Vadim Zeland's "Reality Transurfing" Notes and Summaries, Chapter 11

(This chapter was difficult to summarize.  It’s mostly verbatim.)

You don’t have to fight for your health, or store up your energy.  Simply let it in.  

To practice Transurfing effectively, you have to be in a good state of health, and have a relatively powerful energy field.  If you struggle to get out of bed in the morning and don’t want to go to work or university, if you feel sluggish after lunch and find yourself nodding off, and at evening wish for nothing more than to plunk yourself down in front of the television, you cannot say you are in good health.  If this describes your lifestyle, your energy levels are clearly only sufficient to support a measured existence.

Your health will improve when no longer wasting it on excess potential and pendulums.  You can never have too much energy.  High energy levels come from the ability to absorb and use energy.  

There are two energies in the human body:  Physiological energy and free energy.  

Physiological energy is obtained through the digestive system.  Free energy is the energy of the cosmos that passes through the body.  Together, both make up our energy body.  Human energy is spent on performing physiological operations, but also radiates out around us.  There is an infinite supply of cosmic energy, but as humans, we only absorb a tiny fraction of it.  

Cosmic energy passes through us in two directions.  The first is an upward direction, running one inch in front of the spine in men, and two inches in front of the spine in women.  The second current of energy passes in a downward direction, and runs very close to the spine.  The amount of energy someone has depends on the width of their central meridians.  The wider their meridians, the greater their energy levels will be.  

We won’t go into the structure of the human energy body so much here.  If interested in this topic, there is plenty of literature available.  Energy in the body is a relatively complex process, but this shouldn’t concern you.  Our focus is to concentrate on these two central meridians.  

When there are blocks and holes appearing in the flow of energy, physical illness can manifest.  The opposite is also true.  An organ that is effected by illness can also distort the overall picture of the energy body.  It’s difficult to isolate if a physiological disorder is causing an energy problem, or if an energy problem is causing a physiological disorder.  

Acupuncture, acupressure, and many other methods can help restore the normal circulation of energy in the body, curing illnesses caused by poor energy flow.  However, these methods can only guarantee a short-term effect.  In order to maintain a good state of health, one has to take care of the physical and subtle bodies.

Human energy levels are closely linked with the condition of the body’s muscles.  Muscle tension hinders the normal flow of invisible currents, which disturb the transmission of energy throughout the energy field.  Someone who feels tense can enter a relaxed group of people and change the overall mood of the group without uttering a word.  The tension just seems to ‘hang in the air.’  The other people in the group absorb the negative energy without necessarily being aware of it.  Tension also calls forth balanced forces.  Equilibrium can be re-established by either bringing the group to a common denominator, or by quashing the energy potential of the opposite sign.  For example, the group may tease the tense individual to get them to relax.

Mood and vitality are directly linked to energy levels.  Depression, stress, tiredness, and apathy - all are indicative of a lack of sufficient energy in the body.  Physiological energy alone is not enough to support vitality.  

Someone can be physically tired, but be comfortable and cheerful at the same time.  Likewise, someone who is well fed and rested can feel down and listless.  

Free energy plays the most important role in assuring a person has a proactive approach to life.  When someone has no desire to do anything at all, they clearly lack free energy.  A person may be able to force themselves to carry out routine functions on a background deficit of free energy, but they will find it difficult to be creative or physically active.  When someone has little to no free energy, they cannot have intention.  

Physiological energy is spent on the execution of physical actions, but here we will focus on the type of energy that goes into intention, which the motivation to have and act comes from.

When someone is depressed or tense, their central meridians become blocked.  The circulation of energy narrows or stops altogether.  In this state, intention loses its energy supply, which makes someone lose their ability to deal with stressful situations effectively.

Stress can also have the reverse effect, causing the meridians to dilate.  This allows someone to do incredible things they are not normally capable of doing.  However, this is rare.  In the majority of cases, a person’s abilities diminish when under high levels of stress.

