Final Part of Final Chapter - Vadim Zeland's "Reality Transurfing" Notes and Summaries

This is it!  It's been an honor. 💖

Life circumstances place people into daydream-like worlds, which then are consolidated through the mirror.  People in such realities amplify them.  “The poor get poorer.  The rich get richer.”  Those caught in the reflection are powerless to change it.  While focusing on the reflection, you are inside the mirror, and everything that happens inside the mirror happens independently of you.  Your life is like a computer game in which someone else makes the rules.  

Attention keeps people locked in the games inside their mirrors.  Everyone is capable of quitting the mirror.  Inside the mirror, there is non-lucid dreaming.  Outside the mirror, there is lucid dreaming.  Once being conscious of standing in front of a mirror, reality can be shaped to a mental image.  Attention must shift from what one doesn’t want to what one does want.  From what is disliked to what is liked.  From illness to health.  From means to the goal.  

Many are used to just accepting their ‘dream-reality’ just as it is.  At best, there is inner intention and battles.  All you have to do though is change your relationship – the image – in front of the mirror.  At such a point, you will cease to be a prisoner to the game.  Reality will work in accordance with your will.  Instead of being the dice, you will be the one throwing the dice.  

If you face an unlucky combination though, accept it and declare it as successful.  If you don’t want to remain inside the mirror, you must follow this rule.  It’s not enough just to redirect your train of thought.  Have ongoing dynamic adjustment.    

Every time the mind is unhappy with a deviation in the script, quickly come to your senses and readily accept change.  “Everything is going as it should.”    

The mind really struggles with the means to the goal and causes great anxiety and worry with negative scenarios.  How one would like to tell the mind, “Just get it, idiot!  It’s none of your business!  Your task is to focus your attention on the end goal!”  Many prevent their own plans from being realized.  Many follow the original script of the mind and therefore spoil everything.  

No one can ever know how events should develop in order to realize their order.  If someone insists that they do know, nothing will work out.  The door can be locked shut with stereotype locks.  

Simply have a goal in mind and place one foot in front of the other in the direction of your goal.  Everything that happens to you can be a step toward reaching the goal.  “Everything is going as it should because that is what I have decided.”  

One can no longer be at the mercy of circumstance, but also not try to control everything.  Don’t shape the world.  Shape the image of the world you want to live in.  Be both in the dream and outside the dream.  Make the dream depend on you, and not the other way around.  

The alternatives space holds three truly invaluable gifts:  Your future which you are capable of materializing, sacred knowledge which can transform you into a genius, and something else that takes your breath away.  This will be discussed a little later.  

You can spend your entire life interacting with enlightened individuals who supposedly know what you should do, and how.  But, how do they know what they know?  Perhaps by books, or by a special talent?  Neither is true.  

Those who do the inventing and creating are very few.  One may think, “They must be the chosen ones.”  But what makes them chosen?  When you walk your own path, the treasures of the world are revealed to you.  Then others look at you with amazement, wondering how you did it.  Many know that you have to go outside the rat race to truly accomplish something new, and yet many continue to walk in the footsteps of others, trying to repeat their experience.  

You may suspect something to be true, but this doesn’t help.  A huge abyss stands between suspecting something to be true and having articulate knowledge.  Suspected truth cannot serve as a guide for action, and so has no practical value.  Transurfing transforms hunches into articulate knowledge that describes what to do and how to do it.  

At some point you have to stop studying the old and start creating the new.  Or rather, take from where all masterpieces and discoveries are found, which is from eternity.  

Lay a foundation of elementary knowledge concerning the area that interests you to gain access to information stored in the alternatives space.  Without a foundation, you can’t tune to the corresponding sector of the alternatives space.  As soon as you have assimilated the initial stages, you can forget what you’ve been taught.  At such a point, you’ll be able to make your own discoveries and create a new masterpiece.  

Any book, melody, or picture is pulled out from the alternatives space.  It’s just a matter of hooking into the sector.  The hook for a melody might be two or three essential chords.  For a picture, it may be a mood.  For a book, a situation.  To write a book, you don’t necessarily have to think of a plot.  It will come to you later, emerging if you can pacify the presumptuous mind and allow the characters to extricate themselves from the scene.  There’s no need to make things up.  It’s all already there.  You just have to calmly follow the alternatives flow.

