Return of the Third Aspect

On Earth, there is great duality.  For example, there are people who believe very strongly that those who chose to receive the experimental drug are true saints, and those who chose not receive the experimental drug are the most evil scum ever.  There are countless other examples of 'either-or' belief systems.

Creation is supposed to have 3 aspects, which are:

- Positive

- Negative 

- Neutral

Earth has become a place where there is positive and negative, but there is virtually no neutrality.  Within myself, there is a very powerful hero, and a very power villain.  Having a very powerful villain and very powerful hero causes great instability, and my own internal instability is apparently being reflected in the external world at large.  Perhaps this is also true in the case of others.

Instability creates chaos, and chaos is used for world domination by the negative elites.  If Earth is to be liberated, the neutral aspect needs to be returned.  With the neutral aspect, positive and negative harmonize into heaven on Earth, where differences are embraced instead of weaponized.  Without the neutral aspect, positive and negative annihilate each other.



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