Every day, people come across stressful situations of various intensities, from fairly minor incidents that are usually quickly forgotten, to extremely stressful situations which can ‘knock them off kilter’ for quite some time.

The body’s response to stress is to tense one or more muscle group.  This is so deeply ingrained that we do not notice it.  For example, while you are reading these lines, you are tensing individual facial muscles, but as soon as you pay attention to them, they relax.  After a few minutes, you will forget about your face, and it will freeze once again into a mask that reflects your emotional condition.  

There is an erroneous but widely held belief that stress can be relieved through relaxation.  By trying to relax, you are railing against the symptom without eliminating the cause.  

Physical tension is caused by psychological tension.  States of oppression, anxiety, irritation, and fear cause spasmodic muscle tension.  Conscious relaxation of the muscles will give some temporary relief, but unless the mental tension is dealt with, the body will reassume its previous condition.  

To eliminate mental tension, importance must be reduced.  The reason someone is tense in the first place is because of the excess meaning that’s attributed to what’s bringing them down.  

Stress is a consequence of importance, and can be instantaneously relieved by reducing importance.  It is futile and harmful to create ongoing importance.  Creating ongoing importance cannot change a situation for the better, nor can creating ongoing importance allow for effective behavior to be enacted.  The heavy load of importance creates unnecessary stress while hindering solutions.

When you are severely stressed, it is enough to wake up, open your eyes, and become conscious of the fact that a pendulum has hooked you into importance.  It’s easy enough to see what the importance relates to in each specific instance.  Remind yourself:  By reducing importance, you free yourself of the pendulum, and can act effectively.  

Attributing inflating meaning to something will always work against you.  To change any difficult situation, it is enough to remember about importance, and consciously reduce any excessive meaning you have connected with it.  The only challenge is to remember in time.  When you are stressed, your awareness is sleeping, so you forget that Transurfing exists.

If you have the habit of listening to your inner voice, it will not be difficult to remember about importance at the necessary moment.  Every time you experience a moment of unease, ask yourself “Why?”  Where has meaning been inflated?  However important the specific circumstances are to you, consciously let go of your attachment to their importance.  Only after the purification of intention can you act effectively.

To become immune to stress, replace the old habit of stressing out over any small thing with the new habit of maintaining a relaxed state.  However, being in a relaxed state does not mean being listless or apathetic.  It is instead a state of harmonious interaction with the outside world.  It is within a range of balance, which presupposes the absence of internal and external importance.

“I am neither good nor bad, and the world is neither good nor bad.”  “I am not pathetic or insignificant, and the world is not pathetic or insignificant either.”  The absence of importance, or at least a low level of importance is the main condition essential to becoming relaxed.  There is no point in trying to relax when importance is inflated.  For example, you can hardly expect to be able to stay relaxed when you are standing at the edge of a high rooftop and have a fear of heights.  If reducing importance is not an option, at least avoid wasting energy on trying to relax, as this only increases your energy expenditure, because as well as trying to control a critical situation, you are also holding back on what you feel, which is totally futile.  

For the practice of Transurfing, you have to be able to swiftly induce a relaxed state in any circumstance.  This doesn’t require words, because the muscles are governed by intention, and not words.  The majority of the body’s muscles can be relaxed consciously, simply by being aware of them.

We usually don’t focus our attention on our muscles until we experience physical discomfort.  Certain muscle groups have forgotten how to obey intention.  For example, it’s difficult to control the back muscles consciously, so with age, people tend to develop back pain.  It’s essential to regularly stretch and exercise the back.

To induce a relaxed state:  

Without hurrying, scan your body with your ‘inner eye,’ and release any contraction.  Focus your attention on the entire surface of your entire body in one go.  Imagine that your skin is a membrane that suddenly and rapidly warms through the form, from the inside out.  Focus your attention on the surface of your body.  Imagine this stage in any way you like - your skin is warming up, covered in a tingling sensation, or electrical discharge.  The important thing is to feel your skin.  Now imagine that energy is sparkling all over the surface of your body, like iridescence on a soap bubble.  In this moment, you are a part of the universe, and are in perfect balance with it.  There’s no need to try and simulate any special sensation.  Everyone experiences these things differently.  Do this exercise as though in passing, yet nonetheless decisively.  The feeling of your body overflowing with energy is a state of relaxation, balance, and oneness.  After you have practiced this exercise a few times, you will be able to achieve this state instantly.  Soon, inducing a relaxed state will be as easy as folding your arms.

