Tough Shit

I am going into a very high amount of adversity.  My job is going to be full time in the Summer, and I'm moving up to a permanent full time position afterward.  There is an increasingly aggressive energy in the public (my job deals primarily with the public.)  More and more, people are on a short fuse.  Most of my attention will be on getting through the storm.  I've actually never had a job that is this tough before.

Reality is reality.  I have to deal with it.  When things get really crazy (every time I go to work things get really crazy), and I start feeling like a victim, I'll say to myself, "Tough shit."  I'll simply have to "man up."  

I don't care that people say the dollar is worthless and is collapsing and so forth.  All I know from my experience - which, experience is all anyone can ever have to know anything - is that without money, there are no options in life.  So, for the first time ever, I'm not trying to get easy money from the stock market, which backfired on me every time anyway.  This time, I'm going all in, making money the only way that has ever worked for me - to work hard.

I will not be giving my energy and attention to false promises of "Operation Dreamland" and so forth.  I won't be complaining that the Light Forces won't give me money, for whatever current excuse or set of excuses that are currently being promoted, and blah, blah, blah.  No.  I will work hard to make money, and if anyone else complains about wanting to be free and not getting results, my reply will be, "Tough shit."

It should be obvious that nothing does itself.  So, I'm not going to put up with any more moping, from myself, or others.  If you want to mope, get a room.  I have work to do.

If you want results, work hard.  This doesn't just apply to money.  This also applies to having a better 'astral space' and so forth.  You want to stop being messed with?  Do the work to get some serious shields.  Research where you have to research to get this information, or use your intuition to make your own techniques, and make it happen.  Be tough in order to deal with shit. 

As for people who want a sex change, and other things that cannot get done without physical intervention from the Light Forces, sorry, but this is not my problem.  You'll just have to deal with this the best that you can, or not.  

I don't get free money from the government.  Druggies who live on food stamps, and countless other people who live off the government go through the checkout lanes.  I guess the free money is for them.  I guess I'll be financially supporting them as well.  Whatever.  I have work to do. 

I still have a heart.  I've been told that my heart chakra is the strongest, but I need other areas to be powerful as well.  Again, I need to be tough as well, to deal with shit that keeps getting thicker.

Wealthy people can live in their castles in the sky, but I'll work so fucking hard no one will be able to deny me my own castle.  I've lived in poverty for nearly two decades, and I'm done with that.  And, when my cup runneth over, I can be charitable, but I won't be giving homeless people money just so they can go buy drugs and booze.  Charity needs to be done intelligently.  Money can go to feeding people who starve to death every day in certain countries.  They are the ones who need help the most. 

All the best.


  1. Thanks! 🤗 I usually end up trying to calm people, but then their aggression overrides this, and then I explode. I'm getting better at managing this, but it's very high maintenance.


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