In an attempt to plan everything beforehand, the mind complicates things with an elaborate construct, but if you follow the alternatives flow and allow the concepts to grow independently, you will come up with the most elegant and optimal solutions which will leave you amazed.  It’s better to not try and dream things up, but instead to simply carry out the task, methodically moving from the beginning to the end.  

The idea is the starting point.  The alternatives flow will complete everything else.  Where does the idea come from though?  All brilliant conjectures exist in eternity and come to the mind through the root of the soul.  The mind’s task is not to come up with an idea, but instead to recognize it when it ‘hits you.’  And, it definitely will if you step away from the crowd and walk your own path, following your heart.

The heart has direct access to the alternatives space, whereas the mind detects subtle notions and insights and works on interpreting them.  Reason does not know.  The heart knows.  All you have to do is listen to it.  Everyone can agree with this, but most don’t take it seriously.  They assume that it’s just a metaphor and attribute it no meaning.  They will say, “Of course there is insight, the inner voice, and intuition.  But these are all shaky, intangible, and unreliable.”  They only operate from suspected truth.

If you have basic information of a given field, the heart can attune to the corresponding area of the alternatives space and source new knowledge from there that cannot be read in any book.  

Ask yourself a question and then forget about it for a while.  Within a few days the answer will come to you.  If not, ask the question again from time to time.  The answer may come to you over the next few months, but it will definitely come to you.  It’s all a matter of having the resolve to break established stereotypes.  Free yourself from conventional norms and break the pendulum rule.  Have the audacity to exercise your own right to knowledge so that you stop seeking answers in books written by others.  Change your focus of attention from receiving to creating.     

Familiarity can be turned into true knowledge through experience.  Act, and become convinced of it.

How are you different from the authors of the books you are reading?  Only in that they changed their intended focus, stopped searching, and started creating.  They escaped being tied to the opinions of acknowledged authorities and had the courage to set out on their own path.  You too can claim your right to be the one who knows, which brings us to the mentioned third gift in the alternatives space.  

People perceive a superstar as being god-like, but to the chosen one, all their attributes of fame seem quite ordinary – even mundane.  These individuals hardly see themselves as inhabitants of Mt. Olympus, because at the end of the day, they know that they are one of many others like them.  What separates superstars from ordinary people?  

Ordinary people don’t believe they are capable or worthy of great success.  They believe the chosen ones exist because they’ve been chosen by all the others by virtue of their exceptional qualities.  In reality, this is a false stereotype.  The chosen ones chose themselves.  Only later because of this did anyone else pay them any attention.

Assert you right to be a chosen one.  “I have chosen myself!”  You don’t have this right because you’re worthy or capable, but because it’s your birthright.  

You’ve been told your whole life what’s right for you, but this is up to you to decide, because only you can shape the layer of your world.  You’re quite justified in considering something to be correct that others consider false as long as this doesn’t harm anyone else.  When you deliver your own verdict, you can remain true to your own credo.  

There are as many opinions in life as there are people.  The world is a mirror for those who dare deliver their own verdict.  You however, are no mirror.  You either accept other people’s verdicts, or you are the maker who delivers your own.  Then, choosing sides with other people ceases to be relevant.  Now you can determine your own truth.  “I have decided for this to be true, because I am the maker of my own reality.”  You have the alternatives space and the dual mirror at your disposal, which is everything you need to stream your plans into physical reality.  It really is that simple.  The only condition is that you must have the temerity to assert your own right.

If you have doubt, you go from being the lawmaker to being the accused.  When you doubt, you do the wrong thing regardless.  It’s not about how appropriate your thinking and actions are, but the extent to which you are confident you are right.  This needs to be integrated fully into your awareness so that the heart and mind merge into one.

Don’t let the will of the maker become the dictate of the mind.  The verdict only has any power if the heart and mind are one.  Those who fail to listen to the heart are makers of mistakes.  

Someone who is determined to be successful but keeps falling short knows in their heart that they are no good at what they are doing.  The mind doesn’t accept the truth, so tries as hard as it can to prove the opposite.  There are no totally incompetent people.  They just haven’t found their true talent and are walking someone else’s path.  

The third gift, which is getting to decide your own verdict, has many advantages.  There can be freedom from oppressive circumstances, along with freedom from what creates shadows and places obstacles on your path.  You acquire a quiet confidence.  “My world takes care of me, and I’m strong enough to allow myself the weakness of accepting the attention.”  

