bullshit, it's time for me to move on.  But oh, putting my head in the sand am I?  No.  I've known what the cabal are up to for several years.  It's just the same BS over and over and over again.  There's no point in watching the same old show anymore.  It's time to change the channel.  I'd be putting my head in the sand if I kept looking at all the stupid fucking bullshit.  

I'm moving on.  The only freedom I can know now is to completely empty my mind and be present in the moment.  As cliche as that sounds, it's the only thing that works.  If the entire world is a cesspool hell, at least I don't have to have a cesspool hell in my mind anymore.  If the cabal are not going to be deleted from reality, and are now being allowed to make the 'official' Covid cases (for whatever those numbers are worth - those numbers are probably not very accurate) go back up again to further subjugate the United States, at least I can delete them from my mind.  At least I don't have to have them in my head anymore laughing at me and how they are going to fist fuck me and the rest of the world with their continued allowed abuse.  Obviously no one will delete them.  Not my fucking problem anymore. 

Does that make me a coward?  I've stuck it out longer than most, and I've been put through abuse most wouldn't even think to be possible, fighting the good fight.  It's time for EVERYONE ELSE to finally wake up and do something for a change. 

I'm not going to get upset anymore.  This is my final rant.  It's time for me to make peace with my life, and be present instead of being stuck in all this garbage that gets endlessly thrown around.  The world may be going to hell in a hand basket (it truly is), but this is MY MIND, and I can do whatever I wish with MY MIND.  MY MIND is not a damn garbage dump!  I'm tired of being upset all the time over all this endless BS.  The only freedom left is found when the mind is cleared of everything, as pure presence, because everything else is endless bad news with no light whatsoever at the end of the tunnel.  Fuck that.

I don't care anymore.






  1. Thanks! Yeah I think being present, even if only for a brief moment, allows the divine to come through. I interrupt the thought processes going on in mental prisons by being present, which weakens them.


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