
Showing posts from April, 2022

The Religion of the Azov Battalion?

"Azov" might mean Azathoth, or Azazoth, who is one of the "great old ones" described by H.P Lovecraft.  I saw such beings in the visionstate last night/early morning.  "Fugly" would be an understatement description of what I saw (and felt). Divine intervention will continue to be commanded to clear these entities from my personal space.  Yes, I command - in boldness and authority.   Religions teach people to be inferior and timid with Source, and disempowerment is the result.   I make no claim to be able to clear negative entities on a planetary scale.   If everyone cleared their personal space, this would immensely help the 'bigger picture.' A great amount of physiological harm is caused by destructive thought-forms.    Choosing to accept or reject thoughts helps immensely.

Taking One's Power Back

Although I maintain secrecy in many matters, I will state the following: Many websites that have alternative information are laced with what is known as 'astral tagging.'  The 'astral tagging' is for the purpose of ensnaring people's minds into negative thought matrices.  I've found that 2012portal is among the websites that ensnare.  Part of the ensnarement is to give guilt trips to those who dissent.  Whether it is negative forces infesting 2012portal with ensnarement, or if it's organic to 2012portal, or a combination, is irrelevant.  The bottom line is to avoid ensnarement.  This means stopping all thought process associated with 2012portal and other similar websites.  Any website that preaches 'love and light' while abuse is continually allowed in the world is probably designed to ensnare, because 'love and light' in the current situation has become a source of extreme cognitive dissonance, which is another key ingredient in negative tho...

What I Said After Saying "Command 12 21" Three Times Today

My dreamstate is not doing well.  I'm being told in the dreamstate that the surface population is de-evolving into zombies.  The thought-forms of others are of very poor quality.  I was also shown that instances of rape are on the rise globally.  My dreamstate is in a state of near-schizophrenia. My physical health is in decline.  Despite changes to my diet to nearly eliminate dairy, my energy levels are very poor.  I have continued stomach problems, and perhaps even kidney problems, as there is pain in that area.   My mental health is in decline.  Certain 'mutations of consciousness' keep coming back.  Negative thought-processes keep re-emerging, despite my efforts to stop them.   My financial state is dismal.  My hours have been cut back at my job (not that I want to work there anyway - I'm extremely burned out) and I'm losing money from my savings.  My stocks are in a state of decline as well.  I''m slowly goi...

Situation Update - Will There Always Be Architects?

(I modified this update.  The original version was a bit... aggressive.  To put it mildly, I haven't been in the best of moods lately.)   If NATO keeps supplying Ukraine with weapons, Russia will eventually run out of resources to stop the weapons.  Also, not all the weapons can be stopped - weapons will leak through.  Russia cannot afford for this conflict to go on forever, so the only remaining option is to use nukes.  Those in the US government who keep supplying Ukraine with weapons know this.   In government, there reaches a level of stupidity that leads to only one possible conclusion - that it's not stupidity at all.  There are those in the US government who really do want to get everyone killed.  No one could possibly be stupid enough to continue supplying Ukraine with weapons.  No, not even Biden is that stupid.  This is very intentional.  2012portal is correct when mentioning the attempt of the Jesuits...

Update On Hold for Now

There was an update that I wrote that is extremely negative, but a small grace period will be given just in case there's something I'm not seeing...  Suffice it to say, I'm done looking at what's going on in the world.  I feel the dire need to shut everything out and focus on improving my own personal affairs.    Constantly being in state that ignores one's own immediate surroundings and aspirations while getting caught up in all the endless bullshit that goes on in the world is not living. Promoting the neglect of one's own garden for some 'larger picture' is promoting falsity.  Time to live instead of being a battery. There's really nothing more to say here.  

Regarding Transgenderism

From a reincarnation perspective, when someone's current physical body is the opposite gender of their primary gender from previous incarnations, transgenderism is the result.  For example, a soul can have female physical incarnations in the majority of past lives, but then have a male physical body in the current incarnation.  This person feels female because of being female in the majority of previous incarnations, which conflicts with their current male body.  (This description is not my own - it came from another esoteric source.) I feel for those who really are transgendered.  However, transgenderism is being used to promote a dystopian world, which is not a surprise.  Whatever can be used to harm humanity, will be used to harm humanity.  Movements that originally have good intentions will sooner or later be used to subjugate humanity.  Historically, it almost always goes this way.  The Civil Rights Movement, which was definitely positive, l...

