
Showing posts from January, 2022

An Update

There isn't much I've been having on the mind to say lately.  I've been noticing self-repeating thought-patterns that go nowhere.  It has all become very predictable. Therefore, I'm relying more on feeling than on thought.  There are some things I will say about the recent black alert (now it's down to red) and grid ratio failure though. Close to the same time as the black alert and grid ratio failure, I had the most intense stinging on my left elbow I've ever had.  Then my upper body began stinging all over. Also, I'm the one who wanted to die, and I was hoping I wouldn't wake up after going to bed on the night of the 25th.  I was ready to drop this body because of being so sick and tired of the 'daily grind' and still not feeling all that well.  I felt very strongly that my time had come to leave the physical behind.  I've never wanted to die so badly.  This was even reflected in the comments section with some posting that someone had died....

Reasons Why I Often Delete My Posts and Comments

1. What I write seems like it's a good idea at the time, but I later find that my thinking was flawed. 2. I make premature conclusions that I later find to be false. 3. I write something that I have no business writing because I lack the integrity of character to write it.

Regarding Melatonin

In addition to helping people with covid, melatonin also helps people with the flu! Melatonin possesses an anti-influenza potential through its immune modulatory effect Fever has been gone for a few days now.  I don't know if what I had was the flu or covid.  The coughing lasted for about a week.  It's only now finally going away.  

I'm Not Supposed To Know And I'm Fine With That

Part of the reason why the Pleiadians are against violence so much is because their own planet was destroyed eons ago from wars.  However, it's realized by the Pleiadians that there are times when there is no other choice but to use violence.   It's true that giving a psychopath tyrant a flower will not make the psychopath tyrant 'be nice.'  The only way to stop a psychopath tyrant from hurting others is to remove the psychopath tyrant from this world. Ukraine cannot be allowed to commit genocide against Russians again, which already happened when a puppet government was installed during Obama's term.   There are ways to use violence constructively.  Questions must always be asked before proceeding such as "Is this a trap?" and so forth.   I'm beyond disappointed in the US government.  The US government is nothing more than a puppet government run by the CCP and Jesuits.  The US government is a criminal terrorist organization. ...

My Kundalini Experience Last Night

Last night I was doing a meditation and was listening to some very powerful soundtrack music.  I decided to really focus on the Light like I've never done before and my emotions became extremely intense.  I was in such an intense state that my 'kundalini' as they call it, went up my spine and into my head.   I've had energies I've felt in the head area before and they were no problem.  However, when it's a full force kundalini activation, this can actually be dangerous.  This can fry a person's brain.  My entire head was buzzing - literally.   I immediately had to stop.  My internal organs began 'heating up' (not to be confused with a fever - my fever was completely gone at this point.)  I've had this happen before in the past, but not for quite some time. My intent was to access the true power of Source and to have an amazing, beautiful spiritual experience beyond anything I had ever felt before, flooding the planet with Light like neve...

Regarding Common Sense

I found this quote from Cobra's latest interview to be very important: "Rhona: Do you have any specific message for the surface population of the planet at this difficult time? Cobra: Yes, definitely. It is very important at this point to hold the Light, to anchor the Light, in your own Light, in your own body, in your own energy field and around you. And also to use common sense, we are in the period of end time madness, do not focus too much on it. Use common sense. Rhona: Yes. Cobra: Common sense is very important. " I found this to be very important when I became sick.  I've been sick like this before.  The last time I was this sick was in March of 2020.  This wasn't something that was life threatening.  However, with all the mainstream media's fear porn everywhere, the mentality about getting sick has changed.  I had to reassure myself that what was happening to me was not out of the ordinary.  The stupid thing to do would have been to panic an...

My (Likely) Covid-19 Experience

I actually have a policy to not say if I get sick anywhere online, because this could be used as ammunition against me, whereas, pro-vaxxers would say "See, you should have gotten the vaccine," but my recent illness has turned into a success story. I started having a couple symptoms on the 17th that are allegedly from Omicron - a scratchy throat and a headache.  I went to a remote location outside to do the full moon meditation for First Contact on the 17th, but it was cold out and I was not wearing a warm enough coat.  I was also under a great deal of stress from my job (feeling trapped), and I was not eating very healthy food.  All of this combined to weaken my immune system to make me sick. After the meditation my symptoms worsened.  I got a fever and a sore throat.  I felt absolutely terrible, and became rather upset.  My line of thinking was, "I do a First Contact meditation and get covid - oh what fun."  I didn't test for covid, but I'm pretty su...

