Finally, Some Real Answers

I finally figured it out with the help of these sources:

Here is a summarization:

All nut and seed oils, along with olive and avocado oils, have oxidized polyunsaturated fatty acids, and are harmful.  They are even harmful when cold pressed.  When it comes to plant sources, only when fat is within food itself is it not harmful.  However, the unique oil sold here may be a rare exception; I'm not sure.  (Disclaimer:  I'm not trying to advertise.  It's just that I've never heard of sugar being converted into oil; pretty cool!)

Raw soaked sunflower seeds, which are high in non-oxidized omega-6, can be healthy.  When roasted though, all nuts and seeds become toxic. 

Cooked meat (which has animal fat) is not harmful.  Omega-6 from animal sources is not unhealthy.

Oxidized omega-6 in extracted oils combines with LDL cholesterol, which is one of the main causes of heart attacks in modern times.  Unfortunately in industrialized nations, many people consume very high amounts of oxidized omega-6 from such oils.  (Oxidized omega-3 from these oils is also harmful, which in itself is another story.)

A wise protocol to follow:

Avoid processed oils as much as possible and keep simple sugar intake low to avert common health issues such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.


  1. Again, this still very much applies:

    Never combine dairy such as cheeses, yogurt, sour cream, kefir, and milk with meat in a meal, nor in the same day. If eating dairy, consume absolutely no animal flesh for that entire day. Only switch from dairy to meat, or meat to dairy, after at least 10 hours of fasting. (Overnight sleep time is of course ideal to get the 10 hour gap.) Those who don't follow this rule are prone to being imbalanced. (I'm not Jewish, but Jews definitely know what they are talking about when saying to separate meat from dairy.)

  2. Note: My personal experience is that meat such as pork, turkey, and chicken that is higher in omega-6 causes issues. This may not be because of the omega-6 content, but from other unknown factors.

  3. At this rate........gonna fear EVERY bite we put into our mouths.

    1. Beef works really well. Yet, this is not as restrictive as Jordan Peterson's diet. He only eats beef and nothing else. Gluten isn't restricted. They add soybean oil to most breads, but maybe it's a small enough amount to not be a major issue. I eat bread that has 1 gram of fat from soybean oil and 1 gram of simple sugar per slice, although I'm also making my own bread. Anyway, the truth can be harsh. There are unfortunately countless foods that are poisoned with fair amounts of vegetable oil and/or simple sugar. Up to people to follow the advise, or not.

    2. There can also be 'splurges' every blue moon, and there are ways to 'have your cake and eat it too.' I found a strawberry jam that isn't poisoned with the artificial sweetener sucralose that has only 6g of total sugar per tablespoon. I absolutely love toast with butter and jam! 1 or 2 slices of toast with this jam per day - maybe 1 in the afternoon and one in the evening - still fits under the limit of no more than 15-20g total fructose per day (the limit I'm setting for myself currently).


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