Different Lives, Different Perspectives

Suppose in my life I was engaged in a pioneering project - maybe something on the cutting edge of one of the sciences.  Suppose I loved the work that I did, and I was making the world a better place and being paid very nicely for it.  Suppose I had an awesome sex life and a high quality family life as well.  Then, suppose someone told me, "The Event and planetary liberation will not happen for another 20 years."  Suppose I believed it.  Would I become upset?  No.  I would reply, "I look forward to it!  I did a flower of life meditation earlier today and it went very well.  If you'll excuse me though, I need to carry on with my work.  Have a great day!" Now, suppose in my life I was poor, alone all the time, lived in some kind of dump, and worked at a job I hated that was a source of stagnation just to pay the bills.  Or worse yet, suppose I was homeless, and/or had some horrible, debilitating incurable disease.  Or, suppose I l...

A Very Interesting Dream I've Never Had Before (Updated)

I don't know if I should be specific.  Maybe I'm not supposed to? I'll just say that the lazers being developed are not just to defeat drones: ...And that these lazers are no match for certain 'other forces.' Ah, heck with it.  If I can dream it, it's probably ok to post.  Here is the dream: UFOs were physically in the sky.       A military vessel hit one of the craft with a lazer.  The craft did not explode and appeared unharmed, but the lazer caused it to crash nearly vertically to the ground.  I was horrified to see it crash, thinking the Ets (probably Pleiadians) would die, but the craft just bounced off the ground unharmed!  Then there were Ets outside the craft.  One of them came up to me, and was in an armored suit very similar to the kind in Metroid.     The Et picked me up and we were flying.  There were sounds ...

Updated: Very Disturbing Update About Gonzalo Lira

Spec Ops gave a comment with this update: Thank you Spec Ops!

Regarding Tachyons

I had a family reunion and also met many friends of family.  This amounted to about 30 people, including children, who were at least double vaxed, and most of which who were triple vaxed (the adults).  Not a single one had any noticeable health problems.  There is no one from the family and their friends who died from the jabs.   I had one relative who previously refused to get the experimental drugs but then got a super-severe case of covid which turned him into a convert.  He proudly stated that he got his 2nd booster shot.  I wanted to tell him about my experience with covid and megadosing with melatonin to quickly get the symptoms down (I curb-stomped covid with this protocol) but in this relative's case the visit was very short (on the way to the airport) and I didn't get the chance.  The conversation would have probably turned into an argument anyway, because covid, and all the chaos and insanity it created, is apparently still an extremely volat...

Comments from Deleted Post

I felt stupid for posting it.  A primary form of manipulation is to make reality seem only a certain, limited negative way.  I was out of my element at the moment at a family reunion where everyone was very happy and had kids except for myself, and it got to me. Here are the comments from the deleted post: Here is the hyperlink to the video Spec Ops suggested: Russian Roulette, Delusions And The Invincibility Fable It's well worth watching.

The Importance of Science for Spirituality

Here are a couple videos from SirisKing that resonate lately: 

Pine Needle Update

I've had some very positive experiences eating pine needles over the last week and a half or so.  However, I also began having much more frequent heart palpitations.  I've also been having severe heartburn.  The palpitations are becoming so severe that I feel that my life is in danger, so unfortunately, at least for now, I'm going to have to stop eating pine needles.  I made sure to choose the correct type of pine, so it's not a matter of being poisoned by eating the wrong type of pine. There is the possibility that a 'cleansing protocol' that I've been doing for quite some time is complicating matters.  There are way too many variables to know the cause of the palpitations. Every single health protocol I've ever tried, sooner or later, has backfired on me.  I've never had any lasting success with anything I've ever tried.  This post is not to discourage others from eating pine needles.  With virtually all health protocols, my experience has been...

Pollution and Transmutation - Message from Sarah Adams

Here is a message from Sarah Adams that resonates:   Pollution & Transmutation   "I have deep gratitude for the divine allowing me to have deep spiritual experiences.   And I'm blessed because beautiful people surround me with love and kinship. I like writing and pouring out things, thoughts feelings experiences and synchronicities.   So here it goes. I have been pondering the pollution that haunts this world. Our oceans. Our bodies. The animals. The skies. The rain.   Pollution has reached even the most sacred places sadly. I recently read an article that stated our bodies are full of plastic on a monocular level. I believe that plastics in the body are the culprit for many modern-day illnesses. I'm aware that plastic effects women's hormones and throws them off. Pollution is one of this world's biggest problems. We cannot send our trash into space though some governments possibly have that plan. But this still won't fix this massive problem. In fact, spa...