Final Post Regarding Russia - All Possibilities that I can Possibly Cover (Updated)

Regarding the geopolitical situation, I don't know what's really going on.  I don't understand Russia's increased trade with China.  I don't know what consequences this will have for Russia.  I don't know if there's a way for Russia to do trade with China without being compromised by the Chinese Communist Party.  I'm not good at figuring out geopolitical situations.  I'm clueless on the matter.  My intuition is unable to tell me anything without being distorted.  The best thing for me to do is to be quiet about it.  Therefore, I deleted my Russia post.  Although I do believe that the US has lost its soul to the CCP (but might be getting its soul back, as the supreme court blocked Biden's tyrannical experimental drug mandate), I don't know if this is the case for Russia just because Russia has increased trade with China.  Perhaps not all of China is run by the CCP.  I'll let others who know more than myself about the situation 'do wh...

Possibility Regarding the Invisibles (Updated)

Perhaps AI operates not just physically, but also in the lower mental plane.  Perhaps the invisibles are part AI.  It's likely that at the very least, the invisibles use AI.  According to my past 'metaphysical experiences,' AI operates in the physical but has a non-physical, or semi-physical, counterpart.  Update: Some thoughts regarding Negative Nonphysical Interference (NNI):  Over the years one of my primary goals was to not be manipulated by NNI.  I definitely wasn't 100% successful.  Even when someone is aware of NNI, this doesn't make someone immune to being manipulated.  If an individual is 'on top of their game' and is immune to NNI at a certain time, others around them who are more susceptible will be manipulated to attack them. I'm reminded of a video from MindandMagick from years ago (Mindandmagick is not associated with this blog or the 2012 portal, but his work has been a positive influence on myself and countless others).  He wa...

Strange and Unwanted Occurrences Will Not Stop Progress

First, the backup petition was changed to lose about 34,000 signatures. Second, somehow a comment of mine was deleted on the 2012 portal, which I am absolutely certain I did not delete.  It says "This comment has been deleted by the author," which means I deleted the comment, but I did not.  The comment was an encouraging and unifying comment, admitting that I'm not exempt from possession, as follows: "I notice that there are people who are very intelligent, yet they have blind spots on certain areas, being unnecessarily stupid in certain areas. I myself have certain areas where I should know better, but I don't. I can 'pierce the veil' in some ways, but in other ways, I have common sense issues. Must be the invisibles. It's useful to be aware of this; thank you." There are two possibliites: 1. Someone somehow hacked into my account.  2. I did something I have absolutely no memory or intention of doing.   Both possibilities are disturbing.  ...

Different Types of Possession

These are different type of being possessed, which I intuitively/telepathically see: 1. Doing something horrible and not remembering it.  This is the most extreme form of possession, because it's another entity completely taking over a person's mind and body.  This form of possession may not be happening anymore, as the astral has been mostly cleared. 2. Watching oneself say and/or do destructive things.  Have you ever gotten into an argument with someone else and it's like you are watching yourself argue?  Your heart starts beating fast, and words pour out of your mouth in an out-of-control way.  More extreme forms of this are getting into physical fights and committing rape.  Not all physical fights and rapes are this way though.  Some physical fights and rapes are premeditated.   3. Having stupid belief systems and believing these stupid belief systems to be one's own.  Example: Someone who believes every man, woman, and child should be fo...

Upcoming Meditation on the 17th

Looking forward to it! The timezone converter didn't work, at least on my end for some reason.  The timing, at least for ET time, is: 6:48 PM ET  The best converter I could find is here:

The #1 Thing The Surface Population Needs In Order To Know The Good Guys Are Really Winning

Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!  Reverse the experimental drug mandates!!!...

State of Affairs Part 2

The catch-22 situation elaborated: If people say "No" to the experimental drug mandates in droves and quit their jobs, this will cause a collapse of the supply chain and economy, and the negative elites can then implement their great reset and dystopian social credit score out of the chaos.  This is the negative elites' version of the "Phoenix rising from the ashes."  If people say "Yes" to the experimental drug mandates, new mandates will be created in perpetuity for never ending new shots, which will irreversibly open the doorway for the dystopian social credit score system. The "Yes" scenario gives the negative elites what they want without everything falling into complete chaos.  The "No" scenario is a much rougher transition.  I didn't realize that by resisting and saying "No," this still falls into the plans of the negative elites, as Jim Stone pointed out.  It makes perfect sense that the ones saying "No...

State of Affairs

I normally don't post Jim Stone's material, because he can be overly 'gloom and doom,' but felt this to be relevant.  I will post a response at the end of this reading.  Quote from Jim Stone from today: I am going to say something in conjunction with the next post that lots of vaxxed people are not going to like, but it is TRUE. DEAD WEIGHT. I am going to say it like it is. This is a workplace reality EVERYWHERE. In EVERY place I have EVER seen, every job I have EVER SEEN where a machine was not dictating the speed at which someone worked, there almost invariably and with little exception a situation where between 25 percent and 35 percent of the workers actually contribute and the rest are predominantly place holders and dead weight.  I am going to say what I know is true: The people that have resisted being vaxxed up to this point are for the most part the 25 to 35 percent that is the most productive. I am sure a few star players out there have been ...

