Vadim Zeland's "Reality Transurfing" Notes and Summaries, Chapter 10
Chasing a false goal ends up going nowhere and feeding pendulums. Or, reaching the false goal makes one realize the goal isn’t actually desired.
Buying clothes as an analogy for choosing goals:
Just because certain clothes look good on someone else, this doesn’t mean they will look good on you. You need to distinguish between things that are yours, and things that are meant for someone else.
When looking for a coat, have an idea of a coat in the mind, but don’t be specific. Then, let the heart guide you. Your heart will not miss the tiniest detail, and will point you to the right one, at the right time. You will see it and feel instantly drawn to it.
The mind gets so immersed in the process of choosing that it doesn’t listen to the heart. How comfortable you feel when making the decision shows the quality of the decision.
The heart doesn’t always know what it wants though, and can be indecisive. If there is a slight feeling of heaviness or discord, the item is meant for someone else. The mind will try to convince you otherwise, making up all kinds of points. If you are trying to persuade and convince yourself it’s yours, it’s not yours. If it’s meant for you, you will not have to convince yourself of anything. See how comfortable your final decision feels.
It’s not worth listening to other people’s opinions when choosing something. No one but you can choose the things that are yours. If you like something so much that you have to have it, others will be impressed when they see it on you.
If you strive for a goal instead of money, resources will come of their own accord, in great abundance.
Don’t desire your goal in order to keep importance to a minimum level.
Forget about strict planning. Rather than tying yourself to circumstances or stubbornly insisting on your own ways of doing things, trust the alternatives flow. Life can be an easy holiday if you allow it to be. Take what is meant for you calmly and without insistence.
Even if you don’t buy anything, you will know that you are protected from what is intended for others when following your heart.
Wake up, and consciously listen to your feelings. However, this technique will not work if choosing clothes for someone else, or at least not with the same level of accuracy.
This technique of course doesn’t apply only to clothes, but to anything else you choose for yourself.
Unlike adults, children are very good at finding the things that are theirs.
Many people follow the latest fashions, which are designed from pendulums, which again, say “Do as I do.” Interesting French saying: “Do not be afraid of looking unfashionable. Be afraid of looking silly.” Forget about the current fashion. Pay attention only to the feeling you get when looking at things. Stop thinking, comparing and expostulating. The moment your analytical mind comes in, stop the process immediately, because it is futile. Instead, listen to the rustle of the morning stars.
Take off the pressure of having to achieve your goal. Reduce importance, and relax control. Just window shop, or try things on out of curiosity, and trust the alternatives flow.
It can be useful to run the slide of your goal in your mind while you are shopping. The slide must include the quality of how you feel when you attract attention because you look so elegant, interesting, and different, rather than being a detail picture of what you exactly look like when it is happening.
Give up the desire to find something artsy and extraordinary. The extraordinary does not necessarily guarantee success. Just following your heart will allow you to stumble across many fantastic discoveries. After a while, you are to discover unusual ways of putting things together.
As soon as the heart and mind are unified, you will find both surprise and delight. Instead of, “This is what I was looking for,” it will be, “No way! That’s amazing!” Your potential is only limited by your own intention.
The secret to success lies in freeing yourself from pendulums, and going your own way.
As has been stated, if you become a star, pendulums make you one of their favorites, to promote “Do as I do.” Pendulums need to control everything, so they will even help you if you become a star. You could be the favorite of your own pendulum creation though.
It is such a luxurious privilege to be yourself. It is the one privilege everyone can afford, but only a few muster up the courage to enjoy. The reason for this is because most people are dependent on pendulums, being their obedient puppets, and not free minded individuals.
Everyone owns a precious treasure - the uniqueness of their soul. Most have the key to success in their pockets without knowing it. Have the mind take the heart by the hand, and let it choose its own toy.
Stars become stars only because stars have something that is missing from everyone else’s own lives, which is unity of heart and mind.
There is a lifeline in the alternatives spaces that matches every individual’s fraile perfectly.
When a person walks towards a true goal along the path meant for them, everything turns out favorably. When it’s the opposite, life becomes a continual battle for survival.