Reading of the Current Planetary Situation, and the Human Condition

(This may not be entirely true.  My mood is somewhat negative at the moment, so this may be clouding certain conclusions.) Western and European governments support the nazi factions, but they are no match for Russia and China.  Propaganda and lies will not save the US and Europe. It's positive that the nazis and their biolabs are being exposed and removed, but there are of course factions of cabal higher on the hierarchy than the nazis.   I couldn't understand why the CCP would back Russia when Russia is removing nazi factions.  I was confused, but now it's looking more clear.  Perhaps in desperation, one particular faction of negative elites is throwing their nazi subordinates under the bus. Reality on Earth has been, and still is, the following scenario: All choices are negative, so the human condition is simply a matter of choosing the lesser of two (or more) negative choices.  Regarding Russia, both choices (supporting Russia or supporting Ukr...

In Order for Vanguard and Blackrock to Lose Power, a Critical Mass of Humanity Must Place Ethics Over Monetary Gain

It's painfully obvious that Vanguard and Blackrock basically own all the major corporations in the world.   (Thank you to the commenter on PrepareForChange who mentioned that video.)  Vanguard and Blackrock have a monopoly on Earth.  They own all the major pharmaceutical companies, food companies, gas companies, electric companies, computer companies, banks, governments, and media.  This is not a conspiracy theory.  This is an inescapable fact. People think they have choices because they can choose to buy 'such and such' commodities with their money, but if Vanguard and Blackrock own the majority of money and corporations, does money really belong to people at all? Vanguard and Blackrock's one and only power is from their trillionaire wealth.  If V and B (I'll call them that from this point onward for convenience) need the media to say something, all they have to do is use their money and ownership to get it.  If V and B need big tech to censor, t...

An Unexpected But Very Welcome Breakthrough

I have been lazy with making pine needle tea.  I haven't had any for quite some time.  This is partly because I wasn't getting enough positive results.   I started again just yesterday, but this time I didn't make tea.  This time I used scissors to chop the needles into small pieces making a green powder, but of course not too finely ground because it would take a long time to chop the needles into a super fine powder.  The needles chop quickly, because I take a small piece of branch and scissor several needles all at once, bit by bit.  Doing this allows for the flavor to be much stronger.  The flavor has turned from a pine taste to a strong bitter taste after chopping.  I chew all the bitterness out of the needles, and then I chew some more as I eat the needles. Doing the above has granted me far more powerful results compared with making the tea.   The results experienced so far: I have more energy and motivation.  I feel mu...

1 + 1 = 2

The bigger picture is what really matters, and the bigger picture is very clear. Hundreds of millions of lives should not be placed in severe danger because of sanctimony.  The 'moral high ground' claimed against Russia is nothing of the sort when nuclear war with Russia will get millions upon millions of people killed.  Only tens of thousands of people have been killed so far in Ukraine, but if matters escalate to nuclear war, deaths will be at the very least, hundreds of millions.   Russia wasn't bluffing because Russia went into Ukraine, so why would anyone assume that Russia is bluffing when it comes to using nuclear weapons? Even without a nuclear war, mass starvation from endless sanctions would result in millions upon millions of deaths.  These scenarios are great for someone who is really into depopulation, but not so great for the ones being depopulated.  No special treatment would be given to many political authorities and their families either...

A Key Psychological Manipulation for the Collapse of the United States

In the US, there is a trend for less and less people to know how technology works.  Increasingly, the US is composed of people who only know if technology works.  More and more Americans have next to zero understanding of the inner workings of technology.   Could the US one day become a country where technology breaks down, but there is no one to fix it, because no one knows how it works anymore, especially if the US burns all its bridges with the rest of the world?  Could an exponentially increasing lack of knowledge of technology be a primary cause of the collapse of the US? How much technology in the US comes from other countries?  Probably most.  Is this a part of the reason why most of the rest of the world believes Americans are fat, lazy, and stupid?   Of course the plan is to make the US into a third world country.  A dramatically increasing lack of technological understanding goes right in line with this plan.   ...

Why the Vaccinated Should Wear Masks

Who knows, maybe if the vaccinated wear masks, they will shed less.   Stop the shed!  

Very Alarming Stats on the Experimental Drugs

Reposting from JS: Attorney Todd Callender: "I happen to be in the morbidity business; I'm the CEO of a large insurance group... Based on what it is we are seeing, the rates right now are excess mortality of 84% and excess of every kind of disease at 1100%. We are expecting a 5000 or so percent increase in excess mortality for this year (2022). An enormous number. I don't think that it's by coincidence, by the way, that Moderna has now just received licensure of their emergency use authorization HIV vaccine. So they gave everybody AIDS, and here's your salvation, which is this new vaccine."

The Biden Weight Loss Program - Results Guaranteed!!!

