Updated 04/12: Health Update - Egg Whites Devestate My Energy Levels

For unknown reasons, egg whites as a meat replacement are causing me to go hypoglycemic and to have chronic fatigue.  I've been taking 3-4 naps per day.  I have very little energy.  This has actually happened before when consuming egg whites.

Vegan proteins cause major issues as well.  Over the years, I've tried pea protein isolate, rice protein isolate, hemp protein isolate, pumpkin seed protein isolate, and soy protein isolate.  Vegan protein isolates are not really isolates.  They have high concentrations of lectins, phytic acid, saponins, oxalates, and phytoestrogens.  

Whey protein concentrate or isolate is ok, but this cannot be my main source of protein without also causing hypoglycemia and chronic fatigue. 

With meat, there are more tendencies toward 'tension,' but at least I have enough energy to function. 

So, once again, I'm backed into a corner - I have to eat meat.  I'm just going to do what I have to do. 

It would be really nice to have access to the '6th food group,' but this is still unavailable to the surface population. 

04/12 Update:

The problem is not egg whites, because turkey also made me super tired today when eaten with a bowl of corn. 


Any meal that is both high protein and high carb 'puts me in a coma.'  


If the meal is high carb, make the meal much lower in protein, and if the meal is high protein, make the meal not low carb, but close to low carb, with around 10-15g net carbs, or maybe even less than 10g net carbs.  

I did the egg whites completely wrong because I mixed them with too much corn, making the meals high protein and high carb.  The protein and carbs together caused a double insulin spike, which placed significant strain on the body.  The meals with corn and egg whites were probably around 20-25g protein with 30g net carbs - definitely a no go.

If still eating meat, I have this in mind:  It can be eaten once per day for breakfast, with the meal being 20-30g protein with only a couple spoonfulls of corn instead of an entire bowl of corn.  Or, egg whites could be tried again as a meat replacement.  (An omelet made of egg whites and cheese with a couple spoonfulls of corn.)

Alternatively, if having a high carb meal, the meal can be 25-30g carbs with less than 10g protein.  (A bowl of corn with a slice of mozzarella cheese is a good example.)


  1. There aren't many brands that sell non-GMO corn, but they do exist.


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