People can get upset when it’s raining out, so imagine how upset the soul becomes when a life is wasted. In a wasted life, the soul can see how the mind is infatuated with pendulums, which ruins life, but is powerless to change things.
The idea that success only comes from grueling hard work is instilled in us since childhood. Also, it’s taught to stubbornly strive towards your goal, overcoming all obstacles along the way if you want to succeed. One of our greatest delusions is that we have to fight for happiness, fighting for a place in the sun. This is a particularly misleading and undermining formula.
The core delusion is that if obstacles are overcome, happiness will be waiting on the other side. The reality: There is no happiness on the other side. However hard a person tries, they will be ever-chasing after the setting sun. No happiness awaits a person in the near or distant future when they are living a lifeline that is not their true path. The perceived future happiness is nothing more than a mirage by pendulums to get people to give up their energy.
Happiness is not somewhere out there, just ahead of you. It is either in your current lifeline right here right now, or it is not there at all.
Happiness is what you experience on the journey towards your own goal, on the path, through your own door. When a person is on a lifeline meant for them, and following their own true path, they experience happiness in the present moment, even if the attainment of the actual goal still lies ahead. Life becomes transformed into an ongoing celebration. When the goal is achieved, they will be doubly happy, but in the meantime, the process of striving makes every day a holiday. Movement towards someone else’s goal, however, places happiness in an illusory future. Achieving a goal that is not truly yours will bring disappointment and depletion, but never happiness.
Your goal is something that makes you feel deeply fulfilled. It is not something that fulfills your temporarily. It gives you a sense of the real joy of life. Your personal door represents your journey along the path towards your goal, experienced with passion and inspiration. Not everything will necessarily be easy, but you do not feel depleted. On the contrary, you feel energized.
A foreign goal always feels like a draining obligation. It is punishing and forced. If your goal feels like an obligation in the slightest way, you should dump it boldly. If the goal is yours, you won’t have to persuade yourself to keep working on it, because you enjoy it.
A foreign goal always has numerous obstacles along the way, and will always feel like a struggle.
Pendulums want you being a cog in a machine, believing that everything will come to you if you just work hard enough. And if you are weak, “Shut up, and know your place.”
A foreign goal is presented as fashionable and prestigious. Pendulums need to trick you into adhering to them, so they put out a nice delicious carrot to trick you into rushing headlong after it.
Stars really only become successful when they do not follow the rule, “Do as I do.” They go their own way. Only your soul can know the algorithm of success.
Ask yourself, “Do I really want this with all my heart and soul, or do I just enjoy wanting it?”
No one can tell you what you want. Anyone who tries to intrude upon you in this way should be immediately stopped. The only exception could be a spontaneous phrase from someone, as a possible sign. If so, you will pick up on this instantly. The phrase has to have no agenda and no intention from the person to ‘set you on the right path.’
If a goal does not improve the quality of your own life, then it is certainly not meant for you. True goals always work for you. If a goal fulfills other people’s needs and prosperity, then it is a foreign goal.
“Must,” “obligated,” and “have to” usually guilt trip people into adhering to pendulums.
You cannot make other people happy, but you can easily injure others with your own unhappiness.
A foreign goal evokes inner tension. A foreign goal is always dressed up so nicely and made to be very appealing, but if your intuition doesn’t sit right with it, be honest with yourself.
When considering your goal, do not think about how prestigious or seemingly unattainable it is, or the means to achieve it. Focus your attention on inviting your inner voice to speak.
If in your life there is great misfortune, you have at some point come under the influence of a destructive pendulum and foreign goal.
Most people are so busy chasing pendulums like a hamster on a spinning wheel that they do not find the down time for their own souls. People think about what they want when they are under pressure at random moments. Take time to relax, and listen to the rustle of the morning stars.
What if you find that there is nothing you really want? This suggests that your lifeforce is depleted. Depression and apathy is a clear sign that your current energy levels are only sufficient to support your basic existence. In such a case, focus on increasing your energy reserves. It is not possible for your heart to have no desires, but you do have to have the strength to listen.
