Regarding Self-Reliance

(This is a follow-up to Self-Empowering Quotes regarding the quote, "The ultimate power in life is to be completely self-reliant, completely yourself.")

I heard the thoughtform, "People need each other."  

Stoicism teaches to be positive members of the human race.  However, stoicism also teaches that although relationships with other people are preferred, it's possible to be alright without them.

The above quote I picked for stoicism reflects my personal experiences.  My personal experiences with other people have been mostly negative.  Mostly, I have disappointed other people, and other people have disappointed me.  Also, I often am bombarded with being called names like "coward" and so forth through thoughtforms, possibly by an occultist I used to know online.  Most occultists are disappointed in me, and most people do not like me once they ‘get to know me.’  And hey, maybe this is with good reason.  If I'm mostly rejected by others though, I choose to be emotionally self-reliant.  

It's true that people need each other in the material sense.  For example, I would not be able to make blog posts without other people doing all the work of inventing electricity, computers, and so forth.  However, on the emotional level, it's possible to not need anyone.  Because of mostly negative interactions with others, I've learned to be content with being completely alone as I connect with Source and environments instead.  Unlike most other people, Source and environments do not harshly judge me.  (Not to say I’m a victim.  Many of my past behaviors toward others have not exactly been ‘exemplary.’)     

I look to animals for guidance.  A cat in a barn is just relaxing and is fully content.  Although I'm not a cat and I don’t live in a barn, I can be the same way.

In the hypothetical scenario of my survival needs being met without seeing another person ever again – if I was the only person on the planet, I might feel sad and lonely at times, but I would achieve a high level of well-being by connecting with Source, environments, nature, the planet, and the cosmos.  If I could not be self-reliant like this, I would be at the mercy of other people’s validation of me, which would make for a very disempowering and miserable existence.  

Beyond my personal experiences and lens through which I view the world, yes, it's definitely fine for other people to have friends.  It's fine and healthy, but it's not the only way, just as my way is not the only way.  Each to their own.  


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