Useful Iodine Information For Better Health?

Here's a really interesting stance on iodine:

The suggested 6-50 mg per day in the above video is a massive amount.  I have a kelp supplement that has 270 mcg per capsule.  6 mg is 6,000 mcg, so it would take a little over 22 capsules from the kelp supplement to reach this amount.  Kombu seaweed has over 1 mg of iodine per serving though, and there are liquid solutions that have over 1 mg per serving, such as this one.  (Interestingly, there's a Flower of Life on the bottle.)

I'm a bit nervous taking 6 mg per day, so will take about 1 mg per day and see how it goes.


I was running low on iodized salt over a week ago, so started using an older supply of sea salt that was not fortified with iodine.  Shortly after using the non-iodized salt, I developed an unrelenting fatigue unlike anything I've experienced before.  I was also not taking the kelp supplement at the time, so my iodine intake was very close to zero.


  1. Most of the time though, health protocols I've tried do more harm than good. This iodine protocol is not making me feel better. I actually feel even worse now.


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