They Dyed My Emeralds, Regarding Trump and Musk, Things To Do, and Still A Hostage Situation

They Dyed My Emeralds

I decided to work with emeralds again and went for a walk for over an hour with one in each pocket, with each hand holding one the entire time.  When I got back, my hands were bluish-green from some kind of dye.  I immediately wondered if I had been scammed.  After doing some research, I discovered that they've been known to dye emeralds to enhance their color.  So, my emeralds may still be authentic.  I wish they wouldn't do that though.

Regarding Trump and Musk

Because "the Light Forces, including some Aldebarans in cloned human bodies within the Trump administration, are directly and indirectly supporting Trump and Musk team in their auditing endeavors," technically, this means first contact has already happened.  It's just that Trump and Musk don't know it, so it has hasn't happened "officially."  

Regarding first contact, I sensed some hurt feelings from lightworkers.  Some lightworkers may be thinking, "We do all these meditations and work, and yet Musk and Trump are the only candidates for first contact, when they haven't done anything in this regard.  Neither has much of the white nobility.  Shouldn't we be the ones who are the most deserving of first contact, since we are the surface humans/starseeds who gave the most support for Cobra and the light forces while being relentlessly attacked by the dark forces for doing so?"

I can see how so much focus on Musk and Trump can come off as being unfair.  However, Cobra also stated that lightworkers could be contacted for pre-Event operations.  So, it's probably more a matter of Musk and Trump being selected for "public first contact."  There could definitely be "covert first contact" for lightworkers/warriors as well.  Glass half full, you're not being left out.

Things To Do 

I still do meditations, and I'm interested in working with the White Fire of An lately.  However, as stated before, inner being and meditations are half of the equation.  The other half of the equation is having a variety of activities to keep life interesting, which in turn elevates inner being.

Boredom is the #1 cause of issues.  Of course there is the cabal, but aside from that, boredom is the #1 enemy.  Life must absolutely not be boring before the Event!  I will not accept this!  I will not go along with this!  PERIOD! 🔥🔥🔥  

Here are a list of activities that come to mind to eliminate boredom:

– Read useful books, and/or fiction if that's your thing.

– Go for walks.

– Learn with something like Brilliant.  (Khan Academy is like Brilliant but is free.)  Or, if you have money, get an online degree.  I'm interested in getting one in Psychology.  (I may not be able to afford this though.  I just looked into it.  Nope, I definitely cannot.  Online degrees are actually very expensive, wow!)

– Get a different kind of job you've never tried before.  Interestingly, I applied for a different kind of job prior to reading this from the latest conference notes:

"Question about key persons making mistakes. Asking what they should do instead.

Answer: they should do something intense, drastic, go beyond limiting beliefs. They shouldn’t refuse to go to the next level. This could mean that they take up a new job or a new project. They have to go beyond what most people have the courage to do. And they should not get involved in stupid conflicts that have no meaning."

– Research Health.

– Engage in personal hobbies.  One of mine is making bread.

– Research and get into the occult (the non-abusive, clean aspects). 

– Try nootropics to increase powers of perception and psychic abilities.  Nootropics enhance the mind but they are not drugs.  Some examples:  Ginkgo Biloba, L-Theanine, and Rhodiola Rosea.  Just be careful that your supplements don't have nanites!  (I don't take any nootropics currently but am considering it.)

– Other activities not mentioned here; maybe something awesome you've never done before.  

It's Still A Hostage Situation Though

When using metaphysical tools, the dark forces ramp up their methods of compromising me to make me stop.  This may be true for others as well.  

It's best to continue with one's work, but exercise caution.  Keeping a low profile in certain ways helps.  I have been tempted to make videos of me talking, and I'm glad I didn't.  Some people can be more revealing without issues though.  It just depends on how much they see someone as a target.  

In the latest conference notes, Cobra also stated:

"We are in the final phase of the Galactic War and it is taking place on the surface of the Earth.  This is a real war in which people die, lives are ruined, people disappear, etc."