When you declare your own verdict for what is good and bad – right and wrong – for your world, you can eliminate any judgment imposed on you from the outside, including anything connected with Transurfing itself, as long as you don’t give into guilt, indecision, or pains of conscience, and as long as your verdict doesn’t cause anyone harm.  

There is a gatekeeper that stands at the threshold to eternity as an absolute law that guards access to everything to be found there.  This guard only permits access to those who have the boldness to assert their right as maker.  Your verdict is your entrance pass.  “I am capable and worthy because I have decided that it is so.”  “I do not want or hope.  I intend.”  Claim your right, and the gatekeeper will open the gates of eternity before you.  

Afterward - A Strange Reality:

There’s so much in Transurfing that seems incredible, and alas, one has to keep explaining to the mind that it’s all indeed real.  The key principle expresses the idea that the energy of our thoughts not only has an indirect influence on our physical reality, but a direct impact as well.  

Thoughts are usually perceived as an instruction to subsequent action, and not as the transmission of energy capable of influencing the world around us.      

The unexplained phenomenon of outer intention has not been totally ignored by science.  Carl Jung researched the link between thought and material reality.  Jung analyzed hundreds of curious instances which appeared to be unaccountable coincidences with no visible cause.  He defined this as “synchronicity,” which is really outer intention affecting physical reality.  

The heart has access to data held in the information field, which can then be interpreted by the mind.  The mind in turn shapes thoughts, which under the condition of unity of heart and mind, can physically manifest.  

Thought-energy impacting the surrounding world can be substantiated by the well-known theorem put forth by the quantum physicist John Bell who stated, “There are no isolated systems.  Every particle in the universe is in instantaneous connection with every other particle.  Even if its parts are separated by huge distances, the entire system works as a unified system.”  This theorem has been theoretically proven and is already substantiated on a practical level.  Despite the fact that instantaneous connection contradicts the special theory of relativity, which claims that energy cannot move faster than light, the theorem has its place.   

Quantum physics is based on unproven postulates, which means that it too represents a specific kind of model, and there are many contradictions, which once again confirms that undo significance should not be attached to any one particular model.  It’s probable that the process of information exchange doesn’t have anything to do with energy at all, which is why it can take place faster than the speed of light.

The alternatives space model is not without its own contradictions, but nonetheless, it exceeds at explaining many aspects of reality.  The alternatives model may not totally resolve certain known paradoxes of time and space, but it does at least iron out a few of the creases.  

If someone were to get into a time machine and visit their past self from several years ago, they would not be meeting their past self, but instead a separate realized alternative, which exists along with endless others.  The past cannot be changed because it has already happened.  It happened not only because a past section of a lifeline was realized, but because the alternatives of those past events already existed.  In this sense, you could say that the future has already happened, so cause and effect relationships are not contradicted in the phenomenon of the shift of one lifeline to another.  You can cross out one frame in a film role, but it will not damage any of the other frames.  

Clairvoyants may not always be accurate because they sometimes access other realities entirely.

The greater distance between one lifeline and another, the greater the difference in the scenery.

From the point of Transurfing, there is nothing supernatural about UFOs.  Ets don’t experience physical stress from moving so rapidly in their crafts because they don’t fly like an airplane or space shuttle.  It’s probable that UFOs move through different sectors of the alternatives space, which is why they can shift so rapidly.  

Material science presents the world as if it is a mechanical system.  In other words, science sees matter as primary, and as the determiner of consciousness.  However, this model is increasingly losing its position of authority.  The substitution will be an ongoing process when all the while humans believe themselves to be capable of penetrating to the very essence of the laws of nature.  A simple hen could equally well express its preferred concept of creation, with its construction and development being a poultry farm.

Humans stand a rung higher than a hen in intellectual evolution, but that doesn’t bring the infinite complexity of the world any closer.  Humans aren’t meant to understand and know everything.  The pendulums of science and religion have won their dominance not so much because of their correct interpretation of the truth, but because of their persecution of dissidents.  The battle has not been for the truth, but instead for adherents.  

It’s true that damage to individual areas of the brain has a predictable impact on a person’s perception and cognitive ability.  However, the functional principle of the human intellect remains a mystery.  And yet, adherents conclude that nothing beyond physical matter determines consciousness.  These scientists declare that their science is the true science, which is ‘based on factual information, and not the speculation of amateurs.’  Anything that fails to fit their theory is declared as anti-scientific, and is not only rejected, but is made into the object of persecution.  Fortunately, the number of such scientists is dwindling.

