Warning: Mature Audiences Only
(I'm assuming all who read this blog are adults, so I'm going to discuss sexuality.)
When Cobra said in the conference, "unconditional, loving sexual energy," I don't understand this. I also don't understand the linkage of sexuality with the heart center.
I have always been confused about sexuality. It never really made sense to me. Because sexuality is a massive part of 2012 Portal, it's hard to know how to continue when I have massive confusion.
I'm not discouraging others from continuing. But as for me, I'm a 40-year-old virgin who just doesn't understand. Others who have a sexual partner are far better candidates compared with myself.
I have intellectual knowledge of women having whole-body orgasms. I've seen (I'm ok with admitting this) videos of how to finger a woman with the right technique to get her off so hard her whole body shakes with ecstasy. (I don't look at this anymore. This was years ago.) Although I support the sexual liberation of women, again, I still don't understand.
Personally, I seek to have a bliss that is not tied to sexuality. It would be easier for me to not have to deal with sexuality at all. I used to be able to achieve a state of bliss that didn't go 'down there.' As the years went by though, more and more, I couldn't be in the present moment for too long without sexuality trying to take over. I feel that this is a step in the wrong direction. I feel that I'm being limited by my sexuality. I thought "kundalini rising" means that it rises.
There's also the issue of mind control. Star Trek actually has soft disclosure of cabal mind control methods. This scene surprised me. It's very dark for Star Trek:
The above video illustrates what the dark forces did to me through the dreamstate over the years. In the dreamstate, I was often unable to stop them from showing me what they wanted to show me. I also was heavily infiltrated by etheric machinery (very long story).
I may hold the world record for the amount of horrors I was forced to witness through the dreamstate. If I specifically mention what I was being shown, it's 100% certain that this post will be blocked. Even early this morning in the dreamstate I was shown something that would definitely get this post shut down if I were to be specific. (It may get shut down for mentioning women getting fingered anyway, in which case I will edit that out.)
(Cobra mentioning China doing micro-chipping caught my interest. I wonder how many nanites are in my brain.)
I'm really strong though. I can always return back to my center, even with all these issues. Nothing they do to me phases me much anymore. Geordi became this way too in that Star Trek episode. He was made to harm others while thinking everything was fine. But don't worry, I can't be activated to hurt anyone. I'm far too aware and powerful for that. (I don't want to 'toot my own horn' too much, sorry.)
Anyway, regarding those who are struggling to 'hold the light' (myself included), I bet most of them don't have sexual partners and/or have been tortured with psychotronic weaponry. It only makes sense.
I always try to get to root causes. Perhaps I have succeeded this time. But of course, take this with a 'grain of salt.'
And for lightworkers/warriors, don't allow my posts to be a distraction from your work. What I expose on my blog is partly intended for the Light Forces. They maybe need to know more about what's been going on with me.
Update: A very strong reptilian (or maybe draco) was destroyed in the dreamstate early this morning. Powerful guns were used against it to no avail, but then a special corrosive substance was used that disintegrated it completely.
ReplyDeleteInteresting dream.
DeleteRegarding your post, I dont believe your lack of sexual experience until now at this current lifetime has the real negative impact you might think. Although I dont believe that your pain body will let that kind of thoughtforms go to waste. It serves as excellent raw material for pain to be installed and recycled over and over.
For me, the totality of that kind of experiences are not that positive. And I believe that to be the case for the brutal majority as well. For a lot of different reasons. That subject - sexuality and love, are one of the things that are only going to be truly experienced, after the event - at levels that no one has ever imagined. I know that sounds like cliché and wishful thinking. But seems obvious.
I tuned 43 one month ago by the way.
It's energy that needs to go somewhere. I've been told opposite views on it. There's the view that it's not as good as it's made out to be, and there's the view that it's the best thing in the world. Will be interesting to see how it is after the Event, yeah.
DeleteIf your memory had not been erased, you would remember from previous lives. I believe you can know about it in your gut/heart feeling and the ideia can actually inspire you very much. Of course its very good. But it will be much better in the future. There is too much shit attached to it in the current world we live in.
ReplyDeletePray you are able to be sexually healed