Vadim Zeland's "Reality Transurfing" Notes and Summaries, Chapters 1-3
These are notes and summaries of the first 3 and a half hours of listening to the Reality Transurfing audiobook. The notes and summaries are a combination of direct quotes and summations in my own words. This is only a fraction of the material. This is a huge undertaking, but I'm motivated enough to see it through. I hope that the length of this post is not a turn-off. Here goes: It's not a matter of changing oneself. It's a matter of returning to oneself. Mistakes can be made right. Every theory of reality is but only one aspect. Scripts cannot be changed, but they can be chosen. Choose scripts that are to one's liking. To escape a pendulum, be neutral towards it, and then ignore it. Focus on something else, not in a way to directly avoid the pendulum, but with a 'neither here nor there' mentality. Being empty inside stops pendulums from hooking into oneself. This is why Eckhart Tolle's works benefit people. Being present bey...