To access the energy we are all ‘swimming in,’ one must widen their meridians, and consciously allow it to flow into the body.  We drink water consciously, but are unable to draw in energy in the same manner.  In principle, people are capable of intentionally recharging from the cosmos, but this ability remains limited to its embryonic stage.  It’s much easier to absorb someone else’s energy that has already been assimilated by the human body than to draw energy from the cosmos.  So-called energy vampires exploit this fact.

Human energy is easy to exploit because it has a specific frequency.  Someone can tap into someone else’s frequency in the same way a radio can pick up radio waves for which it is configured.  Energy vampires feed on energy that has already been assimilated by other people.  To do this, they attune themselves to the frequency of the energy their victim is emanating.  A vampire subconsciously finds ways of tuning into their victim’s energy.

An energy vampire may saddle up to you with innocent questions, stare at you in the eyes, try to touch you, hold your hand, or pester you with intrusive conversation.  The energy vampire knows how to adapt and respond to character, and looks for a way of stealing into the victim’s soul, to get to their fraile (essence).  Such is the behavior of the stealthy vampire.  

As a rule, the energy vampire is a good psychologist, communicative but not charming, as well as tenaciously intrusive.  This usually comes across straight away, although being aware that their behavior is irritating, the energy vampire will try very hard to present him/herself in a different light.

Another type of vampire is the manipulator.  The manipulator plays on feelings of guilt.  The manipulator vampire unconsciously seeks out people who are inclined to give themselves up to another’s judgment, or who requests another’s advice when in a quandary.  Those with the slightest guilt complex are consciously searching for the one who will accuse them, and then immediately pardon them.  Support and advise is sought by those who doubt their own convictions, and are willing to give themselves up to another’s judgment.  Thus, the vampire and energy donor fill each other’s needs.

The manipulator only needs to touch on the surface of the donor, and then the donor’s energy is immediately available.

The third type of vampire – the provocateur, is more aggressive.  Without really thinking about it, this one assaults another’s aura to throw them off balance.  The provocateur uses all means available, from implicit bullying to overt aggression.  Their priority is to make their donor ‘lose it,’ so that rudeness, irritation, resentment, fear, and hostility gush from them.  The specific emotion doesn’t matter - anything will do.

People become energy vampires unconsciously, and their need to suck people’s energy is equally unconscious.  

After a ‘session,’ the vampire’s donor usually feels very drained.  If after talking to someone you feel exposed, vulnerable, weak, or shaky, you can assume your energy has been sucked.  

Most energy vampires will leave you alone if the first or second attempt to hook into you fail.  And, a strong auric field will provide protection from any unwanted interference.

Unlike a vampire that poses a threat for a short period of time, pendulums suck energy constantly the entire time someone is transmitting energy at that pendulum’s frequency.  

When something is worrying you or bringing you down, your energy levels are weakened.  Other people and animals can intuit this on an energetic level.  When your awareness and confidence are at a low point, of all the people walking on the street, the dog will choose to bark at you, and the ‘gypsy’ will try to pressure you into giving them your money.

When your energy levels are low, an energy vampire can take a great deal of energy from you, and you can get into a tricky situation.  However, there’s no need to look for potential vampires with everyone you meet.  By being overly cautious, you create access to your bio-field.  

Strengthening your energy levels, keeping an eye on your importance levels, and developing conscious awareness will help protect you from harmful influences.  A developed awareness will help you to remain conscious in the moment someone tries to pull you into a game or trap.  Maintaining a low importance level makes it much harder for someone to tune into your frequency.  Also be aware of any feelings of guilt that might plague you.  “While I am empty, there is nothing for anyone or anything to hook into.”

