The Cons of Meditation (Updated)
There is a massive level of promotion of the benefits of meditation, but could there also be detrimental effects? This video goes into a much less heard perspective of meditation, which is actually being trolled and silenced by the spiritual community. This is a must-see for anyone who wants to know the entire spectrum of the effects of meditation: "Why do so many meditators want to Kill this Neuroscientist?" I'm not saying people should stop meditating if they feel it's beneficial to themselves and/or to the world. 2012 Portal meditations can help clear subquantum anomaly and liberate the planet. But definitely, gurus and spiritual teachers are suppressing information on a mass scale. The website the interviewee mentioned for "meditators in distress" is: Update 2/1: Reps are angry about the Cobra conference. Saw them in the dreamstate. One was in a human body. Then I saw a really ...