The Power of Action

There are many positive changes taking place in the world, but on a personal level, I don't feel that I'm making enough improvements.  This is partly why I've been so frustrated recently. 

Finally though, I've been making progress with what's called "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy."  Yes, this is another book I'm reading titled "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple – 10 Strategies for Managing Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Panic, and Worry" by Seth J. Gillihan.  Here's a useful quote:

"Action seems to follow feeling, but really action and feeling go together; and by regulating the action, which is under the more direct control of the will, we can indirectly regulate the feeling, which is not."  – William James

In the past, I tried to change my feelings internally, such as changing my focus.  However, actions themselves can also change feelings – and with great power.  It may be an action that I don't feel like doing initially, but if I take the action anyway, the action brings forth positive feelings. 

No longer taking action based upon how one feels, but instead taking action based upon what one wishes to accomplish based on one's values – this is what causes real life changes.  

In order to get out of a rut, action must be taken, and the motivation for taking action arises out of knowing that positive changes and positive feelings will be the result.  Avoiding self-destructive actions also holds true.  

When immediate feelings take a backseat to action, the feelings themselves can be transmuted from negative to positive.  This also ties into stoicism, with actions being guided by the will and by reason instead of by initial feelings.

Using depression as an example, someone who's depressed can only get out of depression by taking actions to counter depression, such as going out to a social gathering.  By not going out to a social gathering, the depression is only reinforced.  Not feeling like going to a social gathering should never enter the equation if someone wants to no longer be depressed.   

In short, actions change feelings.

So, one can do Cobra meditations.  One can get out of the house and go for a walk.  One can do something positive and new that's never been done before.  One can (fill in the blank).  Don't allow discouraging feelings to dictate your actions, and there is no limit to what you can accomplish. 

I'm really surprised by this book.  I figured I would just read it and not make any positive personal changes.  I'm not finished reading and filling out the worksheets in it yet, but I already decided to take an action today I've been avoiding for a long time that may lead to a sense of purpose in my personal life.  This really works!


  1. "Earlier, we said that a fire uses obstacles as fuel. They only make the fire stronger. Now, let’s look at another fire metaphor: The wind fuels a fire and extinguishes a candle. The wind is the obstacle; it extinguishes you if your commitment and perseverance are weak, but it fuels you when you accept the challenge and don’t give up with the first difficulties.

    If you blow at a candle, it extinguishes. If you blow into a campfire, it might seem to extinguish at first but it comes back stronger. You want to be the fire that always comes back stronger."

    "The Little Book of Stoicism: Timeless Wisdom to Gain Resilience, Confidence, and Calmness"

  2. IF the light forces would actually carry out CONTACT DISH, stop trying to get POLITICIANS to cooperate, and instead contact US, those who are directly suffering from this war, and those who are willing to JOIN the actual fighting, like ME, things will go better.

    "HOLDING THE LIGHT" is for the BIRDS......and CANNON FODDER.

    1. Someone can yell all they like, but at the end of the day, this accomplishes nothing. Lashing out isn't going to make the light forces intervene. That is painfully obvious.

      I no longer deal with "shoulds." "Shoulds" like first contact and what the light forces do and don't do are beyond my control, and being upset over what's beyond my control only makes me generate loosh, which makes me more into cannon fodder.


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