True Victory, Control List, and Possible Aspects of a True Vacuum Universe
To Achieve True Victory
The saying that a person can be killed but an idea cannot is untrue.
Dissolution of anomaly/subquantum anomaly leads to the dissolution of cognitive distortions. People don't abuse each other if the source of their abusive tendencies – anomaly/subquantum anomaly – has been dissolved.
Members of the dark forces can be killed, but as long as there is anomaly/subquantum anomaly, they will be replaced by new agents over time. The source of anomalous ideas and ways of thinking must be dissolved to keep the dark forces from ever being replenished again.
The dark forces can continue to lose power while the source of their power continues to dissolve.
A List of Control
One can make a list of all the things one can control and all the things one cannot control. Creating such a list helps one to hone in focus on what one can control. There are four categories: "easy to control," "partial control," "difficult to control," and "cannot be controlled."
(Maybe list the pertinent ones, as it's unnecessary to make a list of every single thing in reality.)
Example of "easy to control":
It's easy to control one's breath. It's easy to take a deep breath to reduce stress.
Example of "partial control":
One can't immediately control when one gets a craving for sweets, but by drinking water when the craving occurs, this diminishes the craving.
Example of "difficult to control":
Maintaining composure in a volatile situation is a difficult task for most people. This is a skill that is cultivated over time.
Example of "cannot be controlled":
One cannot control what others think and say about oneself. Sure, one can act in a certain way to be liked by someone, but if this fails and the other person thinks ill thoughts and says ill things about oneself, one cannot stop this. The healthy thing to do is realize that this is outside one's control and not get caught up in it; to let it go and move on.
True Vacuum Universe Speculation, or Real Knowledge?
In a liberated true vacuum universe, beings don't know how to think anomalously. They couldn't think anomalously if they tried, and they wouldn't know how to try. The possibility for this simply does not exist.
Also, a true vacuum universe doesn't need all these different systems of checks and balances to try to keep it stable. For example, with the Tree of Life, our world needs the limitations of Saturn to stop the unlimited growth of Jupiter, as unlimited growth creates distortions. (One such distortion is cancer.) A true vacuum universe already knows how to function optimally without the need for these kinds of checks and balances; all the opposite Sefirot are already merged as one.
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