Why I Keep Getting Knocked Off Track - The Midway Path?

To me, the term "harvest" in relation to being harvested by the Light, which is also mentioned in the Bible, has always been a huge deterrent.  Harvesting a crop, for example, is for the crop to be eaten.  Long ago, Ananda Bosman stated that harvests become food for the Gods.  He also described a path that goes beyond the White Brotherhood and Dark Brotherhood (this is not a race thing), called the Midway Path.  

I'm not exactly sure what the Midway Path is, but the duality of light vs. dark has always been something I found to be cliche and obsolete.  It's true that darkness has occupied Earth for eons of time and needs to be cleared.  However, perhaps the ultimate destiny of humanity is not to be harvested by the Light, but to evolve in a way that goes beyond the Light and Dark, beyond Angels vs. Demons.  

Ananda Bosman stated that humans have 72 arch Angels and 72 arch Demons.  The Midway Path is a path that surpasses both the Angels and Demons, surpassing Heaven and Hell into a novel, unique existence.  The existence would still have Light, but there would be no harvests, meaning that the Light is no longer the ultimate, nor the Dark for those who desire the Dark.  I find this to be very intriguing.  

I feel that ascension is great, as I may have ascended already, but if the Midway Path has no ultimates, this means that ascension is not the ultimate.  Perhaps beings have been ascending for a very long time, and wish to experience something beyond ascension.  Perhaps creation would state the following:  "I (creation) have experienced all these experiences, and am looking for something new to experience that's never been experienced before."

Me stating this is to blaspheme against the White Brotherhood, because the White Brotherhood believes that Love and Light are the ultimate.  The Midway Path, however, states that Compassionate Love is a tool to transmute the imbalanced level of Darkness on Earth, but Compassionate Love is not the ultimate.  

To me, the duality between Light and Dark has always been futile.  The people of Light will be all loving and happy, and the Dark becomes annoyed and angry, and strikes against the Light.  Then the Light judges this and so forth, as though the Light is superior to all things.  And so, the Light and Dark quarrel endlessly.  The more the Light shines, the more the Dark abuses to spite the Light, and then the Light spites the Dark by placing itself as the Superior Ultimate.  On and on this goes, over aeons.  This becomes rather old.  Yet again though, it is true that the Dark needs to be 'put back in place,' because the Dark has had a very unnaturally strong grip over Earth for far too long.  However, perhaps the Light is not the ultimate.

When I think of a happy family, where life is perfect all the time, a part of me is actually disgusted.  The reason for this is because that's what everyone seems to want.  If everyone's the same, where is the uniqueness?  A world where everyone is the same is a failure of creation because creation was meant to experience more than just one ultimate thing, which in this case, is Love.  I feel that there's more to life than some happy fairy-tale ending.  I'm not saying experiencing this 'perfect life' from time to time is to be avoided, no.  I am saying that this 'perfect life' is not the ultimate.  

I envision an existence that is free of abuse, but also free of harvests.  

There are so many different kinds of lifeforms in the universe that are not humanoid.  Creation did this in order to experience uniqueness. 

I went all out over the last few days, doing Solfeggio frequencies and working with the GCS.  Then I had a ringing in my ears and I 'fell from grace.'  My experience has been that over and over I would connect to the Light, only to get hit with something that gets me 'off track.'  The stronger I would connect with the Light, the harder I would fall afterward.  At first I believed that this was just because this is a war (it is a war), but now I believe that this is creation (and the Prime Creator) telling me that the Light is not the ultimate.  Yet, isn't the Creator known as Infinite, Eternal Light?  This is debatable.  There is also the Infinite, Eternal Void.  Some state that the Void came before the Light!  I'm not sure which came first, or if neither came first because both are outside of time, but when I keep getting knocked 'off track,' maybe I'm being told something.


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