The human body is surrounded by an invisible energy field called the “aura.’  The average person cannot feel their aura, but they can imagine it.  To sense your aura, feel the surface of your whole body as though you are sliding into a hot bath.  Don’t ‘try to’ feel the surface of your body.  Just do it.  When you dive in without assuming you must try to do something before it will work, you will find that you can do it the first time around without needing to practice.  

Energy moves as a slow wave from the center of your body, forming a ball.  Imagine being surrounded by the ball of your energy body.  With your imagination, you’ve taken the first step to know your energy body, and with time, you will get a sense of it.

Those with psychic abilities can see auras, as well as defects in auras.  Everyone is born with extrasensory abilities, but most do not use them, with the talent remaining dormant.  Latent abilities can be awakened instantly, or over a lengthy period of time by practicing exercises.  It’s all a matter of the power of your intention.  It’s enough to not have the full power of intention, but a sufficient amount to keep your energy levels healthy.  

A weak aura will always make your energy field vulnerable to assault.

The following exercise helps you maintain healthy energy levels:

1.  Stand in a comfortable, relaxed position.  Breath in, imagining a flow of energy coming out of the ground and moving up the spine, exiting the head, and extending up into the sky.

2.  Breath out, imagining that a flow of energy is descending from the sky through the head and rest of the body down into the ground.  (You don’t have to have a physical sense of the flow of energy.  It’s enough to just imagine it.  With time, your sensitivity will develop, and you will feel the movement of energy.)

3.  Imagine both currents of energy moving toward each other simultaneously without crossing, each in its own meridian.

At first, practice the in breath and out breath, but after a while, let go of tying the energy to your breathing.  The imagination is key.  Imagine the ascending energy going out of the head in a fountain shape.  Then, imagine the descending fountain going directly under the feet.  So, there are two fountains - one above, and one below.  Mentally amplify the spray of fountains until you are in a sphere of energy.  Then, draw your attention to the surface of your body.  Feel the surface of your skin, and extend the same feeling out into the sphere, like a balloon that gets bigger when you blow into it.  When you mentally inflate the surface of your skin, the sphere created by the meeting of fountains becomes firmly established.  When doing this exercise, relax, and avoid creating tension by trying too hard to feel the energy physically.

From time to time, if you concentrate on your energy currents, you will soon come to sense them physically - perhaps not on the same level as touch, but nonetheless tangibly.  

By joining the currents into a sphere, you create a protective shield around your body.  By extending the surface energy of the body into the sphere, you strengthen the shield until it acquires a stable condition.  This exercise is invaluable.

Firstly, the shield protects your energy from being undermined.  Secondly, by training your energy levels, you cleanse the subtle meridians.  The energy blocks dissipate, and the holes in the aura that cause energy to be lost, close up.  This is a gradual process that won’t happen ‘just like that.’  On the other hand, you will save yourself from constantly having to seek the assistance of psychics, reflexologists, etc, because you can independently restore the healthy circulation of your energy.

Of itself, your energy body will not protect you from energy vampires and pendulums, because they adjust their settings to your frequency.  When a pendulum hooks into its prey, the prey’s balance is undermined.  The prey must then reduce importance to break free of the pendulum.  Then the muscles relax, balance and energy levels are restored, and the pendulum fades away.  If you are not swaying, the swaying pendulum cannot take your energy.  Conscious awareness is essential if you lose balance.

Increasing energy levels does not involve accumulating larger reserves of energy.  Only physiological energy can be stored, as calories.  However, the human body has no way of storing free energy, which it obtains from the cosmos.  High energy depends on the width of the meridians.  At every point of the field, free energy is in limitless quantities.  You can obtain as much as you can carry.  You have to be able to draw free energy in, and know yourself as part of the universe.  On an energetic level, this should be a continuous feeling.

