Regarding Processed Foods, Another Way of Being Attacked, and PFC Censorship/Ghosting

Regarding Processed Foods

Not all processed foods are unhealthy.  For example, white bread is a processed food, but as has been proven, whole wheat and/or whole grain bread has dangerous levels of glyphosate while white bread does not. 

(Also, many brands that sell oats, including organic brands, are also high in glyphosate:   

It's the bran that absorbs the glyphosate the most.)

The main processed foods to avoid are the ones that are high in fructose and/or vegetable oils, such as donuts and twinkies.  Also, avoid processed foods with added soft metals:


(So of course, avoid white bread with added aluminum.  And, let people look at you funny in the store if you read every ingredient list.  It's worth it.) 

Another way of Being Attacked 

Coming up this June, this will be the 6-year mark for me going alcohol free.  I know that if I have just one drink, I seriously risk falling back into the pattern of where I was at before, which was to be a heavy drinker with dangerously high blood pressure.  I know that I was very lucky not to die when I was like this, and that I was being given a second chance.  

Off and on, I've been getting dreams where I'm tricked into wanting to drink a glass of wine again every night.  I completely agree to do this in the dream; it's laid on very thick.  

I may know who's doing this (long story).  Knowingly or unknowingly, this individual is trying to kill me.  I have now lost all respect for this individual.  This individual has no business giving anyone advice, and I regret ever crossing this individual's path.  (This individual is unrelated to 2012 Portal).  

If it's not this individual, I apologize.  Although, my intuition strongly tells me it is.

There are also dreams that trick me into believing that I faltered and got drunk many times after June of 2019.  My soul could be somehow involuntarily connected to others who did not take responsibility and chose to remain heavy drinkers/alcoholics, as some sort of 'soul group.'  I wish to cut all 'energetic links' with them. 

I of course shake these dreams off and reaffirm the actual facts and return to the real deal, which is:

I haven't had a single alcoholic beverage in nearly 6 years, and I will not drink again in this lifetime, period. 

Regarding all the occultists I interacted with over the years, I don't know why I ever looked to them for help.  I never needed them.  I can stand on my own just fine.


Since I'm Calling Things Out

PrepareForChange has been censoring and ghosting me.  I posted a comment with my post about grounding rocks, which was blocked.  I then sent another comment asking about this (with diplomacy; I wasn't aggressive) a few days later after seeing a comment from another person being posted without mine being posted.  This second comment was also blocked.  I then emailed them (again, with diplomacy) asking them about it (this was over a month ago), which was ghosted.  

(They hardly get any comments anyway.  Most of their blog posts have zero comments, which is odd.) 

It's good to expose this, but at the same time I'm employing stoic principles by letting this go and moving on.  I was happy to contribute many of my blog posts to PrepareForChange in the past, with most of them being published there.  

Everything comes and goes.  I just don't see why a group that is so anti-deep state and promotes free speech would censor and ghost me.  Oh well.  Ultimately, it's not my problem.

It's also a perfect example of letting go of what's beyond my control. 

I can have a sense of humor about it too. 


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