Why it Can Be Difficult to get a Clear Signal in the Dreamstate, and CBT Applied to the Dreamstate

Why it Can Be Difficult to get a Clear Signal in the Dreamstate 

It can be difficult to get a clear signal in the dreamstate because the dreamstate often merges many different aspects.  For example, there can be a clear signal from God-Source being merged with abusive frequencies from the lurker/subquantum.  Another example is having a dream that gives precognition about a future meeting with someone in a safe setting, but this precognition gets merged with a war scenario from somewhere else in the world, so the result is a dream about a future meeting with someone in a war zone.  (These two examples are oversimplified to illustrate the key idea.  The number of different mergings can be dozens or more, which is why dreams can be so chaotic and not make sense.  Plus, the subconscious can have very strange ways of communicating when looked at consciously.)

There can however, be clear, or mostly clear, constructive dreams from the higher self.  There can also be clear, or mostly clear, influences and signals from positive forces.  It's not always chaotic.  There are many variables.    

CBT Applied to the Dreamstate

One of the life-changing methods of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is to identify a destructive belief and then challenge this destructive belief.  Take "Tom" (a made-up name for convenience) for example:

Last night, Tom, who can remember most of his dreams, had some very uplifting dreams.  One dream was of him being lifted out of the the ocean and being helped by positive forces to stay above water.  Another was of him flying through the sky similar to the movie "Hook" when Peter Pan remembered who he really was.  A third dream was Tom being on another planet that had some interesting and uplifting plant life.  The fourth dream, however, was Tom having a very disturbing interaction with the lurker/subquantum anomaly.  This dream was a combination of messed up imagery, music/sounds, and vibes.

When Tom woke up in the morning, he immediately focused on the dream about the lurker/subquantum.  This put him in a bad mood.  If his core belief based on his feelings were to be put into words, it would be, "I always get attacked in the dreamstate, and there are never any positive interventions."  

Then, however, Tom remembered about CBT, which encourages people to challenge their beliefs.  He asked himself, "Were all of my dreams traumatic?"  He then remembered the other 3 uplifting dreams he had.  This made him feel much better.  His belief changed to, "Even though I had this one bad dream, I had these other 3 good dreams too.  Maybe there is a mixture of constructive and destructive forces, and the destructive forces are just coming up like this as part of the clearing process."

Suppose on another night though, Tom had only disturbing dreams, with no uplifting dreams at all.  Tom can then remember other uplifting dreams he had on nights from the past.  He can also know that this night was a bad one, but there will be nights in the future that will be good ones.  He can also place his feet firmly on the ground and focus on healing action in the waking state, such as doing a lightworker meditation and going for a walk in nature with a strong knowing that this bad night is being energetically cleared.

Boom. ⚡️


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