People believe that if they build up enough energy reserves, they will be successful.  They try to accumulate energy to be able to impact the world with inner intention.  Using inner intention only, this is a massive, grueling task, requiring massive amounts of energy.  Those who only use inner intention think too highly of themselves, for in reality, we are all just single drops in an enormous ocean.  Outer intention doesn’t try to change the world or fight it, but instead chooses what it needs from life.  You don’t have to build up energy to work with outer intention, because it’s super abundant and all-present.  We are swimming in it.

Trying to accumulate energy is like swimming in a lake and filling your cheeks to keep water in reserve just in case the lake water runs out.

Do not try to accumulate energy.  Instead, allow it to freely pass through you in two counter-directional currents.  It can be helpful to imagine these two currents joining in counter-directional fountains.  That is all you need to do.  

Do not strive to become a bundle of energy.  Instead, know yourself to be a drop in the ocean.  Allow your consciousness to feel that it is an integral part of the universe, in oneness with it, and then its energy will be at your disposal.  Merge with the energy of the universe.  Expand your sphere of energy, dissolving it into the space around, retaining the awareness that in form, you are a separate particle.  Then, by just touching on outer intention with your little finger, you will achieve in a short period of time things that would never have been possible with inner intention.  Achieve your personal goals instead of the intention to rearrange someone’s face.  Inner intention only meets immediate needs.

The meridians suffer from two major limitations:  The body getting clogged up, and continual stress.  Energy cannot flow freely if the body is toxic, and stress causes the meridians to narrow even further.  When the meridians are compromised, short bursts of energy are usually followed by long periods of recovery.  This makes it difficult to live a full life, only living out out a meager existence.

When someone is fully developed, life takes on a slower rhythm.  Work with the meridians comes to a halt, and the meridians atrophy.  Meridians work the most when trying to achieve something.  As soon as something is accomplished, the meridians become less active again.  When a hard day’s work is finished, most people just want to sink into their armchairs and watch TV – the meridians narrow.  Life becomes a burden, and not a joy.  To counter this, meridians can be enhanced with energy exercises.  

Harmony of heart and mind that brings you closer to outer intention - all of this is accessible by having more open meridians.  Turn on the energy fountains from time to time, strengthening them by picturing them in your mind without trying too hard.  If your head begins to feel heavy during such exercises, it means the ascending flow is stronger than the descending current.  Focus your attention on the descending current, strengthening it slightly.  The energy currents can be balanced, so that they meet half way up the body.  From this point in the body, mentally picture the currents radiating throughout the energy sphere, and your sense of the subtle body should become clearer.  You should experience an integral feeling of the ascending and descending currents together with a sense of your entire energy body.

If you concentrate your attention on the descending current, your energy center will shift downwards.  If you concentrate on the ascending current, your energy will accumulate in the upper part of the body.  Your center of gravity shifts accordingly.  

If you require more strength in the legs (if you are a skier, for example), you can have the descending current be stronger.  If you need to jump high, you can strengthen the ascending current.  Martial arts masters who have a really strong descending current are impossible to be moved by an opponent.  Likewise, there are martial arts masters who have really strong ascending currents, who can jump to unimaginable heights.  

You can work with meridians and energy currents, but being overly diligent never pays off.

Weight lifting:  Out breath is made in the exertion stage, in breath is made when relaxing.  The same can apply with meridians when exercising.

By giving your meridians your attention, they are strengthened.  Contracting and relaxing them will also strengthen them.  During relaxation, you can contract them.  During activity, you can expand them.  After accumulated contraction, compressed energy is released.  Increased energy increases your power of influence.  

Techniques exist to have dominance over others.   However, such techniques contradict Transurfing, which asserts that we have the right to choose, but not the right to change things.  Pressuring the world around us is a highly ineffective way of achieving goals.  The world responds to being pressured by exerting pressure in return.

People subconsciously pick up on higher energy levels, and can be nicer because they benefit from it.  People like to have access to excess energy.  People are so used to giving their energy away to pendulums, they are always delighted to be on the receiving end.  

