Updated These Are My Findings After Over A Decade Of Personal Research


I've been trying to ignore it, but I've been having more heart palpitations and even some pain in my left chest and arm, so I may have to stop using canola oil.  Perhaps the alternative media made some good points, although they could have been more specific with their data.  Here's an interesting article:


What I like about the above article is that they use studies instead of 'word-of-mouth' that the alternative media mostly uses. 

"The corn oil group did have lower cholesterol levels, but they also suffered more heart attacks and deaths. The authors concluded, “under the circumstances of this trial corn oil cannot be recommended in the treatment of ischaemic heart disease. (Source)

Then there's this guy:


Maybe just don't do any oils.  *Sigh 

(Daily protein intake is around 60-80g for all the following examples.  Also, the word “diet” is used for convenience.)    

This diet causes weight gain, diabetes, and increased risk of heart disease:   

– Daily fructose is high from sucrose, HFCS, candy, fruit, and fruit juice.  Total daily simple sugar intake is over 80g.

– Daily saturated fat is high, at over 20g per day.  

– In addition to high daily saturated fat, there is a high intake of vegetable oil in the form of fried foods.  (High vegetable oil intake with high saturated fat intake could be an unhealthy combination.  More studies are needed to confirm or deny this though.)

– Total daily fat is high, at over 80g.  

– Daily complex carbs (starch) is high.  Total daily carbs from starch is over 200g per day.

– Adding simple sugar intake, total daily carbs is 300g or more.

Note:  The above diet is what probably over 50% of the US consumes.  Many developed nations are following in the footsteps of the US, where obesity, diabetes, and heart disease is epidemic.

These diets cause weight loss, a reversal of type 2 diabetes and/or prediabetes, and a reduced risk of heart disease:


– Daily fructose is low.  Daily simple sugar from all sources (including fruit) is less than 40g per day.   

– Daily saturated fat is low, at less than 15g per day.

– Total daily fat is mid-range, somewhere between 40-60g per day, most of which is monounsaturated fat from canola oil and/or avocados, olives, and nuts/seeds.  If avocados, olives, and nuts/seeds (and their oils) don’t digest well, only canola oil is consumed, at 2-3 tablespoons per day.  (Not straight though.  It’s easy to blend with food.)

– Vegetable oil is rarely consumed as fried food, as fried food can cause vegetable oil to become harmful.  However, some crackers baked with vegetable oil are consumed.

– Daily complex carbs is mid-range, at somewhere between 150-250g per day.  Total daily carbs is flexible, but the vast majority is from starch.

Note:  The alternative media vilifies vegetable oil, but it’s not vegetable oil by itself that is the real problem.  It’s actually the combination of vegetable oil with high saturated fat intake with high fructose and carb intake that causes major issues.  Also, it’s not true that only vegetable oil has high amounts of omega-6.  Turkey and chicken fat have more omega-6 than canola oil.  The alternative media doesn’t take many variables into account and grossly oversimplifies. 

Update:  I'm being forced to stop using canola oil because of resulting heart problems.

Diet is even more complex than I previously thought.  Maybe even avoid turkey and chicken fat?  Or, maybe it's just the extracted oils that are the problem, and not the omega-6 itself. 


– Daily carb intake is low, at around 100g or less.  Fructose consumption is nearly nonexistent.
– Daily saturated fat is high, at 30g or more.  The majority of fat comes from beef and butter.

– Total daily fat exceeds 60g.

– Vegetable oil is low, at less than 10g per day.  

– Polyunsaturated fat is low.

Note:  When carbs are low enough, saturated fat probably doesn’t cause issues.  Cholesterol tests can even show up high without heart issues.  Most who are able to stay low carb long-term show signs of being healthy.  


– Diet 2 but with the majority of fats coming from avocados, olives, and vegetable oil, with total daily saturated fat at around 20g or less.  

– This is the “Mediterranean low carb” diet.


No one size fits all, but the example of the typical American diet is universally harmful.

There are probably other diets to list, but this is what I have thus far.  

The beneficial diets are listed to dissolve the duality of low fat vs. low carb.  Both types of diets work well. 


  1. This rule still very much applies:

    Never combine dairy such as cheeses, yogurt, sour cream, kefir, and milk with meat in a meal, nor in the same day. If eating dairy, consume absolutely no animal flesh for that entire day. Only switch from dairy to meat, or meat to dairy, after at least 10 hours of fasting. (Overnight sleep time is of course ideal to get the 10 hour gap.) Those who don't follow this rule are prone to being imbalanced. (I'm not Jewish, but Jews definitely know what they are talking about when saying to separate meat from dairy.)

  2. And as Cobra also spoke about in the Taiwan workshop, the dates to look out for are: Sep 27, 2024 = dissolving of lurker December '24 - Jan '25 = next breakthrough Quoting Cobra's recent Taiwan workshop notes: “The first intersection, in late September 2024, is expected to remove the Lurker from the people and allow them to connect strongly with the Source. The second intersection, from December 2024 to January 2025, is expected to be the next breakthrough.”

    Meditation to erase the observer: www.welovemassmeditation.com/2024/08/meditation-for-disentangling-from-lurker.html?m=1

    The times of Neptune exactly at midpoint of Uranus & Pluto are: Sep 27, 2024 at 6 :03 AM EDT (GMT - 4)
    Jan 5, 2025 at 2:49 PM EST (GMT - 5)


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