Emergency Information About Bread

Anything over 80 parts per billion of glyphosate (from Monsanto's Roundup) is in the category of "high level concern."  This is probably the real reason why whole wheat bread gave me so many issues.


Also, here are some tested levels of glyphosate in pea protein powders:



Note that organic brands can be even worse than non-organic brands.

For pea protein I use the Naked brand, although it's in the category of "slight concern," with 39 parts per billion.  Still though, whole wheat bread has hundreds to over 1000 parts per billion by comparison!  White bread is the lowest, with less than 20 parts per billion.


  1. Whey protein update: For years I've been using whey protein as a main source of protein. However, even if it's a concentrate and not an isolate, whey protein powder is absorbed too rapidly, which has been causing instability. This is why I had so many problems with hypoglycemia. I hope I haven't influenced anyone else into this harmful direction when I made posts a while back about whey protein powder making me stronger.

    Whey protein powder is still beneficial after a surgery to speed up healing and similar scenarios, but my final conclusion is that it's best to not be consumed long-term.

  2. it’s mostly an issue in North America where wheat is often sprayed with glyphosate before harvest

    while European countries have stricter regulations

    the best way to avoid it is to choose organic, source from farmers who don’t use glyphosate and opt for non-hybridized ancestral grains like Kamut and Einkorn ... true sourdough is also a great option, as the fermentation process improves digestibility and reduces harmful compounds

    that said, modern wheat is nothing like what our ancestors ate ... it has been so heavily hybridized that its nutrient profile, gluten content and digestibility have drastically changed

    what was once a nourishing staple is now a shadow of its former self ... stripped of its original integrity and altered in ways that many bodies can no longer tolerate

    not only is it hard to avoid glyphosate but wheat itself has become a contributor to widespread health issues and many do not realize this yet

    it's no wonder we’re seeing an explosion of ailments that barely existed in the past

    this is just one of the many ways the oligarchs have been poisoning us ... quietly weaving toxins into the very foundation of our food supply ...

    all while keeping people too distracted, sick and dependent to fight back

    it’s tough to pressure the industry however awareness and demand can drive change

    1. Definitely, North America is horrible when it comes to toxins in their food supply. It's true that modern wheat is hybridized to have 'super gluten.' I prefer to use white spelt flour, which is much better. But the cost of white spelt flour is insane. So, I went back to organic white flour for a while, even though it's not as good.

      The industry needs a complete overhaul, yeah.


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