Source Music

I made a playlist of some of the most powerful music I've ever listened to.  Much of this is soundtrack music, but I disassociate the soundtracks from the movies.  Be sure to temporarily hit the volume button to mute out all the ads that may pop up before the videos, especially the invasive vaccine ads.  Most of the ads have a 'skip ad' button that shows up after 5 seconds to skip to the music.

Unfortunately, most music is tuned to A440 instead of A432.  All the music in this playlist is probably tuned to A440.  I've discovered that even when tuning A440 music down to A432, this only preserves a small percentage of the A432 frequencies.  The only way to get the music properly tuned to A432 is to make the music tuned to A432 from scratch.  I've found that if the melody/melody progression is good enough though, music still has a profound effect, even if tuned to A440.

If I find new ones to add, I will add them as I find them.  If others have suggestions, this is very much welcome!


Source Music


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