You may agree or disagree with Transurfing, but remember, it’s just a model.  No one can say exactly how things really happen.  The alternatives model gives us the benefit of some solid ground beneath our feet, but no more than that.  It remains nothing more than a diagram that can be transformed into a more sophisticated model.  For example, you could get rid of the assumption that so-called lifelines exist, which would make the early part of this book easier to understand.  The alternatives space would be transformed from discreet to continuous.  There would be no paths through the forest, and only the forest would remain.  Yet, this would not change the essence of Transurfing.  

No matter what the model is, it can only ever provide an approximate, more or less adequate reflection of reality.  The path of studying reality is as eternal as the diversity of natural phenomenon is infinite.

You may have noticed that Transurfing principles overlap with the principles of similar teachings.  Different models will have certain common aspects.  What’s truly of significance are the practical results one can achieve from any given model.  This is illustrated as follows:  A physics problem can be solved in different ways, depending on the applied mathematical apparatus.  There’s no point in arguing whether analytical geometry or differential calculus is better.  You can only choose which particular approach you prefer.  You too must make your choice.

Ancient magicians who ascended into higher planes have been guiding certain people, and have been guiding Transurfing.  I (Transurfing author) have never considered Transurfing as my own knowledge.  I’m just a repeater tuned into the corresponding area of the alternatives space.  I don’t consider this work to be my own merit, although I must confess that I found it extremely difficult to express and systematize the knowledge of Transurfing.  It’s one thing to learn something, but quite another to be able to talk about it.  You too will not only learn about this knowledge.  You will assimilate it.  For having devoured the book in one go, you will not have received knowledge so much as awareness and an adeptness.  

Transurfing offers quite concrete methods for turning your dreams into reality.  This might not be enough for some people.  If you’re looking for tricks that can be spelled out like the procedure for tying a tie, you could spend your life searching in vain.  Creating your own fate cannot be reduced to a simple rule that goes, “Step 1, 2, 3.”  

Transurfing is not about technique, but about becoming aware of your inner freedom and the feeling that you are master of the layer of your world.  Once you experience that feeling, everything will unfold of its own accord without the need for any particular technique.  In order to achieve this level of awareness, you have to make Transurfing a way of life, although it’s not laborious or burdensome.  It’s actually quite entertaining.  

The world is a mirror of your relationship to it, only with a delayed reaction.  By comparing your relationship to the world with a subsequent reaction of the mirror, you teach your mind a simple truth, and yet one that is difficult for one’s consciousness to assimilate – that you shape the layer of your world with intention.  

It’s also essential to become comfortable with the simple but strange truth that you don’t need to be concerned with the means and ways of achieving the goal.  The focus of intention determines the vector of the alternatives flow.  All you have to do is maintain the focus, and let the alternatives flow take its course.  The means of achieving the goal will present itself.  You cannot and need not know exactly how the goal will be realized.

Whatever happens, if you keep your target slide in mind and observe the principle of coordination, the alternatives flow will carry you to your goal.  Such is the law. 


  1. "Your life is like a computer game in which someone else makes the rules."

    "Attention must shift from what one doesn’t want to what one does want. From what is disliked to what is liked. From illness to health. From means to the goal."

    This is exactly where I am at right now:
    I decided to change focus, to relocate my mental resources and to simply hack the game!

    However, people can feel triggered when they hear "life is like a game".
    Of course, if you're are stuck in horrible scenarios (like war), this shouldn't be called a game (for the psychopaths, it is, though).

    But let's imagine, there would be no unnecessary suffering, no poverty, no hunger and the like.
    What is left, is the true and pure state of creation!
    If you are in a pure state (or at least pure enough), you will be able to create your reality in a playful way - similar to what children do!

    This is also why the Bible says:
    "He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
    Matthew 18:2-4

    And basically, life is very similar to an RPG game - with the only difference that the game is still heavily rigged!

    The good thing is:
    We can change our "attribute values" anytime (which takes time of course).
    So for instance, I would like to have much more agility and stamina. 😁
    And why not also learning and improving new skills?
    This is much more valuable and interesting than just waiting for the Event, right?

    1. Children are in a super-learning state too. That's how they learn language so fast. That's the best way to be, for sure!

      The pure state of creation is a game with Source. The war state of creation is a game of survival, as 'dog eat dog.'

      Definitely, it's so much better to learn new skills and abilities. Becoming more advanced before the Event could make the Event a more interesting personal experience when it happens! 👍


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