The Most Difficult Thing I've Ever Had To Say
Every time I would work with what's on the list below, I would get messed up:
– A cintamani stone
– Tachyon chambers
– Emeralds
– Many other Cobra participations
What kept happening was issues would arise, and I thought that these issues were just intensifying to be cleared, but the issues just kept intensifying without being cleared. I've been enduring this for several years now, suffering in silence. I was silent because I didn't want to mess things up for others. I have a group of followers who take stock in what I say. But last night was the final straw when I decided to give the emeralds a try again. (I gave myself a break from emeralds - they've just been sitting on a table for a few days until last night.)
I was feeling really strong and centered just before last night's the emerald session. I felt really good that I had surpassed some serious personal issues. But during the emerald session, these issues came back very intensely, just like all the other times before when I used emeralds.
Again, for years I kept thinking, "Oh, it's just coming up for clearing." But when this sort of thing keeps happening, and it doesn't get cleared but just intensifies and seriously compromises me, I have no other choice at this point – I can't do this anymore.
I'm really sorry to all the people who've been following me, but I need to move on and no longer participate in anything Cobra-related. It's time that I move on because I really, really need to get better. If others don't develop issues with Cobra-related items and participations, then keep doing what you are doing. I don't want to discourage anyone. But I'm sorry. I'm out.
The Violet Flame and White Flame can be beneficial though. St. Germain's material preceded Cobra. Cobra did not originate the Violet and White Flames. And, maybe we are moving into a Golden Age. But at least personally, I need to approach this from an angle that is no longer connected with Cobra/2012 Portal.
I'm really sad over this. I've led people on all these years and it's heartbreaking for me to make this post, but if I don't say something, and if I keep 'sucking it up' while continuing to become more and more compromised, my life will be irreversibly destroyed. It really does get that bad. This is ultra-serious.
I'm so very sorry.
Glad you had a nice walk. Walking in nature is excellent! 🌳🌿
ReplyDeleteI agree, some may benefit while others don't with various things. 'Do what works.' I'll keep my blog, but will be primarily exploring knowledge and intel that goes outside 2012 Portal.