Benefits of Modifying/Hybridizing, and Guides on Rocks And Crystals

Benefits of Modifying/Hybridizing

The positive occultist/magician, the transurfer, or the lightwarrior/worker  these kinds of people (and/or groups of these kinds of people working together) can have control over certain things that stoicism says cannot be controlled.  Yet, the core stoic principle remains the same.  Regardless of how high the power level may be, there will always be something that cannot be controlled.  (Stoicism teaches to not stress over what cannot be controlled and focus on what can be controlled.)  In short, stoicism can be modified or hybridized for those with higher power levels while still keeping its core beneficial principles. 

The current era has variables that did not exist in older eras, so it's beneficial to modify or hybridize older systems of knowledge.  Although it's a 'double edged sword,' modifying or hybridizing older systems for the current era (and even future eras) can make them very useful. 

Guides On Rocks And Crystals

This absolutely fantastic book is an A to Z guide to the healing properties of nearly 200 different kinds of rocks and crystals:



For those who don't want to buy a book, this one isn't as good with the descriptions but covers 430 rocks and crystals:

Healing Crystals: The A to Z Guide

Rocks and crystals have always fascinated me!  I figured, why not learn about all of them?


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