Magnetic and charismatic people are said to have an inexplicable charm.  What would you find more attractive?  Stagnating water, or a purified spring?

When waiting for an important meeting, abandon importance and get your central meridians to flow like powerful fountains.  When your energy is running well, you don’t need half as many clever words or convincing arguments.  Simply turn on the fountains.  The people in the meeting will feel well disposed towards you without knowing why.  The secret of your charm will be a mystery to them.

Basically, energy enters the body as central currents of energy flow that gets programmed by a person’s thoughts, and upon exiting the body, adopts the same parameters as that person’s thoughts.  This then goes to sectors in the alternatives spaces, which causes that reality to be realized in the material world.  This is only effective if the heart and mind are one.  Otherwise, it’s like random radio interference.  The alternatives space can only really be powered by outer intention, which is generated when the heart and mind are united in their aspirations.  

Have intention to increase the energy of intention.  Use this affirmation:  “My channels are widening, and my intention energy is increasing.”  Visualize this affirmation as a process.  The essence of this visualization is, “Today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be better than today.”  Switch on your energy fountains, and repeat the affirmation in your mind that your intention energy is increasing with every passing day.  This way, intention will support itself, and your energy levels will rise.  Of course, purify this of importance and desires.  Diligence and gusto to increase energy levels will cause the reverse, creating a block.  Intention relies on focus, and not gusto.  It is only by focusing on the process that you achieve the desired result.  

Imagine an average newborn who is brought into a society where people age very slowly and live to be around 300 years.  How long do you think the child will live?  

From birth, people are taught the standard script that health deteriorates with age.  The Transurfing perspective of aging is that it’s another induced transition.  It can even be said that aging is the lengthiest induced transition we experience.  The aging script is so obvious that it would never occur to anyone to doubt it.  People often say that years ago they had more energy.  People are taught that health deteriorates with age, which is actually from a destructive pendulum.  

The theme of illness is no less popular in small talk than the weather.  Such conversations radiate energy on the same frequency as the destructive pendulum.  Health then deteriorates, and people go to doctors and so forth.  The pendulum will take everything it can, leaving one to be alone to recover.  This doesn’t mean to not go to the doctor and cope with any illness that may arise.  It’s irresponsible and reckless to not seek a cure for an illness.  The point though is to avoid being drawn into such a game in the first place.  

If a colleague is gone for a while who was ill, he/she will come back, not saying “I was healing.”  It’s instead stated, “I was ill.”  People are so used to playing the illness game, a cure is seen as an attribute or side effect, but not as a goal in its own right.  The pendulum’s game begins by one accepting the symptoms of the illness.  In other words, gripping the end of the spiral of an induced transition.  The pendulum’s first push can be defeated if the symptoms are not taken seriously.  Quietly turn away, then and there, and forget about them.  If that doesn’t work, don’t play the illness game.  Play the treatment game.  

Playing the illness game:  To suffer passively, to take part in conversations about various maladies, to moan and complain and capriciously demand sympathy from those around you, to have your illness be an indefensible attribute, to flaunt your ill health like a child who must constantly be fussed over, and to eagerly seek out information connected with various ailments.  

Playing the healing game:  Taking an interest in possible cures, making efforts to live a healthy lifestyle, treating your illness with humor, focusing your attention on improving how you feel, striving towards health, and communicating with like-minded optimistic individuals.  

In the illness game, one is the passive victim, radiating energy at the frequency of the destructive pendulum, being dragged more and more down a health-destroying spiral.

In the healing game, one is a proactive creator and master over one’s life.  You rule your own destiny.  As a result, you shift onto healthy lifelines.  

If seriously ill, apply health to the whole body, which stills the pendulum’s sway.  