The mind forgets the soul and drops everything to run to the aid of others. It’s like leaving your own children in trouble to save someone else’s child. The mind stuffs the heart back into its box, so that the mind is left with its ‘reasonable thoughts.’ Spiritual emptiness then grows, and the mind needs something to fill it with. Pendulums then come in to tell you how you can benefit others. Yet, could it be that spiritual emptiness prompts people to come to the aid of others?
When you learn to love yourself, you will find your true goal. Once you are on the path toward your true goal, your ability to help others will be enhanced along the way, because you’ll be attracting greater opportunities and resources into your life. Until your own goal is clearly defined, be cautious in responding to others who need help, and keep importance to a minimum.
The supporters of war later learn that it was a trick by pendulums. The peaceful nation that gets attacked overthrows its leader, and then licks the boots of the aggressive nation. All of this is from warring pendulums.
Family men are turned into beasts when they go into war because their minds succumb to destructive pendulums. Adherence drawn into the battles between pendulums - these men literally know not what they do.
The mind of a member in a crowd is asleep, because it’s trapped in pendulums. All the evil, cruelty, and violence in the world resides not in the darker side of human nature, but in the greedy nature of the pendulum.
If the need to take care of others comes from outside yourself, no matter what the source is, it’s a foreign goal. If the impulse to take care of others comes from deep within your heart, then the goal may be yours. For example, taking care of one’s pets or children can be true goals.
Reduce importance, turn your back on pendulums, and appeal to your heart. Love yourself first-most and foremost, and take care of yourself. This is the only way of finding the path to your own goal.
The mind’s mistake is to think about how achievable a goal is, and calculate in advance all the ways and means to achieve it. To the mind, everything has to be logical and reasoned. Then if there is doubt, the mind gives up or stores it in a box to be forgotten.
Have the goal in your heart, and things have a way of coming together.
The heart knows no evil. All evil is concentrated in the mind like a plaque built up from the destructive influence of pendulums. Pendulums provoke people to violence not only against others, but also against themselves. “No guts, no glory.” “No pain, no gain.” This mentality is promoted to put your well-being or life on the line for someone else’s idea.
Pendulums provoke people into taking extreme risks because the fear, tension, and excitement the risk taker experiences are the pendulum’s favorite energy dishes.
It often doesn’t occur to the risk taker that he/she doesn’t need to prove oneself to anyone. Someone suffering from feelings of inferiority is easily led by the nose.
Don’t be afraid to break through stereotypes from pendulums. Breaking through stereotypes opens locked doors.
Without intention, a desire can never be fulfilled. First though, be distinctly aware of what you want. “I want to be rich and happy” will not work. Imagine that you are strolling around town without any particular purpose. Yet, if you have somewhere specific in mind, you will eventually end up there, even if you don’t know the way. It’s the same in life. If you have no goal, you are a paper boat in a raging river.
The only 100% guarantee of reaching a goal is if it is really your own innermost goal, and you head towards it through your door. No one and nothing can then stop you, because your heart’s fraile key fits the door perfectly. No one can take from you what is truly yours, so there will be no problem achieving your goal. The only issue is how to find your real goal and your real door.
Your goal cannot be determined by a temporary need. Your goal needs to be the answer to the question, “What do you want most out of life?” What will make your life happy and joyful? Settle on a main goal. Achieve that one goal, and the fulfillment of all other desires will follow.
If nothing specific comes to mind, start by defining a general goal, such as comfort and well-being in life. Then, ask what comfort and well-being mean to you personally. You may be drawn to a specific field of science, culture or art, and while doing what you love, you discover or create a masterpiece.
On a lifeline where you are following your own true path, happiness is right here, right now.
Even if you love what you do, if your work does not solely represent the one thing that brings you joy and will fill your life with things that will make you feel good, it means your work is a door, but not an ultimate goal.
Don’t forget, your goal should make life feel like one continuous holiday, with all its accompanying attributes. Do not think about the door, or means to achieve your goal in this stage. Define the goal, and then, with time, the door will find itself.
Ask yourself the question, what does your heart long for? What would make your life feel like a continual holiday? Don’t be inhibited by any sense of limitation. If you don’t believe anything is possible for you, at least pretend to believe it, and then you will be free to make a real choice.
