Boredom's Damage Is Drastically Underestimated

The Event is not tangible because it hasn't happened yet, and no one knows when it will happen.  If someone were asked to have an imaginary house to live in while being physically homeless, this imagined house isn't enough.  The house needs to be physical.  Another example:  An imaginary boyfriend or girlfriend.  That just doesn't work.  He or she needs to be physically real.   

Yes, the Event will be physically real, but because it hasn't happened yet, it's still within the realm of imagination.  A human being needs more than that.  A human being needs something to be real in the here and now in order to have purpose and meaning in the here and now.  

The Event is strongly sought, and there is rebellion against 'matrix life.'  But when matrix life is thrown out, there isn't anything tangible to take its place.  People who are 'in the matrix' can actually be less toxic than some (but definitely not all) lightworkers, because people in the matrix can have more of a purpose in the here and now.  Even if this purpose is to maintain the status quo, there are even worse scenarios.  How ironic that by rebelling against matrix life, one can stoop to a level below matrix life.  

Boredom stems from having a lack of purpose and meaning.  Having something strongly desired that's out of reach (the Event) without having purpose and meaning in the here and now – it's no wonder there have been so many issues with lightworkers.  (The dark forces definitely play a major hand of course.  The dark forces work on delaying the Event as long as possible, as well as on compromising lightworkers.)   

Without having purpose and meaning in the here and now, one becomes vulnerable to corrupting forces.  Napoleon Hill's book "Outwitting the Devil" reveals this extensively. 

There are people who wake up every morning with a strong sense of purpose and meaning.  This could be a career, or raising children, or a combination of the two.  Some may be self-employed.  Others may be a part of a team at their place of work.  The bottom line is, they have purpose and meaning in the here and now.  

Lightworkers may need to find some interesting ways to have purpose and meaning in the here and now if they reject matrix life.  This guy is a good example:

Even going for an hour walk a few days per week, or even every day, can increase a sense of purpose and meaning.  (If it rains, just wear a rain coat.  Rain is beautiful too.)  And hey, mine as well make it an 'emerald walk.' 

On another note, I feel guided to post this protection meditation from We Love Mass Meditation:  

I also feel guided to post this timestamp of one of Captain Marigold's A432 music compilations:


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