There's One Exception To All Et Groups Being The Same

Regarding my previous post saying that all Et groups are the same, this isn't 100% true.  E'Asha Ashayana's work is very different from the rest.

I've been watching probably close to 20 hours of material from E'Asha Ashayana's live replays over the last week or so, which can be viewed for a reasonable price (in my opinion) here:

(This is what I've been looking at lately - I'm not trying to be a salesman or anything.) 

There will probably be more material from her before the end of the year to finish the series.

I telepathically heard that the "Guardians," as they are called in her material, asked her to forgive me.  I haven't exactly been the nicest over the last few years.  For some reason I didn't see that she was still continuing her work and had not gone silent.  She works harder than anyone I've ever seen, and in my ignorance, I made ridiculous assumptions.  I also did 'energetic activations' that could definitely be seen as being on the side of negative agendas.  Those who watch her material will understand what I'm talking about in this regard.

Definitely, her series has the most advanced metaphysical mechanics and techniques I've ever seen!

She discusses year by year in the current timeframe what's been happening and what will happen with the planet and cosmos.  She also goes into the future for the next 1,011 years.  Without giving too many details, Earth and its inhabitants are being liberated from a very dismal fate.  She states that there will still be some conflicts, but that the conflicts are being blocked from becoming cataclysmic.

I find her paradigm much more balanced compared to other Et intel because false promises such as medbeds, mass arrests of the cabal, etc, are not promoted.  There are no empty promises that continually get moved into the future like a carrot on a stick.  No such nonsense is in her work.  

E'Asha Ashayana's material is definitely worth consideration in comparison to other Et groups and their claims.  If chosen, people can hear her out and then decide what direction to go.


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