Don’t be shy. Go for it. Order what you want. If you want a house, how about a mansion? If you want to be head of your department, what about president of the corporation? If you want to work hard and earn a lot of money, what about not working at all, and living a happy life? The list of “what abouts” goes on forever. When going your own path through your own door, achievement becomes far, far greater.
An opinion comes from the mind, but your relationship to something comes from deep within the heart, and only your heart can discern between personal and foreign goals.
Do you really want it, or are there foreign reasons? An invalid may want to ice skate with all their heart, but the desire comes from the pain caused by their handicap.
If the goal is difficult to achieve, try letting it go, and observe how you feel afterward. If you feel relieved, this means it was a foreign goal. If, however, you feel indignant, or find yourself wanting to protest, it means the goal may not be yours.
Imagine your goal being already achieved. If the feeling of pleasure is mixed with fear, a heavy sense of burden, a sense of urgency or obligation, then the heart is clearly saying “No.” The mind may not suspect a thing, but the heart can sense it. Don’t confuse shyness for tension though. “Can all of this really be for me?” Inner inhibition can be overcome with the help of slides, but inner tension – never. The worst mistake would be to consider yourself unworthy because of inner tension.
You deserve the absolute best. Don’t be in too much of a hurry. Try testing your goal against the slide technique. If after some time the ominous feelings have not passed, it means you’re dealing with inner tension, which means it’s a foreign goal. If the tension is from not believing the goal can be achieved, this means it’s outside your current comfort zone, or that you have chosen a foreign door.
Have the will to have with your true goal, and outer intention will lead you to the right door(s). Only your heart can identify a true goal, and the heart is not capable of thinking. It can only feel and know.
The heart has no idea what to do with money, because it’s not capable of abstract thinking. Your end-goal needs to be comprehensible to the heart. It’s not a matter of means, but the heart must like it.
Establish your freedom of choice, and don’t allow pendulums to establish control over you.
Widen the scope of information you can receive. Don’t have an official time scale. Don’t turn a search for information into a chore. Simply hold this statement in mind: “I am looking for the thing that will make my life feel like a holiday.”
Tune into your feelings more. Think of the information in all angles and relate it to the inner voice.
When being free from obsessing over the means and from false goals, a weight is lifted off your chest. You will give yourself permission to be happy - right here, right now, having abandoned the struggle for an illusory happiness that only exists in the future. The mind will let the heart out of its box, and you’ll discover the wonderful feeling of lightness and freedom that comes with the onset of Spring after a long hibernation, instead of trying desperately to fill the spiritual emptiness with cheap pendulum surrogates. Depression and strain will be no more.
It is much more pleasurable to head towards your own goal, knowing that it comes from within you, then to search in vain for your goal in the outside world. The heart will jump up and down with joy, knowing that it has chosen its own toy. The mind will at last accept that the goal can be achieved. The heart and mind will joyfully walk hand in hand, knowing that happiness exists right here, right now.
If you are forced to abandon doing what you enjoy because it does not provide an income, take a look at if the activity is truly connected with your heart’s innermost desire. Does the activity make your life feel like a continual holiday? If the activity is not related to your innermost goal, it’s difficult to say whether it will provide you an income or not. However, if you are certain that the activity is strongly connected to your personal goal, you can expect it to bring all the attributes of a comfortable lifestyle.
The stereotype of forced necessity distances people from their innermost goals. Example: One who works at a dead end job for a living, and in one’s spare time, creates and invents things. It never occurred to one that one’s creations could be sold at a fair price.
What comes from the heart is very expensive, while what comes from the mind is less valued. A genuine masterpiece is born from the union of heart and mind. You can create masterpieces as long as you don’t allow pendulums to lead you astray.
Your true goal doesn’t complicate your life, but simplifies it. If you cannot see clearly where your door lies, work with slides and widen the limits of your comfort zone. Reduce the importance and abandon your attachment to achieving the goal.
Choosing your goal and door can take months. Ask yourself, do you know the rules of the game, or are you obeying a pendulum?
Defeats are not necessarily failures, but can be landmarks on the path to your goal. Give yourself alternative paths, and continue to picture the slide of your goal. Continue to expand your comfort zone until the goal and door become a clear concept.
