Canola Oil Revisited

The alternative media goes crazy saying that canola oil is pure poison, and I myself made a post from way back saying to avoid all vegetable oils.  However, the actual studies (at least for canola oil) say this: 

Such studies could of course be deceptive, but I may give canola oil another chance and include it in the diet.  

The problem I ran into with only consuming butter and other animal fats as my main sources of fat is that this made my cholesterol go way too high.  This is from the very high saturated fat content in those fat sources, which increases LDL (the dangerous kind of cholesterol).  Some people naturally have high cholesterol without issues, but I feel guided to lower mine.

Canola oil is even lower in saturated fat compared with olive and avocado oil.  So, why not replace a large part of all the butter I've been eating with canola oil?  There's also the possibility of including high oleic sunflower oil, which is mostly monounsaturated fat.  

(I need to consume at least 60g of fat per day to not be in starvation, as my total carbs are still around 150g per day, which is (relatively) low.  If one macro is reduced, it must be compensated for by another.  It would be possible to compensate with increasing protein, but I'm not a fan of consuming over 200g of protein per day.  The only logical answer is to increase fat intake, as this is the only remaining choice – there are only 3 macronutrients.  At least for those on the planet surface, there is no 6th food group.)

Of course the 'paleo crowd' goes crazy too, saying to absolutely avoid PUFA (PolyUnsaturated Fatty Acids), which canola oil is ~28% PUFA, but maybe they're missing the mark.  (Incidentally, soybean oil is much higher, having ~58% PUFA).  Just because there are those with information that isn't mainstream, this doesn't necessarily mean they are really 'in the know.'  So many sources of info look like they know what they are talking about while being complete nonsense. 

(The site I used to look up the amount of PUFA in oils is here.  This is excellent for researching foods.  Just type a food in the top right search bar and a list will show up to click on.)


  1. Hello Starlight!
    Most often when discussing about imbalances and diseases, their emotional cause is not addressed. In case of hypercholesterolemia the emotional drama is of the type “I have to work, to finish the job, and I can’t rely on anyone, only myself”. I hope what I’m saying makes sense to readers.
    I take this opportunity to thank you for your great work in maintaining the blog with a lot of interesting and useful information..
    Sorin from Romania

    1. I agree, it's important to have both emotional and physiological aspects in good standing. Healthy diet combined with a healthy thinking/emotional state through Transurfing and mindfulness could be the 'golden ticket.' Thanks for the feedback!

  2. For unknown reasons, avocados are very poisonous to me.

  3. Replies
    1. Those who claim canola oil is high in omega-6 seriously didn't do their homework. Using the site I mentioned to see specific nutrition facts, canola oil has only 2.61g of omega-6 per serving (1 tablespoon). Turkey fat is actually higher in omega-6 by comparison. Avocado oil, which is falsely promoted to have high amounts of omega-3, only has 0.134g omega-3 per serving, and 1.754g omega-6 per serving. Canola oil has 1.279g omega-3 per serving, so is higher in omega-3 compared with avocado oil. Soybean oil has 6.857g of omega-6 per serving, which is the actual oil that is high in omega-6.

      These carnivore folks and anti-seed oil folks so forth want to feel like they are so smart without actually doing the research. Seems to be a trend for more and more people to speak nonsense that they are spoon-fed by the alternative media, 90% of which is disinformation according to Cobra. I'm definitely seeing that this is the case. People listening to the alternative media and regurgitating their lies are not thinking for themselves, and are no better than the sheeple who regurgitate the mainstream media.


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