Conclusion - Not My Fault, Not My Problem

All the tyranny in the world, all the abuse in the world - I can't directly do anything about it.  I have no power to directly fix all these problems.  Others do though, such as the positive military, the underground resistance, and the light forces.  It is their job to directly fix these problems, because they have the capability to do so.  I do not.  I don't have a high tech machine gun to take out the negative elites, and I wouldn't even be able to find the negative elites if I did have a high tech machine gun because I don't have the necessary intel to find them.  I don't have advanced Et craft to be able to neutralize the dark forces.  I don't have replicators to feed the starving people in Southern Africa. 

If the situation on Earth continues to plunge further and further into chaos and tyranny, it's not my fault, and I don't care.  I can only do what I can do, and I won't worry and get upset about the rest.  Why worry and get upset over problems that I can do nothing to directly fix and that are not even my fault?  

What can I do though?  I can be healthy.  I can say no to mask mandates and I can say no to vaccines.  I can defend myself if anyone tries to violate my basic inalienable human rights, peacefully if possible.  If my physical safety is in jeopardy, I can physically defend myself.  I can do meditations to bring more light to this very dark world, which helps the positive forces.  As for anything else, I'm not going to worry and get upset anymore.  Again, directly resolving the world's problems is not my responsibility, but is the responsibility of the positive military, underground resistance, and positive Ets.  I don't have all the awesome technology and intel to directly get the job done.  They do.  



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