You have to come to the distinct conclusion: “Yes! This is what I want! This is what will make my life an ongoing holiday!”
It is futile to try and convince yourself that something is achievable, or to fight to overcome the stereotype. The stereotype will crumble automatically when outer intention shows you the opportunities that await you on your target lifeline. Don’t try to persuade yourself of anything. Don’t battle with stereotypes. All you have to do is systematically run the target slide in your mind.
Pendulums may try to disguise your door as being insignificant and of low value.
You do not have a single meaningless virtue and value. For example, if you have a reputation for being a clown, maybe you should become a great comedian. If you don’t like how advertisements are done, you could provide expertise in that area. Personal qualities that are considered useless can be expressed in unexpected ways. You will discover this yourself if you turn away from pendulums, and face your heart.
If when getting closer to your goal, you are tired and burned out, you have the wrong door. If, however, you are energized and filled with inspiration, this is the door that’s meant for you.
If it’s a foreign door, you will always be on the cutting edge of things, but then, failure will befall you. That pendulums would make foreign doors to lure you, this shows just how insidious pendulums are. Private doors never have a bunch of people wanting to use it. Public doors have many people wanting to go through, but only a small number do. People are entranced by the obvious door, while the real door is mostly ignored.
Even a door meant just for you will not work if too much importance is placed upon it, or if all your ‘eggs are in one basket.’
Purified intention: To do everything that is expected of you without desiring or pushing for the end result. Ironically though, too much effort can backfire. Nothing should be forced. If so, it means you have either chosen the wrong goal or the wrong door.
The mind is accustomed to struggle and having to overcome obstacles, and yet the mind creates all these problems by attributing excess meaning and fighting against the alternatives flow. Go after your goal in the same way you go about getting a letter from the mailbox.
What remains of intention when purified of importance and desire is the will to have, and the need to place one foot in front of the other, irrespective of how things might turn out. And then, the problem will be resolved in the process. No one and no thing can stop you as long as importance is kept at a minimal level, and you refrain from fighting against the alternatives flow. There’s nothing to worry about, even if temporary difficulties may arise.
If a ‘dark cloud’ follows you, self-reflect. Are you: Forcing yourself to do something? Overly impatient to achieve your goal? Attributing excess importance to something?
Oppressive thoughts and feelings can arise from a narrow comfort zone. For example, if planning to obtain a large sum of money after achieving your goal, all kinds of thoughts could arise: “Where should I keep the money? How should I invest it? What if I lose it? How should I spend it most wisely? What if they take it back?” With this state of mind, you are not ready to have the money. The mind and outer intention will work against you.
Always maintain your will.
The final slide is the final goal being achieved, as if you already had it. All you have to do is enjoy the slide, and put one foot in front of the other. Don’t convince the mind that things will go smoothly. Convince the mind that things are already going smoothly. Don’t think about what can go wrong. Just go calmly with the alternatives flow.
Analogy: A worm needs to get to water, but is dying a painful death, roasting in the sun on a road. Someone picks up the worm and delivers it to a cool, wet place. The worm has no comprehension of what saved its life. The same applies to how outer intention can work. Although the mind cannot believe the impossible is possible, other aspects of the self operate differently. Don’t waste your time trying to believe in what the mind sees as impossible. Don’t worry about the goal seeming unattainable. Again - one foot in front of the other, toward your goal.
Make your order properly, and the waiter will take care of it. Many people who have achieved phenomenal success all say in hindsight that they never would have believed they were capable of achieving such amazing results.
When the mind worries about the means to an end, this severs the connection with the heart. There will also be potential scenarios with unfavorable endings, and in such cases, outer intention will not only not help you, but will act to your detriment. On the path to your goal, only the will to have must prevail, purified from desire and importance.
The will to place one foot in front of the other represents the intent to do the minimum of what is required. This of course doesn’t mean to act indecisively or sluggishly.
Only have a general sense of scenarios to reach the goal in the links on the transfer chain, only to know the main stages of the path. Then, let go of the general scenarios altogether. Then, only the target slide should occupy your thoughts, which only includes the final picture of your life once the goal has been achieved without any additional scripts. Live in the slide to expand your comfort zone to become attuned to the target lifeline, with eradicated desire and importance.