Yep.  But I still won't be bored! 😂


  1. IF boredom was the only thing, it would not be bad....but the cowardly attacks from the darkies, and the constant struggle that greaves me. And, as mentioned, WE did the petition, despite it be hacked at least twice, and the meditation, if which I can personally vouch that I was attacked by a big ugly monster during said meditation, and felt like crap for days afterwords.

    "However, Cobra also stated that lightworkers could be contacted for pre-Event operations. " COULD, however, is the word. And since when are POLITICIANS AND BUSINESSMEN considered prime candidates for contact.....look what happened with Russia and China. And considering there is a HUGE divide amongst the public in regards to both Trump and group loves em, the other hates em.....gonna be real awkward if these guys are the ones. And you'd think the Light Forces could give us SOMETHING to, as so many annoyingly say, "HANG IN THERE!". Supplies, tech....SOMETHING. Even in wars, soldiers were given supplies even behind enemy lines.

    Also, not gonna bother with degrees and end up in student debt, thank you.

    Oh, if only the light forces would accept those of us who want to join the fighting.....some of us have nothing left to lose. They help me with one or two things, and I'll gladly fight.

    "Four thousand throats may be cut in one night by a running man."

    - Kang's Officer, quoting a Klingon proverb to Mara

    1. Yeah, I was pretty disappointed by the cost of online degrees. I would pay $10,000 for a bachelors so I could become a therapist. I'm not too shabby with psychology so this would work well to have a better source of income. But they want a whopping $60,000 or more for an online Bachelor's degree! And actually, most states require a Master's or Phd to be a therapist, so it would really be $120,000 or more! All these ads that say online degrees are so much cheaper are bunk. I could maybe be a therapist with a disclaimer that I'm not a professional though. Surely there's a way around it. But yeah, screw online degrees.

      The LF are giving Trump and Musk a chance, but if they don't cooperate, there's a plan B, mentioned in the conference notes:

      "1 month ago the chances of cooperation between the Aldebarans and Trump/Musk were 40-45%. As of right now, it stands at 30-35% probability. We’ll see how things go in February and March."

      "There are two scenarios. The first scenario is that Donald Trump and Elon Musk cooperate and are contacted by the Aldebarans. Elon Musk will be the first person who the Aldebarans will contact. It may begin real disclosure. Elon Musk has a thick mind. He is good in some aspects. If the click happens between him and the Aldebarans, it will be a force for good.

      The second scenario is that the Aldebarans have a backup plan which will continue regardless of surface politicians. This is why the United States is the last chance for cooperation (with surface politicians). The Aldebarans will do things differently in case of the second scenario. It will be more rough and confrontational. But the truth needs to come out."

      True, it would be pretty cool to have a recruiting program for those who really want to fight alongside the LF.

    2. @Starlight
      Yep, college is nothing but a financial trap, and the hardcore conservatives and anyone born before 1980 seem to be against deleting student loan debt....ironic since the damned baby boomers were HANDED EVERYTHING TO THEM. And I want to LEAVE earth, I don't wanna spend life living like a demeaning slave working my ass off....the mere idea of having to PAY to live is STUPID.

      If Trump and Musk refuse.....I hope the Light Forces DESTROY them.
      The Aldebarans outta forget abut trying just go to plan B and CONFRONT.

      To me, "Holding the Light" is for the birds, being open to cowardly attacks from the darkies and unable to defend oneself.

      And after all the darkies did to me, forcing me to be human, to be a MAN, and an UGLY and unidealistic one at that, a rotten family and treated like Charlie Brown my whole life....

      ...I want BLOOD, Starlight.

    3. Sherman, yeah, I get like that too. Different reasons because my situation is different with what the darkies did and do to me, but same intent. It changes nothing though, and I can't stay that way. I have to find something to do and work with what I can control.


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