Let's Talk About Stellar Man

("Stellar Man" by John Baines was originally written in the 80's, so should be taken into context of that time.  In consideration of 2012 Portal's intel, perhaps many matters have changed now.  Regardless, the book is extremely profound, and was therefore read slowly, as was the case with "Mind Clearing.") 

One of the most important themes throughout "Stellar Man" is that many people can talk intelligently and have specialized fields which they excel at while still not being truly intelligent.  In fact, it's stated that the more one is educated, the less intelligent one will be, because the education only grants a limited intelligence within limited boundaries and encourages one to be more like an automaton.  

Even many pioneers in science and technology are not truly intelligent.  Selective intelligence is not true intelligence.  True intelligence is fluid.


One who possesses true intelligence should be able to decode the mysteries of existence without being told by a special book or authority figure.  

I've discovered that I myself do not have true intelligence.  This is being made painfully obvious to me in many ways.  One such way is that although I am fairly good at writing, with many of my blog posts being published on PFC, when I was doing seasonal work this year with a crew, I made mistakes as though I was mentally retarded.  Another example is that I cannot look at a tarot card and be able to decode the hidden meanings without the help of written descriptions.  A third example is that in the dreamstate my intelligence can dramatically decrease and I often don't understand why I dream what I dream, which is why I've been such an easy 'dreamstate target' over the years by the dark forces.  Although I am very psychic and can tap into great intelligence, I often 'don't know what to make of it.'

On the surface I could just try to 'blow it off' when realizing I do not have true intelligence, but I can't help it - this upsets me.  It's beneficial that I see this though, because as painful as it is, I'm better off knowing this in order to have a chance to rectify the situation.  One can be more like a child in certain ways, which is also suggested by the book, and in so doing, the ego can step out of the way to (possibly) be able to develop true intelligence.

The book states that the vast majority of people who take the path of the initiate don't make it because they cannot stand certain very harsh truths they will encounter on their journeys.  On the surface, one may think one can handle initiation, but when being put to the test, in the vast majority of cases, one drops out and can even become damaged.  However, the reward for reaching initiation is to go beyond the 'wheel of life.'

There's so much to this book that isn't discussed in this post, such as the bestial mind, programming from the "central computer of the species," the "Volitive I," the mentioning of St. Germain and the like, various beneficial techniques, the power of the present moment to reunite the spirit with the body, and so much more.  This post would become really long to try to summarize everything.  I chose to summarize true intelligence vs. false intelligence, as this is what 'hit me the hardest.'


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