Give yourself permission to not be perfect. If you don’t allow yourself to make mistakes, you can’t expect others to be lenient towards you either.
Have emergency exits and backup plans prepared to help free yourself of desire. This will protect your from balanced forces.
Never throw yourself into an infatuation. Do not slam doors behind you or burn bridges. Be careful and prudent.
No one is immune from misfortune, but with Transurfing, there is much less call for fear and anxiety.
People often upset themselves unnecessarily. Reality isn’t too bad. If you can see an unfavorable scenario as something positive that plays for your hand, this is exactly how things will be.
You can visualize the next link in the chain to speed things up. While taking one step, you can make the intention to make the next. Don’t look at the entire script though - just the next step.
In every moment a mother watches her child grow, she’s in the moment with the current link in the chain, and anticipates the next. She delights that today her young child stood up unaided, and imagines that her child may take its first step the next day. A mother does not imagine her child growing up into an adult overnight. She takes joy in the present, caressing the moment of Now, with the firm knowledge that tomorrow, new achievements will be made. Today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be better than today.
There’s no point in trying to anticipate every coming turn in the alternatives flow. It is better to take pleasure in the present moment and impeccably place one foot in front of the other. A positive feedback loop is created, with every step on the ladder supporting the previous step. It’s not some distant cloud. Do not worry about the future. Live in the relative present.
Don’t be upset by a setback, or you will slide back down the ladder. You cannot get to positive lifelines if you are filled with self-criticism. Remember that setbacks are only seen as failures because they are occurrences that don’t fit into the mind’s script. Why not embrace the change, and see the setback as a success? Try viewing every setback with joyful surprise instead of annoyance. Setbacks can lead us to our goals in ways unforeseen to us.
The heart does not really care about others, no matter how near and dear they are. It thinks only of its own well-being. Contrary to popular belief, all altruistic gestures originate in the mind, and not in the heart. If a goal serves someone else, the heart will lose all interest, leaving the mind to simply exhaust itself.
Russian tale with a wooden boy who wants to get rich to help his father: The boy doesn’t achieve his goal and encounters many troubles. Two mistakes: First, the goal was for someone else. His mind is for helping his father, while his heart dreams something else for itself. Second, money was seen as a means to an end. Money can serve neither as a mean, nor as a goal. Money is an accompanying attribute.
Altruism is a wonderful quality to have, but if you choose to devote yourself to serving others, you will never find your own happiness. It’s only an illusion - self deception - service to pendulums - which places the heart back in a box, denying it the right to its own happiness. This doesn’t mean others cannot be helped. Greater resources will be at your fingertips to help others when you are aligned with your true goal.
On the path to your goal, allow your heart to only ‘think for itself.’ Then you will not frighten your heart away from your goal. Once you have achieved your goal, you can afford your altruistic mind as much freedom as it desires in looking after your loved ones, nature, homeless animals, starving children, and whoever else you feel drawn to help.
Once on the path to your goal through the right door, you’ll be on the crest of the wave of good fortune. You will radiate harmonious energy because of the feeling of ease that has entered your heart.
Inspiration is the state of elation which makes the creative process easy, simple, and most importantly, brilliant. It is quite clear that this can only happen when there is unity of heart and mind.
Inspiration comes when the importance level drops. Importance is within the desire to achieve your goal and the insisting drive to find a source of inspiration.
Expectation of inspiration creates the excess potential of importance.
Impatience bordering on despair brings forth a massive amount of balancing forces from the excess potential.
What you desire will not come to you unless you release the stranglehold of anticipation.
Inspiration is clamped when impatience drives the heart back into its box.
The mind’s habit of subjugating everything into control ruins the party.
1. Abandon the desire to achieve the goal, for if the goal is truly yours, you will not succeed in getting rid of it for long anyway. Sooner or later, the goal will be fulfilled. All inner intention should do is place one foot in front of the other on the way to the letter box.
2. Forget about making special preperations. Any preparation for inspiration to come to you only creates excess potential, because all the time you spend getting ready for it, you are signaling that you wish to attract something you currently don’t have. The more careful you prepare for something, the worse the outcome will be. Recall in the past when you meticulously planned something, and then this went a completely different direction, or completely fell apart.
