Focusing on What's Important

There are less than 1 million 'covid deaths' in the United States.  The vast majority of these deaths were through hospitals committing mass murder through gross malpractice.  Plus, many of these deaths were from other causes.  Someone can test positive for covid but die from something else, and this death is counted as a 'covid death.'  

Suppose that we counted 1 million deaths in the United States as 'covid deaths' though.  1 million people is roughly 3/10th's of 1% of the United States population.  Even in the case where there are 1 million 'covid deaths' (which there are obviously not), this is only a fraction of a percent of the United States population, which is over the course of roughly 20 months.  

So, when there are all these experimental drug mandates, and Israel has proven that the experimental drugs stop 'working' over time anyway, I know without a shadow of a doubt that the experimental drug campaign is a total JOKE.  It's 100% NONSENSE.  People were mass murdered in hospitals just to empower big pharma and the negative elites.  Any claims that the experimental drugs were intended to benefit humanity are absolutely FALSE, and there is no escaping justice for those involved in this diabolical plot.

The best thing I can do is focus on a higher reality where there is no experimental drug nonsense, no covid nonsense, and no other nonsense of any sort.  No matter what Biden and all the rest say about experimental drug mandates and so forth ad nauseam, I know that this is a total charade.  I know that all this nonsense is just a false reality that has no value whatsoever that is on its death bed.  

I'm moving on into a reality that actually has meaning and value.  That is the reality I choose.  I can feel positive vibes of that reality already, and I choose to resonate more and more with these positive vibes.  As for all the nonsense though - all the nonsense can self-destruct.

Also, laughter is a great!  Laugh at them and the pathetic false reality they are so desperately trying to push as it all falls apart.  The suffering and death the negative elites and their minions caused is not a joke, but they absolutely hate being laughed at, so go for it.  Feel free to push them over the edge, hastening their downfall.  And remember - it's the people who have the real power.   

I'll finish this with a clip of William Shatner talking about his recent journey into space.  The conversation turns into a very moving speech!  I can now see why it's so important for humanity to break the quarantine.

Victory of the Light!




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