Further Geometries

Connecting more lines, a more familiar star is formed.  This is a 6 pointed star (60 degree increments) combined with an 8 pointed star (45 degree increments).  Because there angles that overlap, it forms a 12 pointed star.  Again, it's not perfect because I used paint: This is the same as the above, but includes 30 degree increments, so is a 12 pointed star combined with an 8 pointed star:   I searched for other kinds of flowers of life, and a couple crop circles stood out:   Also, this one was an interesting find:     "Vexels" turns out to be a software program that is useful for creating sacred geometry. I thought the geometries I made looked familiar.  Now I remember who was doing this same thing years ago:

A Different Geometry

I was curious about combining the hexagonal flower of life with the octagonal flower of life.  I don't have the software to be able to do that though.  I have no idea what it would look like.   However, I am able to use a paint program to combine angles of 45 degree increments (octagonal) with 60 degree (hexagonal) increments using paint.  At first I thought the result would be a 14 pointed star, but because the 45 and 60 degree increments overlap at 180 and 360 degrees, it forms a 12 pointed star.  Here is what I started with, using a 360 degree circle found online:     I then formed a 12 pointed figure, connecting the 45 degree and 60 degree increments: 30 degree increments included (16 pointed): (The accuracy of the lines is not 100% perfect, as I was using paint.) Is this a symbol that has been used before? What does it all mean?

Alternative Perspective Regarding Kazakhstan

Although there may have been plans (which failed) to place nuclear weaponry in Kazakhstan, there is this to consider as well: Kazakhstan Intel Chief Arrested + Ukrainian Ex-Prez On The Run - Both Connect to BIDEN CRIME FAMILY

The Two Ratios

The two different ratios are very close to each other: Golden ratio: 1.618_ Silver ratio: 1.414_ Solomon's temple was said to have the ratio of 1.414. Planetary vortexes come to mind.  Perhaps planetary vortexes have a particular spiral/ratio, with some being the golden ratio, and others being the silver ratio.   I was probably incorrect with my previous post equating the two ratios with the two different flowers of life.  I'm sure the silver ratio could be mathematically drawn into the commonly used flower of life that forms hexagrams.  Since all circles are in perfect symmetry with all other circles in the commonly used flower of life, a square root of two progression spiral (silver ratio spiral) would probably fit perfectly. ----- I keep finding that regarding these matters, my words feel empty.  In many cases my words feel empty because I'm talking/writing without experiencing anything.  My words can feel quite hollow at times. In order to truly kn...

Japan Uses the Silver Ratio

I am wondering if the reason Japan is currently liberated from the negative elites and their minions is because Japan uses the silver ratio (square root of 2 progression). "The one that got famous in the West is called golden ratio. This mathematical ratio is believed to be some kind of divine proportion (as called by Paciolli and Da Vinci in their “De Divina Proportione” [1] ) that regulate the form of natural things and the human body. We can see the use of the golden ratio in the Euclid’s Elements [2] , in the Renaissance art and architecture and even in modern architecture . The other that got renowned in East is called silver ratio or Japanese ratio (“Yamato-hi” for Japanese). They used the silver ratio in Buddha statues, in architecture and in anime characters, like Doraemon." There is a flower of life that follows the silver ratio.  The golden ratio flower of life follows a six pointed star pattern, ...

Hal Turner's Deeply Disturbing Latest Radio Show (Summary)

Kazakhstan's 'uprising' (supplied by foreign nations including the United States) was for the purpose of placing nuclear weapons close to Russia, which Russia cannot allow for obvious reasons.   Russia is preparing their doomsday bunkers.   There will be a NATO and Russia meeting on Monday, January 10th, which is not expected to go well.  NATO has been discussing taking nuclear action against Russia. The corrupt United States government needs a war to cover their national debt, so the corrupt United States government plans to sacrifice its citizens in a nuclear holocaust. The first visible sign of promised intervention will be the Light Forces stopping this humanly unstoppable nuclear holocaust of the United States.  It's humanly unstoppable because NATO and Biden will not back off, which will force Russia's hand. Tangent possibility:  Russia only targets DC and NYC? 

What's Going on with the Nonphysical?

 Wednesday, March 31, 2021 "On the etheric and astral planes close to the planetary surface, the Light forces are also clearing negative entities that are still oppressing humanity. There are still trillions upon trillions of those entities present, and they need to be removed along with their negative etheric scalar technologies before any meaningful breakthrough can happen." Tuesday, July 13, 2021 "The Light forces are also intensively clearing negative non-physical etheric and astral entities, and their number has now fallen below 50 billion." Tuesday, August 24, 2021 "Light Forces have begun to clear the innermost layer of the etheric and astral dark force matrix with still tens of billions of Reptilian entities present. This practically means that the battle for the planetary surface on the non-physical planes is now...