3. Abandon the habit of waiting for inspiration. Inspiration comes when you least expect it, so why wait for it, negating the condition required for it to appear?
Suppose you have observed the above 3 conditions. Then, all that is left of your inner intention is the will to put one foot in front of the other - to take action. Start without needing to feel inspired first, and in the process of doing, inspiration will come to you. Inspiration is freed up in active working.
Set the table for yourself. Light the candles for yourself. Make yourself comfortable, and begin drinking tea for your own pleasure without waiting on anyone else to arrive. The ‘whimsical muse’ will be affected by your display of indifference, wondering how you could have forgotten about her. She will appear, and instantly fall in beside you. That’s the secret.
If you set about achieving someone else’s goal without wanting to or being able to abandon it, the goal can still be achieved with Transurfing. However, be aware of the fact that the goal will require much more effort to achieve. Follow the same principles for following your own goal.
You have to make the decision yourself if you want to abandon someone else’s goal. Transurfing cannot help you if you are not ready to take full responsibility for your own destiny. When relying on other people’s decisions, you are placing your destiny in their hands.
If it’s too late to abandon a foreign goal, you can achieve it quite easily by freeing yourself of desire and the excess potential of importance. Be emotionally detached, yet still consciously aware. Don’t battle with problems and obstacles. Reduce importance, and problems and obstacles will withdraw.
Even your own door to your own goal can slam shut if you have attributed significantly embellished importance. Have alternative routes to help keep your door open. Just as you have more than one goal, you have more than one door. It’s never too late to find a new goal if a previous goal has been found objectively impossible.
There is no reason why you should not go after a foreign goal through a foreign door, while searching for your own goal along the way. There’s no need to necessarily abandon something that’s already been started. The shift to your ideal lifeline can be made quite smoothly. You can be working toward a foreign goal while holding a picture of your own goal’s slide in your mind at the same time. Then, over time, outer intention will open unseen doors, allowing you to painlessly change your activities.
Even though you have more knowledge, you are not immune to error. Just don’t fall into despair and criticize yourself too harshly. You will eventually find your own door. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
True success grows from the ruins of past failures.
Accusers and manipulators do not set for themselves high goals, which is why they don’t make mistakes.
People who manipulate have this mentality:
“Whatever did you think you were getting yourself into?” “Did you think you were better than us?” “Sit here, and keep your head down.” “Live like we do.” “We know more about life than you do.” Don’t doubt yourself and wonder if the manipulators may be right.
Even those who wish you well cannot know the whisperings of your heart. Do not give in to the influence of others. Believe in yourself. In the search for your goal, do not listen to anyone, and follow your heart.
When you choose foreign goals and doors, you are taking the path of greatest resistance. In order to engage in freedom of choice, you have to free yourself from the influence of pendulums that impose foreign goals and doors.
Yeah, be the original you! The heart knows best. π€
ReplyDeleteI agree, past incarnations should have no bearing on who we are now. The lords of karma were dissolved, so the past can no longer control us. The memories can be known, but they don't define who anyone is anymore. π ☄️
La(w)li(e)t !!, yeah, the past and past lives - all of this is probably being brought to the surface to be cleared.
ReplyDeleteExcellent songs! Lyrics very much remind of the LFs as well.
Throwing it all into the Violet Flame helps clear it.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the LFs see us this way:
Excellent find! Agreed, very synchronistic!
Wow, yeah! Pretty big spike! Definitely some strangeness going on, yeah. Does feel like it's freaking out. It freaked out back when ATVOR/Mjolnir reached 20%. I wonder what percent it's at now.
ReplyDeleteThey would play games with my wifi as well.
ReplyDeleteI had some strong ear ringing today. Definitely some very serious clearing!
Looks like the clearing is now on an inter-universal level - clearing of the multi-verse. And our sol system is in the center of it all. Definitely an amazing time to be here!
Yeah, the artificial shadow stuff has really been over the top this year. It feels more balanced after the April 8 meditation.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely, this clearing is truly legendary. π―⚡️π₯