Trying to lose those stubborn few extra pounds?  Fear not!  The Biden weight loss program is here to save the day!   Ever wanted to go on a fast but just didn't have the will power?  Not to worry!  The Biden weight loss program will guarantee a very long fast!  No will power is needed!  What is Biden's weight loss program?  Create endless sanctions against non-European nations.  That way, magically, food will no longer be available in the US and Europe from the rest of the world's retaliation to those sanctions, as the US and Europe are overly dependent on foreign nations for food, and resources to get food!  The dollar can collapse too for that 100% Biden guarantee!  Brilliant!!! Thanks Biden!  Now everyone in the US and Europe can get super slim, and then some! It's a 100% Biden guarantee, or your 'money' back!   Let's go Brandon!!!    

My "Owning Our Own Power" Post (Allegedly) Got Less Than 10,000 Views

Something's been on my mind that I've been uncertain to post.  I don't know what conclusion to draw.  Remember when Cobra posted my blog post, "Owning Our Own Power And Joining The Galactic Family?"  Well, this is how many views the post actually got, as of today:         The post only got 7,325 views, which is nowhere near 144,000, which is the required number of participants to reach critical mass.  I know that not everyone who visits 2012portal goes to every link listed, but the number should have been at least in the tens of thousands.  There's the possibility that google messed with the number of views though, but of course that's not provable. There's something else that needs to be addressed as well.  I'm not saying that underground bases aren't being cleared, but just because all these 10 km earthquakes show up, it doesn't mean they are 10 km: "Ten kilometers is a "fixed depth". Sometimes data are too poor to compute...

To Continue Writing Posts I Must Change My Perspective

There aren't nearly enough people who follow my blog to make much of a difference in the world.  I could just give up and stop making posts, or I could view my posts as thought-forms that go out into the universe, whereas, even though hardly anyone follows my blog, the Universe and Source still hear me, along with the Light Forces and so forth.  For now, I won't give up.  Even though most of humanity won't listen to me, I can bypass humanity and go straight to the Source. ------- For what it's worth, dreamstate is telling me that something huge is up.  Dreamstate told me that there are forces in the universe who are here, and they are not happy about the situation. Who knows, Lightening could strike.    

How to Make Evil Monsters Understand

This is a war the US and Europe will not win, because most of the rest of the world takes Russia's side.  The West is seriously outnumbered.  If/when the dollar collapses, the situation will be pure chaos for the citizens of the West.  Why do citizens always have to pay the price for the mistakes of those in power who never deserved to have any power in the first place?  Will the Light Forces and Underground Resistance really allow citizens in the US and Europe to starve?    "Almost 190 other nations have agreed to get away from the US dollar." I watched parts of this video as well:     I skimmed it because I'm so burned out on the situation, but was very disturbed to learn that Azov forces are torturing/butchering people alive.  They've been stabbing people's eyes out as well.   The Light Forces and Underground Resistance obviously are not intervening to remove the Azov forces, so maybe other countries such as India could help remo...

A Metaphysical 'Rock Bottom' Has Been Reached and a Drastic Change of Course is Needed

Today at work, there was a mother with her child sitting in the back part of the cart who wanted out.  The mother wouldn't let the child out, and wanted the child to wait until her order was finished.  The child literally sounded like he was being tortured.  The tortured crying was exactly what I heard in the dreamstate previously, early in the morning.  The voice of the child was distorted as though he had been screaming so much his vocal chords were damaged.  It was not a typical cry for a child, but of course the child was not abused in any way.   So, here is my conclusion: 1. This was more evidence among an arsenal of evidence proving my precognitive ability. 2. My imagination was being used against me to draw false, very psychologically harmful conclusions when I heard the crying in the dreamstate. Because I drew the worst possible conclusion from the dreamstate, I became extremely upset.  My being upset then turned into humiliation when I learned...

How Certain People Are Targeted and What to do About it

There are various mantras I repeat internally at various times throughout the day as needed.  I can do this to put myself in more of a meditative state, or to just dissipate negative thought-forms.  For example, I use this mantra when I have negative scenarios that enter my mind of myself getting into conflicts with others: "All duality ends." In the dreamstate there are times when I wake up telepathically hearing a child being raped/tortured.  There will be a muffled torment of a squealing child being heard and so forth.  Therefore, I have decided to also use this mantra: "All child abuse ends." Update observation: When I start setting myself free, the negative forces just find more extreme ways to keep me back in 'square one.'  What better way to keep me in square one than to abuse children, psychically show me this, and then try to make me feel like it's my fault? Am I that important?  Maybe it's not just me, but others as well who this is being d...