If you are playing the healing game, ask yourself if you are playing it sufficiently and sincerely.  The problem is that it’s so easy to kid yourself.  You might know in your mind that you should be living a healthy lifestyle - giving up bad habits, getting enough physical exercise, eating right for your body, etc, but in reality, old habits die hard.  Laziness can get in the way, and you ‘cannot be bothered.’  This is not the healing game.  This is the ‘I am ill and they will make me better’ game.  On an energetic level, you are still trying to heal out of duress, rather than personal conviction, which is no different than the illness game.  When intention is neither clean nor sincere, the results will be the same.  

Desperate attempts made by women to lose weight is a perfect example of a tainted game.  They torture themselves with diets, forcing themselves to do the unwanted to get rid of the weight.  “I am ill, but they will heal me.”  They abhor their weight and figure, which of course gravitates maintaining an undesired weight and figure.  They would of course want to eat their favorite foods.  At best, this kind of game only brings minor and temporary results.  Self-coercion frightens the subconscious, which makes it resist.  In the end, the subconscious will have its own way, so expect to ditch the harsh diet and weigh even more than before.

Acquire new habits and get rid of old ones, not out of necessity, but from a place of conviction.  You must have strong motivation and intention, and your intention must be pure.  You cannot transition to better lifelines if you do what you have always done.  However, it’s not as difficult as it might seem to make a change in lifestyle.  Changing old habits is a matter of intention and time, and not much time at that.  The choice is yours.

Pendulums generated by illness are among the most powerful of pendulums.  They are the diseases themselves, as well as the various pendulums of the medical establishment that stand in opposition to them.  The battle against disease only feeds the destructive pendulums more.  For example, classical medicine is hostile to all traditional healing methods, or any methods outside it.  Alternative healing methods are often scapegoated with extreme cynicism as being unscientific.  

People are programmed to take pills and receive positive health.  The people in drug ads always look so healthy and successful.  In the ads, the actors all had a health issue, and the medicine healed them.  

It’s driven into our conscious and subconscious minds that we are all predisposed to illness, are already sick, or will soon come down with something.  Most people accept these game conditions.  The destructive pendulums want people to always be ill so that they must always take their medicine, as pendulum adherents.  

When a doctor gives a negative prognosis, this also helps the pendulum by programming the subconscious to believe in a negative forecast.  “Mine as well get ready to climb into my own grave.”  It’s natural that adverse factors will have some effect on health, but why create the expectation from the very outset?  

The elderly follow negative outlooks on their health as though they are programmed ahead of time to suffer.  Such is the nature of destructive health pendulums.  They will do anything to subjugate people to their will.  Conversations are usually not about health, but are about illness and medication.  It’s accepted that it’s just ‘old age.’  Avoid this kind of company, or otherwise, illness will creep up on you.

Ignore health propaganda designed to subjugate your health, and it will leave you alone.  If you respond with healthy laughter and take a couple digs at it, the pendulum will bolt in terror in the opposite direction.  This is the stilling of the pendulum’s sway.  

By parting will illness pendulums, the freedom does not last for long, as it is human nature to want to become the adherent of one pendulum or another, and so sooner or later you will again risk falling under the influence of their illnesses.  To protect yourself, shift out of the state of limbo that can set in once you have sided with recovery pendulums that govern everything related to strengthening the body and spirit.  Become the adherent of a healthy lifestyle, and you will see how joyful and exciting it is compared with the dull, burdensome battle with disease. 


  1. Great ideas! The alpha wave state is kind of in the middle, which is maybe the best state to do this from. I admit I've been a bit lax lately with the visualizations, taking a break for a while. But definitely, I Am Presence is the foundation. Without that, it's like trying to cook without a heat source. Or, it's like trying to move without any space.

  2. This reminds me of when I would repeat an intent as I dozed off into sleep. When doing so, the commands reached the subconscious.

    I learned that many people have perpetual difficultly stilling the mind because they don't have the best techniques. For example, one way to make the mind still is to overwhelm it by trying to listen to all the voices in a room full of crowded people. When the mind jumps to all the voices, it is then satisfied to access inner stillness and I AM Presence.

    I agree, the DFs dig their own graves. I really like how you describe this! Excellent research! Thanks again!


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